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Family & Relationships - 16 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-03-16 14:36:53 · 18 answers · asked by Mikayla. 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 14:36:18 · 16 answers · asked by Canadian Time Traveler 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I am looking for a good mother/daughter song to dance to at my wedding reception... My mom is really important to me so I need something that fits and something special. Any Ideas???

2007-03-16 14:36:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

writing a story and neeed the word for it

2007-03-16 14:35:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

hey i want to talk to this girl who is really nice and friendly< she goes to my church. im 13 (14 in the summer) and she is 13 (14 soon also) I want to know what i can say that isn't stupid and that she would like. we see each other wednesdays. im homeschooled she is public schooled. i asked her what her name is, it's sarah! i really want to know thank you!

i can't actually ask a girl on a date till im 17 but i can hang out with them hellpppp!!
plus i need kinda step by step instructions please

i don't go to the movies often either. plus im 13 i can't drive and i can't take a girl with us to the movies anyway.

ps what i mean by step-by-step is like what exactly do i say to her... i am serious please

i kno i sound desperate but i need help

anyone who has had a crush knows about how it feels

please help

i am only wanting her as a friend for a couple of years. then ill ask her then when we're really good friends. ok thank you plz wait for additional details ok ty!

2007-03-16 14:35:01 · 14 answers · asked by pistoluser 3 in Singles & Dating

My GF dumped me after we had an argument that was mostly my fault. I tried hard to win her back and finally succeeded. The only problem is that now my pride is hurt that I got dumped by her. I just feel weird now.. like its not the same. I almost feel like dumping HER now... but I care for her too much to do that. Does getting back with an Ex ever work out?

2007-03-16 14:34:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

This guy gave me a note saying like i've gotten to know you really well over the past year and i need to ask you somethin but i dont want to be a chicken and ask it on here. then the next day he was kinda mad at me for showing the note to some people cause i was freaked out. then he acted like nothing is wrong and just doesnt talk about it anymore. what do i do now? btw, im 13

2007-03-16 14:34:41 · 14 answers · asked by laurenn =) 1 in Singles & Dating


ok one of my friends asked my crush's friend over myspace if he thought my crush liked me...and he said he didnt know and that he would ask monday....buttt i think he knows sumthin because he nudges him when im around and my crush knows i like him so that could be a good thing or a bad thing...buttt either way he still knows sumthin so idk what do u think?

2007-03-16 14:33:37 · 12 answers · asked by yellowpolka_dots 1 in Singles & Dating

how do you know it's the right time/ What position was easiest at first? i just wanna know what you think in case my he ever asks in my life...THANKS!

2007-03-16 14:33:29 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ MEOW ♥ 6 in Singles & Dating

I need a new persona and new confidence after my wife has left a 27 year marrage, for a turkish man she met on the internet

2007-03-16 14:32:17 · 21 answers · asked by bornagainandy 2 in Singles & Dating

My son & I are moving 4 hours away next Sat.(husband's idea). Last Thurs. I confronted him b/c I think he's cheating. Sun. he left upset & we haven't seen him since. I called him after he left Sun. & he wouldn't answer. I sent him a text & told him that if he wants it to be like this the last 2 wks we're here then I'd give him what he wants & not bother him until we say goodbye. He said he didn't want it to be that way. Mon. he called me at work & tried to act normal. I spoke briefly to him & hung up on him. I haven't tried to contact him til tonight. I tried to hold out so he'd be the one to call me first but couldn't. I texted him & said "hey". He hasn't responded. He works 2pm.-11pm M-F & hasn't come home one night this week. He comes home during the day(I'm@work)& today I can tell he packed a bag. Maybe so he doesn't have to come home this weekend. Should I keep trying to contact him so we can talk about things or just let him do what he wants & then we'll just go?

2007-03-16 14:30:10 · 11 answers · asked by love my life 2 in Marriage & Divorce

On top of that I found out that my ex is getting marry. When confronted about the cheating (a woman's intution) of course he denied it. But it prove my theory correct. How do I deal with the rejection and pick up the pieces to moving on with my life. Oh yeah he doesnt know that I know a old friend of his told me by accident...
I feel used....and wasted time...

