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Family & Relationships - 15 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

This person gets the ball for me, though I can clearly get the rebound myself, and he always is flashing smiles at me. He asks me for help when he doesn't even need it! What should I do?

2007-03-15 12:34:58 · 8 answers · asked by a person 1 in Singles & Dating

please be specific

2007-03-15 12:34:26 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Friends

There is a woman I'd like to date and I don't know her home number. However I know where she works. What would she say if I left a message for her today at work?

2007-03-15 12:34:25 · 4 answers · asked by Phillip 4 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I been together since I was 18, I am now 32, we have 3 children and one on the way, to make a long story short, we were devastated when we found out I was prego again and I delt w/ it and now I am happy BUT hubby says he still has "emotions" about it. OK, heres the question, I noticed hubby was drawn from me and thats when I ? him about it and thats when he told me about his "emotions" well, needless to say he had a "text messaging fling" w/ one of his co-workers, nothing physical ( I know for a fact, trust me) anyway, when I confronted him, he denied it and said nothing was going on then later told me she liked him and he "kinda" liked her but not to the extreme anyway, my hubby has never, ever done this and now it's ended w/ him and her( I checked his cingular history) and he's been kissing my a$$ like crazy, real lovey dovey. I am still hurt and I am trying to forgive him but I just can't. Should I forgive him? Is it just my hormones ( I am 5 months pregnant)? Thanx

2007-03-15 12:34:02 · 7 answers · asked by daveswife75 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I miss someone a lot and becoming sad. I'm trying to not think of her, but it's too hard. I think of her everyday cuz I see her once a week...Someone tell me what to do

2007-03-15 12:33:46 · 8 answers · asked by Daniel 2 in Singles & Dating

I am 17, on varsity basketball, and I am fly. But nobody cares about me. I have never known anyone (except for my pet rat). I have no friends. At lunch, I sit with my back against the wall watching everyone laughing and looking happy with their friends, and this always makes me feel like I am useless and that I have no life. I have never kissed or been kissed by a girl, never hugged or been hugged by a girl, never held hands, and I have never even known a girl even as a friend. I try to be real nice and polite, and I have a filthy hip-hop looking outfit (I only have one outfit because I can't afford another one, but the one outfit I have now is filthy). Why am I such a loser?

2007-03-15 12:33:34 · 14 answers · asked by mistafabboi 2 in Friends

I was just wondering if there was any lesbians out there to talk with, if so will you message me.

Please dont be answering this question or sending me messages saying negative things, Im just looking for someone to talk with.

Please be over 18, so people dont think I am a pedophile.

2007-03-15 12:33:24 · 2 answers · asked by Amy M 1 in Singles & Dating

my MIL is a control freak. we r workin to build a home but its taking long. my own family is fine but my brother is taking time to settle down in a career, my parents r always upset bout it. that upsets me too...my MIL just adds to it bytrying to control me and nag me. my husband stands up for me but is away alot cos hes working hard to build this house. im trying to be patient but now im running out of it. shes a hypocrite and puts me on the spot. shes moody too so is nice out of the blue. im confused.

2007-03-15 12:32:49 · 14 answers · asked by limitedpatience 1 in Family

ok so theres this guy <3fabian and i like him & he likes me back..but we arent goin out . Hes 15 and im 13, but i'll be 14 in july. question #1 is: Do u think im too young 4 him?
#2. i get nervous when i talk 2 him...any advice on how not to be shy?
#3. what should i say 2 him? (something flirty)
#4. Should i tell my mom's friend? (shes his aunt kinda..thats how i know him)
#5. should i hug him goodbye next time i c him?
#6. when we go out should i tell him hes my 1st boyfriend?
answer these truthfully!!! thanks!!!

2007-03-15 12:32:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Been spending a decent amount of time with this girl for the last two weeks..seems like its going VERY good.

Here is my problem..

