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Family & Relationships - 5 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I may be moving to the Philadelphia area and want to know what areas in or near Philly are good for raising children (safe, good schools, etc.). What are the more expensive neighborhoods or suburbs (not that I'll necessarily be able to afford to live there, but I'd like to have an idea of what the best places are to live)?

2007-02-05 07:29:30 · 6 answers · asked by crabbyone 5 in Family

My girlfriend broke up with me last night. I tried to act like it didn't bother her. After breaking up with me she called me and told me she was sad and things were going to be odd without me in her life. This morning she called me and told me she wanted me back. I said OK i wanted to work it out as well. But today she seems so depressed. I text her today while i was at work she replied with an "I'm having a bad day can't talk" I I called her 3 times before she actually picked up and she told me she couldn't talk. I asked her to talk to me for five seconds and she just told me about how bad her day was. Then she told me she had to run because she has grocery shopping to do and errands to run for her mother who is sick with the flu. I said fine. She's acting VERY ODD to towards me today almost like she's not interested in me. We both have off Wednesday from our usually hectic schedule and i asked her if she would like to get coffee she said "No thanks." WHAT IS GOING ON?? I'M CONFUSED!

2007-02-05 07:29:26 · 24 answers · asked by Mark 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok I work with this guy I like. (Please dont answer with its a bad idea) Anyway whenever theres a lot of us together, I am the first one he talks to. Hes shy but we can talk for hours if we wanted to. When he talks to me, he stands really close to me, closer then to others. His arms arent crossed and his body and feet are facing me. He does look me in the eyes when he talks to me. He jokes around me a lot and I have caught him staring at me a couple times. I might have to make the first move because he is shy and I am 20 and he is 18. Do you think he likes me?

2007-02-05 07:29:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If you called someone and their cellphone was ignoring ur call then hours later it just rang but no answer and this went on for 3 days stright then u stopped calling after the third day what would u think? that's my pblm my aunt abruptly stopped tlking to me and almost 3 weeks later calls me and didn't make it any better by tlking 2 me as if nothing happened don't u think if she could have acknowledged the fact that i was trying to call her and she paid me no mind. i think i should ignore her because we live in different states and for other reasons i feel like i have to try and fit in 2 her life this just really topped it i'm so tired of feeling close to her then getting pushed away i feel i should start being distant with her and not get my feelings hurt.

2007-02-05 07:29:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

O.k. well I have been with my boyfriend for four years now, well at the begining of our relationship, it was rocky, and after being together 6 months, he cheated on me and broke up with me, well we remained friends and I started seeing another guy, it turns out the other guy was my boyfriend's best friend. Well I slept with this guy and he didn't call me after that. I didn't want to tell my boyfriend(then ex) becuase I knew he would get hurt about it. Well it turns out that guy told my boyfriend approached me about it crying and everything and I denied the whole thing. Well he just recently found out that I lied to him about it, and he is really hurt with me. Was I wrong to lie? I was affraid to hurt him, and we weren't together at the time it happened. Oh and I am going to add that he slept with a women 10 years older than him around the same time, and never told me about it until now! so who is wrong here, at least my boyfriend knew I was seeing his best friend.

2007-02-05 07:28:16 · 37 answers · asked by bluemoon 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-02-05 07:28:07 · 15 answers · asked by mwa2mei 1 in Singles & Dating

Does your career sometimes get in the way of your home life and marriage? Do you sometimes think..."Where have all the cowboys gone?" :)

2007-02-05 07:27:09 · 20 answers · asked by stephweff 1 in Marriage & Divorce

How do you know if a guy likes you and you have never talked to him??


2007-02-05 07:26:50 · 7 answers · asked by alexis21895 2 in Singles & Dating

My sister-in-law from time to time says I don't know what it is about you that got my brother wanting to be married.. She says I'm still trying to figure it out; but he does love you.. Now what in the hell is that supposed to mean? I know that his family is still very close to his children's mother.... Is she insulting me on the sly, or is she saying that she is surprised that her brother is wanting to settle down? Oh yeah, I am older than him.

