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Family & Relationships - 13 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

So my girlfriend cheated on me (slept with another guy).

Amazingly I forgave her...she was crazy without me and wanted me back...Only to tell me a week later that her feelings for me change everyday (might have feelings one day and none the next).

So we have seperated...I felt that she might not feel any remorse for her actions...I told her (via txt) that I would like to be friends but i would appreciate a heart-felt apology to know that she was remorseful.

Too much to ask?

I also told her that if she wasnt remorseful, that I didnt need an apology (cuz someone who is not remorseful about sleeping with another guy while in a relationship for 1/2 yr, is not worth my time or respect)

Its been a week and NO apology, I asked her how her exams in school have been going and pretty much everything I said she responded with "good 4 u"

Umm I think I am generous enough. For even considering wanting to b friends with a cheater? Why would she be acting like she totally hates me.

2007-03-13 09:44:40 · 5 answers · asked by vincy015 1 in Singles & Dating

what do guys find sexy in a girl?

2007-03-13 09:44:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what do yall think would be a cool romantic surprise idea besides the whole sex thing.

2007-03-13 09:43:57 · 6 answers · asked by laloca_2004 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-13 09:43:57 · 8 answers · asked by Jenycia C 1 in Singles & Dating

My wife and I have been married for 2 1/2 years. The relationship never did work since the marriage. There was lack of communication, affection, and trust. We are both older and stubborn. We have been to several different marriage counselors. To no avail - - nothing worked. She told me she wanted a divorce and that I should move out. I moved out and we separated 2 1/2 months ago.

Last weekend, my wife says that she wants to get back together. We have never really had much contact since the separation. We have talked on the phone once or twice a week. She said that she has worked on herself to make the relationship better. I, feeling like a fool… on the other hand, have not. I do not believe that anything changed.

Would you try the marraige one more time?

2007-03-13 09:43:47 · 15 answers · asked by Neo 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I am twenty one years old. My usual time I get in from going out on the weekends is before 2 am. I often go out with friends or my boyfriend. I am carful when drinking not to drive, and I don't have sexual intercourse. I am also in college and I work too. How can I get them to trust me and stop harrassing me? Am I really doing something wrong?

2007-03-13 09:43:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I'm 15, and my bestfriend is 16.
And my best friend and I are planning a trip to New Hampshire and Iowa.. But I found out my grandmother is sick with cancer, and Im trying to make plans to get to New Hampshire as soon as possible. But We have already bought plane tickets to Iowa first. Also I'll be there for a whole month, I don't want my grandmother being sick up in New Hampshire that long!!

What should I do? Am I able to exchange the tickets back and get ones to New Hampshire first, and then Iowa?!? Or should I just leave things how they are and wait a month to help her out?

2007-03-13 09:43:18 · 4 answers · asked by SkyLight 1 in Friends

me and my boyfreind got engaged recently.we talk and everything is just brilliant but thing is his mum hasnt been part of his life since he was young but along the way she has been involved here and there but not as much as she should.thing is it eats him up coz thez no proper bond btwn them after emailing her about twice pouring his heart out he dint get any response from her but tlaked on the phione afterwards but she dint bring the subject up and that was the last they spoke and havent exchange a word since then.i know how much this means to him but he got so hurt thinking she dint care but i begged to differ since its not an easy thing to do and they havent talked much since then i just thot maybe she just coulndt find the right time n words to reply back etc etc. he is givin up on her but thot he shud try just one last tym n see how it goes but he got mad at me then i emailed the mum myself as him and just said it the way he alwyas does just like when he emailed her too.dint want

2007-03-13 09:43:15 · 14 answers · asked by jollybear 3 in Family

2007-03-13 09:42:09 · 6 answers · asked by Cinnamon Doll™ 4 in Family

I've a soft voice..when i'm in a big group of people my voice usually wasn't heard..but i guess people can hear me ok when i'm talking to 1 or 2 people..how can i talk loud so others can hear me well?

2007-03-13 09:41:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

There's a guy we'll call Jarett who i been dating for about 2 months. He's a great guy but it's still awkard kissing him and he is my 1st boyfriend but i don't have feelings for him. Many times I find him clingy and annoying. Than this other guy we'll name Parker who is really sweet and I feel some chemistry with and get along with great. We have more things in common than Jarett.
Finally there's this woman we'll call Susan. Honestly we're good friends but she's 30 and I'm 18. Jarrett is completely jealous of her because I spend so much time with her...she's completely crazy and some would say controling but i feel like i can conquer the world when we hang out. she has a family and i have no busuness hanging out with her but she makes me feel alive.
It getting to the point were i'm so tired of the awkard phase with Jarett and i' m growing feelings for Parker but i feel i'm losing my friendship with Susan. What do I do?

2007-03-13 09:41:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

better,more adventourous, and a deeper love for my man. Do you stay out of the fear of the unknown?

2007-03-13 09:40:41 · 15 answers · asked by MJ 6 in Marriage & Divorce

my bf cheated on me. he had sex with my best friend. i so want revenge. wat should i do?

2007-03-13 09:40:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


does it really matter how big a girls boobs are?
why or why not?
what is too small?

