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Family & Relationships - 23 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I'm having a discussion/argument with my friend, and I want to give the correct info.. I live in New York now, but I'm originally from Birmingham.. Thanks in advance..

2007-02-23 07:38:12 · 7 answers · asked by esteemkam 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ladies -- why are a lot of you using "my man" instead of "my boyfriend" or "my husband"?

The use of this term annoys the crap out of me. I'm not yet sure why it annoys me. It just does.

2007-02-23 07:37:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

okay well there is this boy at my new school and he always hugs me like 4 times a day. i like him and asked him out but he said he already has a girlfriend. but he likes me. i really want to go out with him becasue i like him and he is sweeet. I dont really get many boyfirnds and this might be a good nice one. it is impossible to find someone who likes me because i am a little overweight so what do i do??????

2007-02-23 07:37:35 · 19 answers · asked by bandsrule28 1 in Singles & Dating

we have known each other for like year and a half and he is always flirting with me and i flirt back but i have no clue if he really is in to me? can you help me plz?

2007-02-23 07:37:30 · 3 answers · asked by me2ua2c 1 in Friends

She says that she's not interested in being anything more than friends with him. She tells me that he looks as good as when she first met him. She also told me that he told her that she was too fat and ugly for him. I don't understand why she still talks to him. She assures me that she is not interested in him but I'm not so sure. She has had a lot of boyfriends before me but she is my first girlfriend. What would you do? What is the etiquette on this? Thanks.

2007-02-23 07:37:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My bf and I have been together for almost 2 months...within the first 4 weeks (Begining of Feb.) he bought me brand new tires that cost $245.00. He jokingly said that was my vday gift. Well come vday i get ready thinking we were going out. Boy was i wrong. He picks me up and takes me to his house to eat. To top it off he gave me a mug!! I was so upset because he didnt put any effort into vday. We stayed at his house watched a movie and that was that. Can someone tell me what he was thinking? am i not worth doing something more for in his eyes?? please help!

2007-02-23 07:36:45 · 23 answers · asked by melyssa 1 in Singles & Dating

i have major insecurity issues
i dont fully trust anyone (even my best friend)
and i dont think positively

its not like im depressed... i mean i love my life its just that im insecure about myself and the people around me

could previous experiences with other people have caused this insecurity???


2007-02-23 07:36:33 · 9 answers · asked by Bee 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i met him at work 3,4 years ago.but just 6 months ago he began noticeing me, i mean we spoke before but just small-talk.he began staring at me , or was nervous around me.this is nice but the only thing that bothers me is that we are to diffrent.i lisen to classsic music he hard rock, i like relaxing hobbies he likes parties and drinking.......
we simply do not fit. i do not know how to behaive anymore.need an advice
,now things got complicated, i behaived pretty uninterested,perhaps i little to harsch and he is upset now.we pass each other and don,t talk anymore,just ignore,but the reality is that he still care and perhaps me too.....i do not like this situation.and talking about this is tabu, because he didn,t say into my face that he likes me
so confused..help

2007-02-23 07:36:32 · 6 answers · asked by miranda e 1 in Singles & Dating

The one thing in your life that when you think about it no matter how down and sad you are, you will smile.

2007-02-23 07:34:30 · 2 answers · asked by 2shay 5 in Friends

I'm beginning to wonder about myself, not much going on at home if you know what I mean.

2007-02-23 07:34:21 · 18 answers · asked by Xam 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Guy trouple please help!!! I like this guy who goes to my school and my parents know his father and mother b/c my brother is in the same boy scout Troop as the guy that i like. but that is not my problem. My best friend has known him since elementary school and went out with him for a day (long story and don't have that many letters, but if you want to know then ask me and i will tell you) , i asked her a question about him b/c i knew him and she said she was like do you like him or something i was like mabey/ mabey not, and she was like that means yes , and i did not want to tell her that i do like him b/c i am afraid of what will happen next and i don't know if knows me or if he like me but we ride buses that are right next to each other and acasionally wave at each but all we can do is look at each other b/c my guess is that neither one of us wants to say hi or make the first move, What should i do, if you were in my posistion what would u do??

2007-02-23 07:34:12 · 17 answers · asked by lblondie15 3 in Singles & Dating

how do u be nice to not hurt its feelings

2007-02-23 07:34:00 · 10 answers · asked by Lidia J 1 in Singles & Dating

i used to be really good friends with a girl at work, then she suddenly stopped talking to me for no reason. now shes started bad mouthing me around work and make bitchy sarcastic comments when im on the same train as her ( we both work on railway) now shes started sending me abuse and threatning emails out of work. does anyone know what her problem is with me and what i can do? i dont like fighting and arguements. im at my wits end.