Shes so nice. I ask her to do something with me, and shes always asking me if I still want to do it later. Idk. Initially I thought this was just an awful thing. So, I decide to talk to her about it. We were sitting in her car (and just had one of those quick silent stares and a smile) then I told her in a very nice way that it bothers me when she does it. She said she is being honest, and that if she didn't want to spend time with me, then she wouldn't.

This would be her first relationship..ever. Probably the first guy she's ever even like flirted with or did anything dateish with. SO yea..thanks.

Haha..heres the question..

What do you think about this? Is she just being nice, or is she insecure? She mentioned to me one time how girls are not very self-confident..which was a surprise to me haha.

2007-03-15 12:32:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i get home from practice and i got crazy pimples..so i tried popping alot of them but now i got a lot of red spots on my face =(

this is a girl i've liked for so long and just now built up the courage to talk to

2007-03-15 12:31:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

When we talk on the phone or see each other at school he is really shy. Should I make some of the moves by going up to him...or just let him come to me. I'm scared that if I do start going up to him, he will think I am coming on too strong and that is the last thing I want him to think. What do I do?

2007-03-15 12:30:30 · 16 answers · asked by Lauryn 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-15 12:30:21 · 9 answers · asked by shorty10 1 in Singles & Dating

I think this guy likes me, and he hangs around me alot, flirts, jokes a lot, tickles me, and the other day he says i was bittersweet. What does that mean? Does he like me?

2007-03-15 12:30:16 · 10 answers · asked by LoVe.PeAcE.jOy. 2 in Singles & Dating

I got married with the lady that i love, but all of a suden, I noticed that there is no compatibility between me & her, we are in disagreement most of the time. We have a one year old daughter. I am thinking of a devorce. So, my question what is better for our daughter, getting devorce and having the kid with one of us (in our country law, the mother get the custody of the kid until the kid reach 7 years old, and then the custody shift to the father) or live together and having the kid witnessing our fights?

2007-03-15 12:30:10 · 12 answers · asked by Unique Person 1 in Marriage & Divorce

well there are some ANNOYING guys who keep PUSHING themselves on me and i DO NOT like them...and they're annnoooyyyiiinnnggg

but then...HENRY...i have a CRUSH on him and E V E R Y 1 knows!!!

and i get all blushed up and clam up like a clam around him and i asked him out out of nowhere and he got kinda suprized and said no...

well now he's finally single

would he see me as the way I see the other boys, like an annoying little tick?? ===(((((((((

i'm prettty and nice and outgoing

2007-03-15 12:29:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Well i like this boy alot. He is in my class and we sit kinda near each other. Sometimes in class i see him looking at me and when i catch him i smile and he smiles back. We dont talk alot but we do talk. Alot of time in class he will come over to me and sit by me and ask me for help with the work we are doing. He normally leans in really close when im showing him what to do. And one day we were holding hands with out even realizing it. Should i just flat out ask him if he wants to hangout or something? Im just afraid he doesnt like me, you know? Im kinda new to the whole dating thing. Please help.

2007-03-15 12:29:17 · 11 answers · asked by Abercrombie Queen 2 in Singles & Dating

okay so ice has been broken and everything seems to be going well and then i freeze.... we can talk about anything i just can't relate. i just tend to listen or ask few questions. its not like i'm not interested, i'm very i just don't know how to hold a convo down

2007-03-15 12:28:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I need help with some stuff im going through. You obvioslly dont know me, but I know that your genuinely nice and realllyy awesome. Here is my help.

okay so I met this girl in the begining of my year, we connected really well.

i have her in period 2, period 6, and on the bus.

then she started getting bitchy and doing some drugs.
all her friends still loves her, except me.
day by day she started to get more anoying until yesterdayi finally cracked.

