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Family & Relationships - 6 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

How should every girl be treated
As if without her you're not completed
And when her world is rocked with emotion
She should feel our unswaying devotion
And when she wants more and more
Still we'll hold that open door
And when her world is coming apart
She will know she still has our heart

Any girl who likes this, I would love for you to add me to your yahoo buddy list or IM me or something.

2007-03-06 01:39:47 · 15 answers · asked by dwsum41@yahoo.com 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3+ years and we are certain that when the time is right that we will marry and have children (im 23 he is 26). However lately, I realized that he keeps asking me when are we going to get married (and i jokingly tell him that we can talk about it after I get a ring) and start having children. I tell him someday, but he says that he wants to start now. He tells me that all his friends have children and that he should be having some soon. I mean, what do I do? I am currently in professional school hoping to start my career after I graduate and pay off my student loans and what not. I am not ready to start any family anytime soon. yet he keeps asking me when. It almost sounds like his clock is ticking. I dont know, I have a bad feeling that this conflict will someday get out of hand and may drive us apart. what do i do?

2007-03-06 01:39:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I mean cmon people maybe there are smarter people than that. Maybe there are people who made mistakes who dont want to make the same mistake. so I will ask my series of Questions again.
What is going on with him?
I like this guy alot. He seems really great. He is a wonderfull father which is awsome because I have a child too. And I think its sexy. Anyway latley he has been having alot of problems with alot of overwhelming things. He says it might not be me but he has been very pessimistic latley. I call him and I get accused of being clingy. I try to invite him over to de stress and he refuses. I offer advice and he just says he needs to solve his own problems. I offer to help and he once again says he needs to solve his own problems. I want to be a freind and I am just trying to help. Why does he keep refusing? and he says he likes me and I have been in his bed so its obviouse and I dont need to question it but how am I not supposed to? and if he likes me then why is he refusing my

2007-03-06 01:38:26 · 11 answers · asked by moonlitocean2000 2 in Singles & Dating

i few years ago my husband cheated on me with my sister it happened more than once and i feel so let down and sometimes i cant look at him but i stayed because we have two girls and i want the to have both of us he denys it happen but in my heart i know it did my sister told me it did and i dont think she would lie so what sould i do

2007-03-06 01:38:18 · 12 answers · asked by ann k 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Never been to one before

2007-03-06 01:37:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok, I was wondering about the laws of divorce in PA. My bf is married but has been seperated for 6 months. His ex left him for someone else and is now pregnant. She left him with all their debt and we are paying it. the agreement was that he will aquire all the debt is she signs off on the house. she agreed. But do to him paying all the bills he cant afford a lawyer but she keeps saying she has one. it has been 6 months and still no papers. I was wondering how long it takes once u see a lawyer to send up and draw up papers for a divorce.?? Plus what steps can he take to speed this up. He wants a no default. What is the best approach? they also have 2 kids together. Well one is his the other she had before him. He wanted custody. what can he do there also?

2007-03-06 01:36:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Am I married to a very selfish person or am I just over reacting? In 1999 my wife and I seperated for about 2 years after being togather for 16 years because she had met someone else. I love my kids ( 6ys & 7yrs) so much I just bought a house across the street. We got back togather and her and the kids moved back in with me. She sold the house and kept every penny. I have owned my own biz for 15 years and it has done very well untill recentlly. My wife makes $24.00 per hr and I now am looking for a job for the first time in 15 yrs. My wife is un-willing to help pay the bills and I am going to be behind on my morgage. She has 95k in the bank from the sale from our last house. I am starting to resent her very much and am envious of other couples that work as a team and seem truly in love and thinks about their spouse and family more than just themselfs. Should I search for what I'm missing or should I stay because of my kids who are now 11 &12.

2007-03-06 01:35:54 · 12 answers · asked by TREX 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Ive been going out with a girl that was originally my friend, we know we like each other (already talked about that), but our busy schedules (we are both student/ workers) only alow us to exchange maybe 2 or 3 calls a week, and we generally see each other once every 7 days. Just curious to hear opinions: do you think the time we spend together is right? too much? too little?

2007-03-06 01:35:50 · 7 answers · asked by Javier B 2 in Singles & Dating

Hey, I started dating this girl about 5 months ago. I fell in love with her and she wouldn't give me the time of day. But I kept trying and we fell very much in love. Well the past month or so I haven't felt that spark. She is doing everything right but I just can't feel it. I still love her very much and I want to be with her but I can't, not like this. Where did I go wrong and how can I fix it.