2007-02-23 07:33:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

as in your real to yourself in others

2007-02-23 07:33:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have people tell me that there is no such thing as a coincidence, that everything happens for a reason, and that God puts people in your path every day, even though you don't know the person, for a reason (purpose). For example if you see a person almost everyday or haven't seen a person in a while and out of nowehere comes out, is it a coincidence. Do you believe in that?? I would appreciate your thoughts..

2007-02-23 07:33:15 · 3 answers · asked by ? 4 in Singles & Dating

Who should be my Maid Of Honor? Sister...or best friend of 18 years?..or does it matter?

2007-02-23 07:33:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

2007-02-23 07:33:02 · 2 answers · asked by shadow 1 in Singles & Dating

I am entering a age where I have began to think about my future. I am Indian and live in the USA. My parents are traditional, but not so much that would make me marry someone I do not want to marry.

But since I am now thinking, which do you think is better and why:
arranged marriage or love marriage?

sometime's i feel arranged is better because two people can fall in love and have a wonderful life, but is that love different than falling in love and then getting married?

2007-02-23 07:32:59 · 5 answers · asked by uh-huh 3 in Marriage & Divorce

me and my boy friend havn't been together that long but he told me that he loved me but i didn't say it back but i did say that we havnt been together that long and that i coldnt say love but i do care for him very deeply..... was that the wrong thing to say or could i have put it in better or different words.... ever since then we havnt been talking as much.

2007-02-23 07:32:47 · 1 answers · asked by Miss new butty 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am going threw a divorce right now we were only married 2 yrs we have a 10mo old baby that i am taking care of. When i got pregnant with her i got out the military....so now im stuck...I am living with a family right now I want to go to school but i cant cause i have to get a job to be able to support myself and the baby the people im staying with right now really dont have any room for me so i cant stay here much longer...all the apartments have a long waiting list ...plus I breast feed and desperatly need to wean the baby but i have heard not to if she is going threw other changes....what can I do??

2007-02-23 07:32:28 · 16 answers · asked by Crystal M 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I recently took a "break" from a 4 year university! Moved back home with my parents, have struggled to find a job, or even do much more than to lay around all day! My mom wants me to finish school because they paid for it, I joined the air force without telling them and just got their blessing today! My mom is afraid she will regret her decision i will admit. The Bush Administration has not been very diplomatics! But I'm only 20 and looking for suggestions, not idiotic ones i can think of enough of those on my own! The only reason I'm having second thoughts on the air force is because I don't want my mom to be hurt if anything happens to me! I've tried looking for a job many days in a row and have not found one, this is the first time I have ever had this issue. I tried going back to school but its not where I want to be right now but i do eventually, I just don't have the motivation for school right now, cuz i don't know what i want to do so I feel like i'm wasting time and money!

2007-02-23 07:32:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i don't know if i should ask this boy out who i like, he is a year older than me - 15 and he is my brothers m8. we talk to each other a lot but i don't no if he likes me in this way, should i wait to see if he asks me out or should i ask him out -- and how??

2007-02-23 07:32:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

3rd youngest out or 14 children. And im 13 yrs old. I got into some bad stuff at school and when I got home my mom said I was grounded. I started arguing with her and she said if i didn't stop my dad would deal with me. I mumbled ***** under my breath and she said that's it your getting a spanking. I tryed to run but she pulled down my jeans and underwear, got a flat hairbrush, put me over her lap and spanked me about 17 times. It was really embarrasing and all of my siblings heard!.

I think my dad is gonna get home tonight and he'll spank me with his belt if my mom tells what should I do!

2007-02-23 07:31:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I want to take a break alone by myself. When I have suggested this my husband said that I am "crazy" and that isn't normal. I just feel like I need my space and time to just relax.

We live in a tiny house. We both accumulate clutter. We have 2 dogs, 4 cats and a teenager.

I'm always the person people come to at work for answers. We have a cluttered and noisy environment at work.

I just feel like it is all closing in on me.

Is it normal to just want to take a break from your life....go off to a cheap motel room and read a magazine for the weekend?

2007-02-23 07:31:44 · 7 answers · asked by taurine_banana 1 in Family

2007-02-23 07:31:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

He's into me or just flattered b/c he knows I like him.
He does subtle things like going out of his way to find me. Like recently when I was at the library, he saw where I sat when I walked in & for no reason at all, he walked by my dest like 3 times within something like 10 min. and gave me a look every time (or so I think...wish fulfillment?)
The very next day he "reluctantly" moved seats to sit next to a friend of his who happened to be sitting near me, so he ended up next to me. The whole time I had this feeling that he kept looking at me. Still, his friend was a girl..& he said hi to another girl sitting behind us. I don't know if he's just trying to show off and act like he's wanted by a lot of girls...?
Plus he always used to sit far away (this is a lecture hall in college) and all of a sudden I changed seats to sit next to a friend this semester and he starts sitting in the vicinity (1 row behind me, 1 row in front...he's sat next to me before).
What do you think?