2007-03-13 09:39:48 · 4 answers · asked by me 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm planning on popping the question to my girlfriend on our anniversary. I've been planning it for a while, and I was trying to get some clues as to what she wanted. At one point she said there's no point in spending 100s or 1000s of dollars for a rock. I tried to get her to change her mind, but she's dead set on a double digit price range for an engagement ring. I've been thinking about getting a ring with her birthstone in it with CZ around it, but I'm not sure if I should. Sometimes I think I'll just get a diamond, and she won't know the difference. I've saved the money, so I have enough to get a diamond, but should I? Thanks in advance.

2007-03-13 09:39:39 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

you see i've heard rumors that such and such likes you but no one ever asks me out! how can i get guys to like me? and how can i get them to ask me out? HELP

2007-03-13 09:39:33 · 12 answers · asked by ashluvsyou42 2 in Singles & Dating

tomorrow i am meeting my boyfriends family as anybody can imagine i am scared especially because they dont speak english and i dont speak spanish also i would be meeting his 8year old daugher.Do i buy her something,what do i say?I am from europe and my family have already meet him,is there anything i need to know more about hispanic culture....please help i am driving myself crazy with this.His family lives in a different state so i wont be seeing them much i just dont want to come on to friendly or fake....anybody there that can help me pretty please

2007-03-13 09:39:12 · 1 answers · asked by nina 2 in Family

she is mad because me and her best friend had played a little game together that involved sex,does she have the right tto keep getting on my nerves by asking me ?'s

2007-03-13 09:38:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why is it that it's always the white guys that hurt me? Not black, not any other races but the white guys? Coincidence? And I'm white.

2007-03-13 09:38:37 · 31 answers · asked by Butterfly 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

how much did you pay for it, where, and how did it all turn out. i know that the dresses in mexico are a lot cheaper than in texas. please help. give experiences if you have any.

2007-03-13 09:38:34 · 4 answers · asked by LoveBug 2 in Weddings

She is a good Christian girl and him not so much. He wants to take it a step further and she doesn't. The real problem is I think she is flirting with me and don't know how to respond. I really like her. We are both seniors and want to go to college we have a lot in common. I am also a christian and share her views. But the boyfriend. She say's her boyfriend is pressuring her because of his college friends. She also suspect that he is cheating on her at college. She touches my face, writes on me, sticks her tounge out at me playfully, looks at me and then when i look she looks down is that not flirting. What does this mean and what can i do? I have always been the nice guy and even if she does break up with him, i would feel uneasy about asking her out on the rebound. I really like this girl.

2007-03-13 09:38:33 · 5 answers · asked by jbd89 2 in Singles & Dating

I have this co-worker who I've become pretty good friends with him,, we've been texting a lot lately and I get the feeling that he really likes me more than a friend. He says stuff like "maybe you could call later.. if you want" and everyday he'll text me a good morning and goodnight message. I find the messages very sweet and romantic but cannot imagine a physical relationship with him. I really like talking to him and he treats me really well, but thought of becoming his girlfriend is not something I think I would do. If he ever openly asked me out what should I do or say? I greatly value his friendship, but I'm beginning to get uncomfortable.

2007-03-13 09:38:27 · 1 answers · asked by delovely 2 in Friends

One is an open house 2 days before the wedding and one is a reception the day of the wedding in a different city...how should that be worded on the invitation?

2007-03-13 09:37:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I have decided to tell my ex girlfriend that I am in love with her. I am risking losing her as a friend in the process, but i have come to the realization that it needs to be done. I do not want to grow old wondering "what if." My problem is this. I get extremly nervous when doing things of this nature and i usually draw a total blank and it never comes out like i want it too. Would writing her a ltter be too informal? Should i do this in person?

2007-03-13 09:37:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what is your type of guy.
8.or all of the above

2007-03-13 09:37:23 · 22 answers · asked by 사랑 측정기 1 in Singles & Dating

If you love someone its pretty hard to let them go right?
So i dont get it, you are setting them free out of love?..
But if you love someone why set them free in the first place?!
Or does it mean that.. if after a break up if they ever loved
you they should supposedly come back to you.. but
why if they are the ones all happy enjoying their new
life without you..
And what if it was true love for both people then
which one should exactly do the comming back part??
or what if only one of them truly loved, the other one never
did but came back how would you know its love?
>>> what do you make of it? :D

2007-03-13 09:36:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My husband had an affair last year. I have forgiven him (or so I thought) and we did the counseling, renewed our vows, and things have been going great for months. I have suffered from depression in the past (way before the affair and also anxiety) and am on medication. I have not gotten my effexor filled yet,so its been about 4 days since I have taken it. I can tell a difference because I have been down the past couple of days and today I was home all alone all day and for some reason, his affair is all I could think about. I have been so angry today. I had these days a lot after I found out about his infidelity, but it has be a while since my last one. Is this normal for it to creep up on yo out of th blue like this, or could it be because of my medication? I am almost dreading him coming home from work, I dont know if I can keep my mouth shut, its like I want to remind him how much he took from me...confidence, self esteem. How do I get through days like this?

2007-03-13 09:36:40 · 13 answers · asked by Nothing but the truth...!! 3 in Marriage & Divorce

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