2007-03-06 01:35:29 · 13 answers · asked by ems_lover 1 in Singles & Dating

my ex and I have been broken up for a month with no contact b/c she doesn't want me in her life right now. i do think about her and still care for her. i just found out her grandma died, i bought a sympathy card for her. should i send it or just keep her and her family in my prayers given our circumstances?

it was on her myspace page do u think she'd think i was crazy for knowing about thru myspace?

2007-03-06 01:34:56 · 17 answers · asked by so_sincere 2 in Singles & Dating

my girlfriend says she might not be attrative to me but she loves me and does not touch me what should i do

2007-03-06 01:33:57 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My ex has been confusing the hell out of me. We have been on and off for 6 years now and HE broke up with me on christmas this past year. Ever since then he does the same thing he always does, he acts like we are still dating (putting his arm around me, kissing me, says he loves me). I still have feelings for him but he is immature sometimes. One day I got mad and ditched him and my other friend to go hang out with someone they dis-like and he called my cell and told me to never talk to him again, when the whole reason i left was because him and the other guy i was with before we total perverts. Now that I don't see him anymore, and don't talk to him, How do i apoligize or forget about him?

2007-03-06 01:33:18 · 6 answers · asked by Ex- Cheerleader 1 in Singles & Dating

We broke up a month ago and he goes out with different girls all the time. Now that I have a new "friend" he has been spreading nasty rumors about me and writing messages on myspace. How can I make this stop??

2007-03-06 01:32:46 · 26 answers · asked by Pretty Girl 2 in Singles & Dating

I feel like we have nothing in command, and we have alot.I don't know what kind of sign it is.HELPP?!?!?!

2007-03-06 01:32:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

hiya im a bit scared that my boyfriend is going to leave me, over the weekend i told him i didnt trust him he told me this hurt him really badly and we need to have a serious chat about it tonite, im really scared that he is going to finish with me. i have said sorry and that i didnt mean to say what i did, but its still going through my mind now hellllpppp!!! what do you think??

2007-03-06 01:31:28 · 14 answers · asked by sexy_chick_148 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-06 01:29:57 · 28 answers · asked by mathandashukela 2 in Singles & Dating

My Ex broke it off with me a few months back. She hasn't contacted me. I informed her of a friend of hers who told me not to trust her. She started emailing a mutual friend of ours and started saying that I'm trying to cause trouble with her and her friends and that I don't want her to be friends with no one. It's not true, I just wanted her to know what her so called friend was saying behind her back. Then she emailed two more times to this mutual friend and the entire time I was getting copies of the email where she was talking about me. I responded back to her in my defense and she said the following: PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL, PHONE, SNAIL MAIL, ETC ETC THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, WE ARE GETTING UPSET. THANK YOU What is her damn problem? Why does she continue to talk about me like that? This is upsetting. What should I do?

2007-03-06 01:28:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We communicate by calling at each other and through YM.

2007-03-06 01:28:37 · 14 answers · asked by sassymarga 1 in Singles & Dating

My best friend is currently living with her boyfriend but she doesn't want to be with him anymore. The problem is that she wants to move back to our home state but she can't until she finds a job and a place to live. It's driving her nuts staying with her boyfriend and I don't know what to tell her. She wishes she could break up with him now because one of our good friends back home really wants to be with her and she really wants to be with him also. I'm trying to help her out but the only thing I can tell her is wait til she gets a job and moves, then break up with her boyfriend. Does anyone out there have some better advice so I can help her out? Or maybe someone has been in a similar situation. Thanks!

2007-03-06 01:28:30 · 5 answers · asked by dolfingrrl928 3 in Singles & Dating

Me and my boyfriend lives 3 ina half hours away and i kinda think he is cheating.When I call him he is barely home or when we do talk he always has a beep.And he told me straight up on the phone he cheated on three gurls before.But he also said he doesn't cheat no more.How do I know if he is lieing or not?I kinda believe him and still love him but how do I know if he is cheating on me right know?What should I do?HELP!?!?!?

2007-03-06 01:27:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is there an other way to get over a woman you're in love with.Since I'm working in the same working area as her so I can rule out running away . She's really interested in friendship and she really cares ( but not the same way) but will it be a mistake from my part to accept or to refuse ? Help wanted!!!