2007-03-16 14:30:05 · 7 answers · asked by Roz 1 in Singles & Dating

I have a cousin.She is twelve just like me.One time,I was at her house and we were
sitting on the porch with her friend.This car passes by with music pumping,so as a joke,her friend stands up and starts dancing(not sexily though).when the car leaves we just all start laughing and stuff.Next thing we know,the same car comes back around her block and stops in front of my friends house.He rolls down the window and laughing yells "Hey!" and we run into the house screaming.We tell my aunt and she says forget about em.so we go to the mall.(it's two guys in the car).When we park in the parking lot and get out the car,we see them parked in there car just talking and we panic aqnd tell my aunty and she gives the same response.so we go in the mall,come back out,we don't see them anymore.Though I am still concerned with her safety because they could be stalking her for all i know and plan on kidnapping or raping her or worse.

2007-03-16 14:29:29 · 4 answers · asked by MARY W 1 in Family

i sleep at day time and wake up at night time,i just love to stay awake at night times,i would stay watchin a movie,play ps,use the computer but my dad thinks he can force me to sleep at night time,when ever am watchin a movie he would come and take the dvd,and today he moved my computer from my room to his room...what do i do to stop my dad's stupidty?i even started to hate him

2007-03-16 14:29:28 · 22 answers · asked by tara tara 3 in Family

My girlfriend went to new york on tuesday and was due back friday. She was coming back friday because she knew how uncomfortable i would be if she was there for all of her friends party's on friday night. So we talked and i said how i was afraid she was going to cheat on me or get drunk and do something stupid (she used to be an alcoholic) but she promised me she wouldnt do anything like that. So today she was due back but her flight got canceled and she called to tell me this at 10:00 this morning. She told me to call her when i got off of work at 2 and when i didshe didnt answer so i left her a few voicemails and i told her to call me because im worried about her. Well its 9:30 and i still havent heard from her, ive tried calling but no luck. I was talking to her friend and she just called and my girlfriend answered for like 2 seconds then hung up, all she said was she had bad reception cause of the storm. What should i do besides worry like crazy?

2007-03-16 14:29:01 · 21 answers · asked by chris j 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok, there is this girl I really like & she is so beautiful and smart, she is hispanic and speaks spanish ten times better then she does english. Although she speaks english really well it's hard to understand her with her accent. I asked her out about a week ago & she smiled and said she want's to get to know me more first..Which is understandable since I hardly talk to her...The next day I got a note from her in the morning saying, sorry but I want to get to know you more before I go out with you.. All i'm asking is for tips on how to make her laugh or things to say because I find it hard to think of anything when i'm walking with her down the hall after school. Oh yea i'm 15 in the 9th grade & a lot of other girls like me for my looks so I know i'm not ugly..

2007-03-16 14:28:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my friends boyfriend that she has been with for almost 3 years has decided he wnats to experience sexually with guys! what should she do

2007-03-16 14:28:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I've waited .The forrest is cold .I need the fire to burn once again to warm our hearts . Will you NOT betray your Queen?

2007-03-16 14:27:42 · 7 answers · asked by mtunnic 1 in Marriage & Divorce

okay my sister has had a really ruff time with boys. she went out with this one guy for 3 years who i got along with alright until they broke up. well after about a year away from him she found this new guy. he really likes her and i can tell and she totally deserves to have a great boyfriend. the problem is that him and i dont get along all that well. the thing is that his bro and i hate and i mean HATE eachother and fight constantly so of course his bro hates me too. i really want my sis to be happy so what do i do? how do i deal with this?

2007-03-16 14:27:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

there is this girl that likes me. She has been dropping clues on me for weeks now ex: accidentally touching me, asking if i have a GF, and playfully slapping me when i crack a joke. She never seems to want to keep eye contact though, after i say somthing i look in her eyes then she turns away. And the feeling never sinks in. isnt that super important to show you are interested. Also we were working with a group of people, if that helps your judgement.

