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Family & Relationships - 16 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

what does it mean when a guy you like's friends keep staring at you from across the room but not the guy you like?

the guy might like you too

2007-03-16 14:11:26 · 6 answers · asked by ceecee 1 in Singles & Dating

OK. i know this guy and i have liked him for about 8 months. we have become really good friends but i dont know if me likes me or not. he left to go on a trip for a year but we are always IMing each other and i called him before he left. he seemed really happy to talk to me. i made him a card and i also made him a folder with tons pictures and i got a hug goodbye. does he like me?

2007-03-16 14:10:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Was the first time you had sex a good experience, or disappointing?

Any details you are comfortable providing would be awesome.


2007-03-16 14:09:17 · 5 answers · asked by love anyway 3 in Singles & Dating

The other day I wrote down a list of possible names for our expected baby boy. The list was :
1- "The atomic bomb".
2- "Revenge of the underdogs".
3- "History in the making".
4- "11 masked men".
She yelled at me saying " We're naming a boy not a rock band" and stormed out of the house.
Why does she act like that? What can I do to make her act like a nice person ? Do we need to go to marriage councellor .
And by the way, which of these four names goes with " Blue ora" - The name that my wife chose for our oldest son - I wouldn't want my newest baby to feel left out.

2007-03-16 14:09:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

or do you think they should give the baby up for adoption and put the babys money in a trust fund until she is older and never let any know the baby is anna nicoles. so the baby can have a normal life .

2007-03-16 14:09:03 · 5 answers · asked by sandy.d 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

There is a guy Adam that I thought I only wanted to be friends with. I was seeing another guy all the while knowing him and he kept giving me advice, I talked to him about it all the time. But I realized when the other guy was treating me badly that I was attracted to Adam. I didn't really hangout with Adam while I was seeing the other guy, but we texted almost every day and when we texted it wasn't just one text, it was back and forth. My message box was full of messages from him at the end of the day. This has gone on for a while. We have both told each other that we only feel friendship for one another but I feel a definite attraction to him. I don't know if he feels the same way and I don't want to say anything because I have been burned a few times by guys now and I don't want to get hurt again. I just wish I could get rid of the feelings. What should I do.

2007-03-16 14:09:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I moved to my hubby's city after marriage, whereby I really met my in-laws and my hubby's friends for the first time. I was feeling lonely bcoz my ONLY bro-in-law has a g/friend who rarely comes to visit us at home when she knew I'm needy of the company. We are both young women who could share many things together. My bro-in-law always visit alone, whenever Missy indulges with her own female friends. When my bro-in-law invited us over, it's 4 the same reason.I'm disappointed that I hve 2 stick with the guys. I wanted to know more.But when our parents in-laws hold reunions she''s always there 2 grin & bear. I felt bitter, bcoz i felt I'm not worthy of her company. She found out that I was BFF with another in-law, and NOW she wants me to include her in our outings.! What about my feelings when she left me out ? I'm thinking that 3's a crowd. The other in-law is the only 1, I can pour my heart out with, and I couldn't talk openly if others are around. Is this possesiveness or vengeence?

2007-03-16 14:08:39 · 21 answers · asked by She-whom-shall-not-be-named 4 in Family

and he still has not answered and it has been 5 months

2007-03-16 14:08:38 · 11 answers · asked by christine n 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-03-16 14:08:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 14:08:24 · 15 answers · asked by Campbell M 2 in Singles & Dating

My sister is my maid of honor but I have a woman who is marry in my party and I call her the matron of honor sense she is the only one marry?

2007-03-16 14:08:04 · 10 answers · asked by snicker4274 3 in Weddings

How guys like to be kissed? especially the shy ones!

2007-03-16 14:07:42 · 17 answers · asked by i ♥ u 3 in Singles & Dating

I think they are annoying because they love you and its there job to torcher you.

2007-03-16 14:07:22 · 9 answers · asked by Miss_Dejah-vu 1 in Friends

Every year my parents go out on a date for their anniversary and for tha past maybe 4 years I've thrown them a "party" for the now five of us. I'm out of gift and decorating ideas, and i wanted to make this really unique and special! I'm not old enough to drive so does anyone have any ideas of what I can do for them?

2007-03-16 14:07:14 · 6 answers · asked by Pinkster 1 in Marriage & Divorce

well we met online are the same age and have met once, it was fine but that was 2 weeks ago he had asked me out 4 times before but i was always busy and we live 45mins away. we speak online nearly everyday but i'm worried that i will make a fool of myself or not be the person he remembered i was a few weeks back. i really like him i just hope he feels the same tonight was the first time he sent me a few x's on msn and when we met for the first time it ended with a hug and a text from him saying he had fun but what if i don't live up to expectations? what r the signs i should look out for out for?

2007-03-16 14:07:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We have only been dating for three weeks.