2007-03-06 01:25:54 · 3 answers · asked by RJ 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

My friend is trying to help me and my husband work out our problems. I didnt ask her to, I just vented to her as we women do to our friends all the time. Now she took it upon herself to "talk some sense" into my husband. She beleives that a women should be submissive, so I'm trying that, which my husband is taking full advantage of, and now he has my friend to refer to and use as emo against me. I think she is starting to get into stuff she is not equipped to handle and she it is taking a toll on our friendship. In fact at this point I am quite angry with my husband and my friend. What do I do? How do I save my friendship and tell her to bug out without causeing further problems or hurt feelings?

2007-03-06 01:25:46 · 13 answers · asked by ms.underestimated. 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Ned and I have been together for twenty years. Ten years ago Ned lent me fifty thousand dollars to remodel an apartment building.

I have been repaying this loan ever since. I pay about $5000 a year interest only, so I still owe him $50,000.

I read Ned's will. Not only has he not left a dime to me, he wants me to continue to repay the loan to his sisters.

Is this fair????

We are all in our sixties they have husbands and are otherwise well taken care of. If Ned dies, I will not have a husband or significant other. ...And will no longer have Ned's help in sharing expenses.
These sisters live a thousand miles away and have their own immediate families. They have little to do wih Ned and if he were ill they would feel no obligation to be there for him.
On the other hand I love Ned and it is understood I would stand by him and care for him. as would some of my family whom have been so close to him over the years.
Do you think I should be obligated to his sisters?

2007-03-06 01:24:53 · 14 answers · asked by hello_ms_moore 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Now he's back to work again in the same country where I am working now. We've been seeing each other for couple of times. I still didn't know if he still like me but everyone who knows us before says we act like we are still together the way we talk and we look at each other. I want to ask him if he still want us to be together, do you think its a good idea, i still like him. or should i wait till he ask me. the thing is the first time we went out I told him that i want us to be just friends but I know I lied and i tink he knows that. what do you think should i do?

2007-03-06 01:24:50 · 4 answers · asked by princess 2 in Singles & Dating

He looks so young for a 15 year old. Is it normal.

2007-03-06 01:24:30 · 5 answers · asked by blue bird 1 in Friends

To keep on seeing me?
we are lovers and see eachother regularly,
but i want him to keep coming back.
what should i do to be a good lover for him?

2007-03-06 01:23:50 · 29 answers · asked by LOLA 1 in Singles & Dating

I like this guy alot. He seems really great. He is a wonderfull father which is awsome because I have a child too. And I think its sexy. Anyway latley he has been having alot of problems with alot of overwhelming things. He says it might not be me but he has been very pessimistic latley. I call him and I get accused of being clingy. I try to invite him over to de stress and he refuses. I offer advice and he just says he needs to solve his own problems. I offer to help and he once again says he needs to solve his own problems. I want to be a freind and I am just trying to help. Why does he keep refusing? and he says he likes me and I have been in his bed so its obviouse and I dont need to question it but how am I not supposed to? and if he likes me then why is he refusing my offers for help?

2007-03-06 01:23:39 · 11 answers · asked by moonlitocean2000 2 in Singles & Dating

im in a right state ive been wiv my girlfreind for nearly 3 mnths not long i know but ive fallen so badly in love wiv her we did everything really quickly and she told me she loved me first we were aking plans and promises and i was so excited about everything.
The problems started wiv trust i had really bad trust issues she cudnt do anything on her own wivout me freaking out about wat she cud b doing. we brought the issue up and i cud see the problem and i tried so hard to stop and i thought things were getting better then 1 weeks ago she told me she didnt feel the same it wasnt that she didnt love me bt it seemed to her it had become more like the love 4 a freind i freaked and made excuses 4 why she felt like she did we decided to giv it a weeek yesturday she said she felt no different and that things had been weird beetween us all week i admit they have but i cant let her go i love her to much she was one of the few things that was going well i dont no wat to do i feel so lost.

2007-03-06 01:23:24 · 7 answers · asked by shadydemo 2 in Singles & Dating

who really likes or maybe loves you but is afraid to be rejected (or is too shy and uncertain) and when you're trying to chat with him/her he/she just goes away from place where you're staying? And whatever you do he/she don't use this chance to get acquainted with you?
Serious answers pls :)

2007-03-06 01:23:04 · 2 answers · asked by woo 5 in Singles & Dating

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