2007-02-23 07:31:29 · 4 answers · asked by abby j 5 in Singles & Dating

A bit long, please bare with me.

The 411: I'm 22, live in NYC, been married for 2 yrs, my wife is 26. We have no kids, we don't own anything whatsoever, we just rent. We got married kinda quick and didn't live together right away (big mistake). She has a H-U-G-E untidiness(sp?)problem which has gotten out of control, we don't have sex anymore because of her apparent stress-related, ongoing menstrual disorder, she shows no compassion whatsoever, all her conversations with me are about financial issues, she never asks how I'm doing or anything. I've tried everything from putting my foot down to being polite to buying flowers to recommending physicians to cleaning the ENTIRE house up myself in one day (took 9 hrs) only to have her mess it up all over again. I got us into counseling a couple months ago, it only lasted 3 sessions because she said "I don't feel like fixing things right now because when I wanted to fix things, you didn't want to fix things (not true), right now I'm depressed over the fact that I'm 26 and not where I wanna be in life." She didn't even give counseling a chance, we spent 2 of 3 sessions telling the doc our backstory. It could have worked, I felt like it was going to work because we were both getting our emotional baggage out in the open without getting into a fight.

For the past few months, I've been living at my father's place because our house is very unhealthy physically and emotionally (you can't even sleep on the bed, looks like God pooped on it), fruit fly epidemic, I'd go into more detail but I don't wanna get too graphic, just think "Superdome" and "Hurricane Katrina" minus the flooding/death. But my father's place isn't exactly the best place to be, but it is a step up from my place because my father works with me to help keep the place more tidy than our place. However, it's not good because my mom has alzheimer's and my older sister is mentally retarded, so it's like having two additional kids in the house, they make a mess of the Apt. with food, important things missing, bladder, #2, etc. I'll stop before it gets too disgusting. So my place and his have SOME similarities.

You may say get a divorce, I'd love to but what's holding me back?

1) If I divorce her and let her keep that (once upon a time) nice apartment, I could stay at my dad's, save up money to get another place, right? But I'm worried about my dad becoming too overwhelmed by my sister/mother and dying (he's 62), I have no other family to run to unlike most people. I'd be screwed. He keeps telling me that he's not gonna die anytime soon, but I worry nonetheless, I feel like I'm hanging on a thread, ya know? I wish he was in his 50s right now. He can't even have any help come over to take care of both of them, there would be no room in the place for an extra person and he doesn't wanna put them in a home.

2) If I divorce her and I keep the place, fix it up, etc. There still remains the issue of financial security. Where I work, I make $12/hr, full time. Not a livable wage right? That Apt. is $800/month, cable/internet + light/gas = about $1100 total. Then there's some bills and food, let's just round it all to $1500. I have like how much left over at the end of the month, $150-200? Give me a break.

My main dream is to be a filmmaker/writer, I'm currently trying to get my scripts shown and what not, I workshop them as well, but it is a hard business to break into so obviously I have to do something "in the mean time". I'm not in school right now. My dad is trying to get me a doorman job, they make close to $30K, some even more. If I could get that job, that would help me make a decision a lot faster. However, if I can't get that, then the only other thing I wish to do is go to school for Medical Billing/Coding. There's not much jobs you can get around here WITHOUT some kind of degree. Why doorman and Medical billing/coding? Because I simply don't mind them for one, my dad lives in a doorman bldg. and I know how it works, and some medical billing co. allow you to work at home AFTER you work for them for a specific period of time and meet their requirements, plus I don't mind office work at all.

You can imagine how frustrated I am. Here I am, withholding on divorce for the sake of financial insecurities. I'm stuck between waiting on this doorman thing (my dad is supposed to hear back from someone who's working on it, it's been a week and half) and signing up for medical billing course. Please don't lecture me on money isn't everything, it is, how else are you living where you are right now? How else are you paying for your food, clothes, and all the other things you're able to do? Vacation? Gifts? Businesses? Money IS everything. Let's face it, love won't pay the bills. Don't get me wrong, I'm not materialistic, I just wanna play this thing the right way because I realize I'm young, smart, a great guy, what not. I wanna make the right choices and eventually, someday, have a family of my own, one whereas in if my son or grandson faces a similar situation, he WILL have relatives to come to for help unlike me.

Anyways, I'm going on and on, I'm sorry, I'll stop. Any insightful advice about this dire situation? All jokes aside, serious responses please, I'd really appreciate it.

2007-02-23 07:30:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I like him and I know he likes me, too - I catch out his eyes on me every time when I look at him.
I want to start a coversation with him but the problem is that I'm going extremely nervous and absolutely speechless when he is around me.
How can I overcome this nervous? Please, give me an advice.

2007-02-23 07:30:17 · 15 answers · asked by sweet666 5 in Singles & Dating

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