"sammy: hey"
so i didnt respond, and then one of MY friends and also hers im'd me. "hey, are you mad at sammy?"
so i said yeah, and then i promised to her that i would talk to sammy about it. (also the day this happened, i ignoed her the whole day, thats probally how they figured out i was mad at sammy. then we started arguinging, like really bad. and just like in 5 minutes... are friendship was over.

now shes spreading lies about me that i called her a *****, but only becuase. IN my argument convseration i called her a *****

2007-03-15 12:28:11 · 6 answers · asked by R J 2 in Family

Well me and this girl have one class together, and lunch together.(in highschool) We are friends and we talk in class, one time I caught her kind of playing with her hair when she was talkin to me. We joke around alot, she'll say hey in the halls to me sometimes, we keep good eyecontact when we are talkin, what else can I look for to tell if she likes me?
Does it sound like she likes me, what other info should I give?

She also (i don't know if this is joking) calls me sexy and tells me to call her that.

2007-03-15 12:28:11 · 9 answers · asked by Wolfpack 3 in Singles & Dating

i specifically need to know what you need to know to make the song team.
&& i have a few questions...
do they give you a paper telling you what they want?
&& can you give me tips for the tryouts...
thanx =]

2007-03-15 12:27:27 · 4 answers · asked by Spongebob ") 3 in Singles & Dating

I been together with my fiancee for a year and a half. We got engaged 3 months ago. We are looking for a place to stay and my mom yells at me because she says I shouldn't move into a place before I'm married. She says I should at least go to the courthouse to get married first. (She is old fashion). I understand her. She wants us married before we live together. I am 20 years old. She says it is the absolute wrong thing to do, even if they do love my fiancee.
So, we decided to have a courthouse wedding in a month from now and have a church wedding when we acually first planned to be married. We are not doing this to make my family happy. We are doing this cause we love each other. He told me that he wishes he had a ring on now. We really love each other. Are we still doing wrong?


2007-03-15 12:27:23 · 14 answers · asked by Stacey K 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ex spouse dies and his divorce is not final from present wife.
no will has been found no life insurance found.Is his present wife responsible for remaing bills he may have and funeral expenses

2007-03-15 12:27:15 · 6 answers · asked by dono 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i get something...they do too
i make something up..they use it...
i start a club or team...someone follows me
i just am being MYSELF...why can't THEY try that TOO!!!!??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEESH..

2007-03-15 12:25:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My fiancé has a weird position when he does number 2. He doesn't sit on the toilet seat like you and I, he actually sits on top of it. Instead of seating his butt on the seat, he gets on top of the toilet bowl with his feet, and takes a dump crouched down...like as if he was taking a dump in the forest.

It's really weird to see him like that, but he tells me that he has to position himself like that or else "it won't come out".

Is there a way to potty train him in order for him to sit on the toilet seat like normal people?
What should I tell him? What should I do?

Weird question I know, but it's really aggravating to see.

Thanks everyone

2007-03-15 12:25:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why do girls play with their hair when they talk to you? and I also notice that their eyes grow larger ( pupils) and look away..does this really mean they fancy you?

2007-03-15 12:25:30 · 19 answers · asked by Jamie79 3 in Singles & Dating

and what are they trying to hide?

2007-03-15 12:25:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

...He admitted to me that he was thinking of another woman...but first of all, I want to mention that I moved to New Jersey last July, plenty of miles away from the Virgin Islands, where he goes to school. It's been a year and until recently, he told me a part of his heart belongs to another woman (who I have known since the fifth grade). He said I had 3/4 of his heart and she has 1/4.
I broke into tears. Can someone tell me that ain't right? And it is not as if though both of them are really close friends--they only talk after church, that is what my other friends told me. I couldn't believe he said that "if you don't come back this year, I movin' on, and I will 'go' with her...but since you are coming back this year, I think I'll fight the temptation." My heart broke when he said that.
Were my other friends right about him: that he is a playa and a dog? We have been dating for eight years and I can't believe he doesn't think I'm worth waiting for another year. What do you think?

2007-03-15 12:23:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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