2007-03-16 14:26:26 · 17 answers · asked by Blasto 1 in Singles & Dating

There's this guy that's in my comm arts class that I think likes me but I'm not sure. Today we were in the library during lunch and he was in there with one of his friends and his friend kept on whispering over to him and we were the only one's in there and he kept looking at me. I even heard his friend tell him(what sounded like) "Go talk to her". We rarely ever talk though and he tends to look over at me alot. He's been like this for awhile too. What do you think? Should I wait for him to ask me or should I ask him?

2007-03-16 14:25:49 · 21 answers · asked by shortie 3 in Singles & Dating

For the past 3 weeks, I have been stuck at home recouping post op., and for lack of entertainment earlier this week watched some day time T.V..... a totally new experience for me. (I have a job.) Hey, are those people really real? Are there really guys who have no problem cheating on their wives, and admitting, and even flaunting it at her? And are those women really real who knew they were marrying a cheater, and figured they'd change him? This is all just a joke, right??? Just entertainment, right??? Are these people really real, this stupid, or are they all actors? Anyone know? We don't really have people voting in this country with this level of smarts, do we???? Anyone know?

2007-03-16 14:25:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 17 i need some help my stepdad raped me for the last 5 years. And i told some one and the cops but he got out with nothing but 30 days in jail. Now i want to try to get my life together. Before this happened i loved basketball and football. but now i dont care about anything at all. and my boyfriend says i need to try to get my life back and i have no clue where to start. please help me i am begging you!?!?!?!?!?!?


2007-03-16 14:25:37 · 6 answers · asked by mommy 2 be 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

The woman he cheated with lives in another state. She doesn't even know that he is married with a baby!!! He told her that he was single. I cheated on him with a woman a few years ago and nagged me about it for a very long time. Me and the girl made out one night but that was it - no emotions, it was just one night! It was definitely wrong. He took this woman out on a lot of dates, bought her gifts, and spent a lot of time talking to her - not to mention that he had sex with her several times while I was home alone and pregnant. I am debating on whether I should leave. It is so hard to move on. Everyday that I look at him - I am so upset because he completely dogged me out. During that time, he wouldn't even accept my calls and basically ignored me while I was pregnant with his child. He claims that he wants a family now and will be a better husband and won't cheat anymore. I am tempted to give it a try to see if it can work but also so tempted to leave. What would you do?

2007-03-16 14:25:23 · 16 answers · asked by Mary Jane 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-03-16 14:25:13 · 1 answers · asked by eviot44 5 in Singles & Dating

I'm not sure if i'm considered a friend of my ex. We were together for 1 year plus and broke up about 1 mth ago. Initially we kept in contact but everything just stops. I still text him whenever I'm sick and whenever I'm upset. He will reply immediately asking about how I feel. Is he showing his concern as a friend or is there something more to it?

I asked him yesterday whether we are still friends. He said "yah, I think so."

2007-03-16 14:24:55 · 5 answers · asked by Grace 3 in Singles & Dating

Okay so me and my boy friend desided to u know do it for (MY) first time . well the first time we tryed to do it , he stuck part of it in and it hurt so bad i started to cry and he had to take it out , the second time iwas so scared he couldent get it in at all , and the therd time i just broke into tears and he was too affraid to do any thing (he just held me). What's wrong with me ,why can't i do this(it shouldent be that hard right, because i really love my boy friend and i really want him to be my first).Please help

2007-03-16 14:24:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I love my boyfriend so much. I want to be with him all the time--however this is a problem, since we have a long-distance relationship, I only get to see him every two-three weeks. During those times I miss him so much it hurts and I cry myself to sleep every night. All I want to do is spend time with him and tell him I love him. I could just sit next to him for hours and hours and not say a thing and still be the happiest person alive. I want what is best for him, and if that meant losing him (like breaking up for him to go to someone better) I would do it if it meant he would be truly happy. It would hurt like c r a p but I would do it. I have never been so crazy about a person in my life. Am I crazy, or am I just in love??

2007-03-16 14:24:46 · 4 answers · asked by horsesareforever 3 in Singles & Dating

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