2007-02-05 07:25:57 · 3 answers · asked by stella 2 in Family

But I don't like him.
What do I say?

And if he keeps insisting that I should go out with him,
should I go out with him?

Just try it and get to know him? But he isn't my type.

2007-02-05 07:25:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am 23 and male

2007-02-05 07:25:33 · 17 answers · asked by silent_shadows23 2 in Friends

do you usually find guys between the ages of 18-23 or 33-40 more sexually attractive? i'm talking about sexual attraction, not whichguys you'd rather be in a relationship with. i know some of you will say age doesn't matter, but i'm asking which ones you're usually more attracted to, so choose one. also, please tell me your age with your answer.

2007-02-05 07:25:28 · 18 answers · asked by ur_boyyy_jake 1 in Singles & Dating

I've been talking to a lovely man for a month now by phone and email. He has twice cancelled a date to meet me, but continues to persue me. I've seen photos of him and he of me. He seems to value our friendship very much but he is aware that I am looking for a little more than that. He says that he is too. He is 10 yrs my jr. but says that doesn't bother him a bit and I am considered attractive. The last time he cancelled he says he just got cold feet at the last minute. I have told him that if we are to meet he will have to make all of the effort next time. Do you think I should continue in this and what do you think he could be afraid of?

2007-02-05 07:25:18 · 18 answers · asked by Ande 4 in Singles & Dating

Heres the story, ive been with my bf for almost 5 years now. Im 24, he’s 28. We’ve been living together for the last two years and things are going as they were before, nothing bad, nothing overly great, just fine and normal. Im about to graduate from college and he is way ahead in his career and success.

I don’t know how to tell the story, ill try to put in as short as possible. But basically, ive been having some issues with this, how do I say it, with my sexual drive in plain words. In the last year and half ive noticed that ive gotten to be a lot more cranked up in my sexual urges. I guess its just my hormones catching up and the thing was that when we were just together 5 years ago he was the one always jumping up and down wanting to do things and I was the one saying no, no, no wait. So eventually time passed and yeah things were done and sex was experienced, but we kept it as the least important thing in our relationship.

Years passed and I our relationship developed more, the sex issue faded away and like I said, it never really got to be an important part of us (cause many people say, a relationship w/o sex doesn’t last long). his career really kicked in and he began making big bucks, big success, big things, but that meant too much work, incredible stress, I would say he has become a workaholic. But that meant one thing…over stress. And stress means zero desires and that meant no sex life from his side.

For a period that was like, ‘cool with me’, it was probably done every 3 months or so, but now, at the age I am now, ive noticed that I get these urges much more than I did before. I’ve talked to my bf about this and yeah things have been done, and he’s understood my situation, but I notice that it’s not enough. I mean to say, he forgets it and I we’ve talked about it now like 20 times and things change for a little period but then go back like before. I know theres no other girl involved, since I `can tell his incredible stress. He comes home and gives me a sweet smile and hug, we still go to clubs and bars together and have fun as if we just met, but there is no sex. And now, I notice im starting to almost daydream of cute guys I see at school, I didn’t do that before, I get these sexual thought about these guys and I think, ‘no I shouldn’t do this’.

So my question, IS:

What on earth should I do??? I have ALREADY talked to him about this, but no big change, or How do I tell him this all over again so he can understand??? What trick is there to play for him to understand?? Should I just keep on daydreaming of these guys and wait until these dam hormones fade out??

What would YOU do if you were in this case?


Ps. Sorry for the extremely long story!

2007-02-05 07:24:52 · 16 answers · asked by sueet2b 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been dating this guy for about two months now. We both really care about each other. I am in my early twenties and he is a few years older than me. I am still a virgin, do I tell him? Will that change the way he feels about me?

2007-02-05 07:24:40 · 6 answers · asked by southernbell 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been dating this man for close to two years, and he has not proposed to me. There is an intensity between us... well it would take too long to describe the situation. Anyway, some people think he is 'using' me - he drives my car all the time, etc etc. What most people don't know is he has an ex-live-in-girlfriend of 15 years who he is in constant telephone contact with, as they share a business and adopted daughter.