He keeps on whining because I refuse to make-out with him in public because I find PDA a bit...uh... inappropriate. I have no problem with hugs, a peck, and holding hands... but making-out is a no-no. Well, today we were I guess that you can say "arguing" because he thinks that I should give up my whole PDA thing because I made him stop talking about his ex-girlfriend. First of all, he shouldn't be blabbing on and on about his ex in the first place... why should he feel like I should have to sacrifice something that I think is "proper" because he can't talk about his stupid ex. And he used to talk on-and-on about her too... gosh. What should I do? This is my first boyfriend.

2007-03-16 14:06:23 · 7 answers · asked by Sloane 1 in Singles & Dating

Hmm. Well to start off, i am getting really mad cause my dad flips for no good reason. He is always yelling at me and it gets sooo annoying. He is driving me nuts ! Whats even worse, my mom moved to florida and that leaves me rlly sad. Is anyone here in the same situation or in a situation like that ? Please help !

2007-03-16 14:06:08 · 11 answers · asked by Allie ツ 2 in Family

wat do u like in a girl

2007-03-16 14:05:38 · 11 answers · asked by Des 2 in Singles & Dating

so i had a class with this guy about 6 months earlier and I would always see him at school. Recently I saw him on myspace so I added him and sent him a msg just saying who I was. He never sent me a msg back so I figured "okay doesnt like me". Then 2 days after I see him on the bus and he sits like 2 seats away from me. It felt as if he was looking at me but I felt like an idiot because he never responded. When his friend left he said something about "good luck with your ex" and the guy responded, "she just wants me to call her." I heard she caused him a lot of problems after they broke up. After I still felt like he was looking at me. So is it possible that maybe he does have a thing for me but this confusion for his ex is getting in the way of him going after another girl? Would it be okay to see him the halls and then smile and wave at him? What should I do? What is going too far? Why would he stare at me if he didnt like? He would even stare at me before I added him.

2007-03-16 14:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay so there's a boy at my school who likes me and I like him. He is going out with a girl he doesn't like anymore. (he's not very mature) And he doesn't want to break up with her because she'll call me stupid and stuff and keep asking him why he likes her. So thats why they aren't going to break up. I'm really falling for him and I REALLY want him because we're not going to the same schools. It really sucks. Help??

2007-03-16 14:02:34 · 9 answers · asked by ♥►Missy◄♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I'm out here again because my sister is about to drive me up the wall. She's been dating this man who is 7 years older than her, they kind of share her apartment when he's in town, he works in the country 100 miles away.

He's told her on the phone after ending a call that he loves her, but used another woman's name...instead of "I love you,Sherry", he said, "I love you, Mary." (who, he explained, was a friend of the family he's known forever. He told her she was the only one for him and yet she found a website where he was declaring that another girl on the site was his, "one and only..." (he explained this as being lonely at the time and being stupid.) Now, he ended a phone call with, "I love you, we'll talk at our usual midnight time." She said they usually talk at 10p.m. because she still has schoolage children. When she tried to ask him about the slip, he immediately changed the subject and rushed off the phone. Slip or is he slippery?

2007-03-16 14:02:32 · 31 answers · asked by Yankee Micmac 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I havn't had one yet! How do you kiss? Is it akward at first? What is it like?

PS: I am 15 Is that weird not to have a first kiss?

2007-03-16 14:01:29 · 17 answers · asked by NOT USING Y!A ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!! 5 in Singles & Dating

He has a child. The child is 2 years old. This does not bother me, what does is that he, the child and the childs mother all live in the same house. He was completely up front with his living situation, and that he is simply there for the child. They agreed to live together for the childs sake. Eventually he says they will live seperately. He can not and will not tell her about me? She has some jealousy issues, although she has been seeing someone else herself for over a year. Is he just looking for some "action" or am i being paranoid.

2007-03-16 14:01:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My fiancee and I are eloping to Buffalo city hall in May. We're going out to dinner, lighting a candle at the Father Baker Cathedral and then walking around the Botanical Gardens. That evening, we'll spend the night at a hotel downtown. I'm going to make a basket for us. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can include and how I can make the night romantic?

These are my ideas so far:
1. Wine
2. Wine glasses
3. Candles
4. Jazz CD
5. Hershey Kisses
6. Massage Oil

Can you think of anything else?

2007-03-16 13:59:56 · 13 answers · asked by Galoshes 3 in Weddings

People that think they have to live together before they are married are not ready to be married anyway.

Because they want to see if the OTHER person is "compatible" with them. It's just another way of being self-centered.

If that is the goal, then of course whoever wants the relationship or marriage MORE will only conform to the other person's expecations of being married. And since the person is getting everything they need from the conforming partner.....what motivation does that person have to get married? None---because they are getting what they need anyway without marriage. See how that works...

Do you agree with this?

2007-03-16 13:59:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

"Americans". His aunt who is like his mother is always saying bad stuff about Haitian people, and always trying to put me down because of where I am from. But I am a very proud Haitian, and I will never be ashamed of where I am from. But sometimes she really get on my nerves, and I don't want to be disrespectful. What do you think I should do?

2007-03-16 13:59:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

really like each other. For instance, he hugs me a lot, and tells me he loves me, and sometimes i kiss him on the cheek, but we've never gone further. What do you think?

2007-03-16 13:58:49 · 17 answers · asked by Kass 2 in Friends

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