Can a counselor help me decide if this man is right for me? I'm 30. I want to get married and I feel like he is the one, but there are so many 'issues' I just don't know if they are things we should work past, or if these are very stupid things on my part. I just cannot waste my life, as I have so little of it left to find a man and start a family.

2007-02-05 07:23:13 · 15 answers · asked by fallenangel 2 in Singles & Dating

Sumone you know is doing sumthing thats wrong (drugs) and they know you know n knows its wrong - but deep down it hurts so bad an they dont realise how much it effects you and hurts you.

2007-02-05 07:23:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-02-05 07:23:01 · 10 answers · asked by Dominic W 1 in Singles & Dating

Puts a guy in the 'friend-zone' (says you should be good 'friends' and nothing more than that) is she really putting you on the substitute bench?

2007-02-05 07:23:00 · 17 answers · asked by Truman 3 in Singles & Dating

He just broke up with the skank he cheated on me with, and now he asks me to move in with him with our 4 yr old son. (Word on the street is that daughter's father got out of prison & she left my ex to get back with him). There is no way in hell that I would take our son & move back in with him after all the sh!t he put me through. Oh and get this, when he cheated, the girl lived next door to us. What y'all think? I just need to vent. Serious reply's only.

2007-02-05 07:22:36 · 9 answers · asked by mimi1980 3 in Marriage & Divorce

For those of you who dont know, you can commit adultery in your mind just by looking at someone, and yes a pastor will not tell you to leave your husband, but he explained to me that he already broke his promise with God when he went onto the dating website. I have been the best wife a man could ever ask for, I worked, Cooked, cleaned, even did my fair share in the sack, I gave him everything that he wanted, but he did not want me...and no, I cannot trust him, cause even with me not being close to him he is still doing the same thing! Lying to me!I hate lies, and I dont know anyone who doesnt!When we met 5 years ago, he had a girlfriend, broke up with her and 3 months later cheated on me with her. Then she cheated on him and he left her again for me. So yes, he wont change his ways. and if we are meant for each other, we will get back together.Thank you to all the people who reponded to my question.

2007-02-05 07:22:31 · 12 answers · asked by Apie 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok I work with this guy I like. (Please dont answer with its a bad idea) Anyway whenever theres a lot of us together, I am the first one he talks to. Hes shy but we can talk for hours if we wanted to. When he talks to me, he stands really close to me, closer then to others. His arms arent crossed and his body and feet are facing me. He does look me in the eyes when he talks to me. He jokes around me a lot and I have caught him staring at me a couple times. I might have to make the first move because he is shy and I am 20 and he is 18. Do you think he likes me?

2007-02-05 07:22:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a guy that I really like from school's email adress, but he didn't give it to me. I saw it on a piece of paper he was handing to another guy in my class. I desperately want to add him, but it would be very awkward for him because he won't know how I got his email or why I added him in the first place! Advice please?

2007-02-05 07:22:06 · 5 answers · asked by xox_bittersweet 3 in Singles & Dating

.......bored at work... :-) *shhhh*

2007-02-05 07:21:29 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay. So I Love this one guy, [Louie] But he doesnt. Anyways. Theres this one guy, [James] I have a little thing for him.. not love yet.. && he does too. Or so i think. He asked me for my phone number this Wkend. We couldnt talk b/c he had to hang up right ayway. So he said he'd call me today. Do i talk to him as more than friends, or tell him im still stuck on my summer love..?

2007-02-05 07:20:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

there is a guy that i see him in the morning at mass.(not @ school). When i pass from next to him he lowers his head(as if he's praying r something-u know we're at mass!!) But i noticed that when i'm still going to pass him and i have my back to him, he's looking a tme( as though staring at me 2!!). Whenever i tried to look at him, he either lowers his head or look in the other direction (he's as though shy). So what do u think?
I am always having dreams about him......sometimes the dreams area about me kissing him and things like that. I also wrote aletter for my french exams at school!!!

2007-02-05 07:20:12 · 6 answers · asked by m.buffon 1 in Singles & Dating

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