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Family & Relationships - 14 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

why is it when i hang out with a group of friends who are ethnically/culturally diverse...people seem to stare at us?

2006-09-14 17:30:35 · 4 answers · asked by dnice 1 in Friends

my son lives with his 38 year old father and we have not been together for five years and i was even married ( and divorced ) in that time - i see my son about once a week and my sons father told me yesterday that he wanted to give me some time to deal with my divorce before wanting to ask me out again ( big shocker for me )

he said that since before i got married he has wanted me back and feels horrible that he did not say anything before i got married. he also felt bad about some of the reasons why he decided it would be best for us to end things in the first place and that he has since changed his his mind about those things ( ie our age difference )

he mentioned going out on tuesday evening and that he wants to take me out for the night so i told him that i would seriously think about it

what do you all think i should do ?

2006-09-14 17:29:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I am a man and it means a lot to me to have my partner or child to take my name, It is a sign of respect and I believe it shows commitment and trust

2006-09-14 17:28:39 · 12 answers · asked by tan2 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I ask her all the time what I normally do when she just simply tells me the truth, she always answers "nothing" She's 11, she really hasn't done anything crazy yet besides sneaking snacks. We have 2 other children and they think it is very "unfair" that my 11 year old gets 2 snacks and they only get one. I just don't know what I can do to stop it. It drives me nuts.

2006-09-14 17:27:45 · 15 answers · asked by momto3 2 in Family

I wanna download some songs, through limewire.

Please tell me some really good music songs whih I can download through limewire!!..^^


2006-09-14 17:27:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have to cram all this school work into one night and get it all done before tomorrow and I can't find anyniformation, and I'm so upset because this is the time of night when I think about how much I miss my sister, I wish she would come back right now. And I miss my freind from last year he was such a great guy and I'll probably never see him again. Gosh my mom bugs the stew out of me sometimes. And no this is not exactly a question but if you can cheer me up I'd greatly apreciate it.

2006-09-14 17:26:55 · 13 answers · asked by Puddleglum 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

No that I am being senti and all. But Will you ever. Amongst all these pressures of work and stuff.

2006-09-14 17:26:41 · 22 answers · asked by Andy 1 in Weddings

2006-09-14 17:26:40 · 12 answers · asked by darknightmare01 2 in Singles & Dating

My friend just moved in together with her on and off again boyfriend. Her family and friends was kind of against it but, she still moved in with her boyfriend. When a couple moves in with one another do they face more diffculties than married couple do?

2006-09-14 17:25:44 · 30 answers · asked by sandysweet 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i have this guy i had asked out a year ago and he said " your like a sister to me " grrr to the guys out there just say no. eanyway.a year later i go to school and i hear hes going out with one of my friends.now this is a year later after i asked him out. i had goten over him at least i thought but wen i saw them together it hurts. she new i liked him but didint care to tell me first i had to hear it through someone else. now every time i see theme there all over eachother him squezing her but and her rubing his well yeah you get the picture.she has had sex before and well she has d boobs i think thats the only reason hes going out with her ive been told i have beter loocks then her other then the boobs and experience . so i dont understand why he would go out wiht her eany oppinions on what i should do or how i should take it eany answers on this would be greatly appreciated

2006-09-14 17:24:54 · 13 answers · asked by Alena D 1 in Singles & Dating

can somebody give some quotations for good luck and farewell

2006-09-14 17:24:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

What do you think, what should be changed, and would you like it? I only asking because i dont want to screw up our first date...

Everyday, when I wake up, I think of you.
You are my angel.
You are my heart and soul.
You are the one whos every word relaxes me, every move amazes me, and the one I have know all my life, but only just met.
You are the one whos beauty is envied by the stars.
Everyday, before I go to sleep, I wish upon a star that you'll always be in my heart, no matter if you're near or far.

2006-09-14 17:23:09 · 11 answers · asked by The Question Man 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-14 17:23:08 · 4 answers · asked by echolily 3 in Friends

And what could make her interest fall

2006-09-14 17:22:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i mean, as long as it's NOT serious, is that something that i keep to myself? or will it turn a guy off if he knew that i was dating several?

2006-09-14 17:22:30 · 18 answers · asked by ang268 1 in Singles & Dating

This not a riddle. This for real. There is this car dealership close by. It is run by two brother in laws. They both have the same last name so how can they be brother in laws. If they both married women from the same family, the could be brother in laws, but yet yet they would still be considered brothers. Serriously how could to men who are brother in laws share the same last name...unless it just happened that they had the same last name and are not related.

2006-09-14 17:20:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Any gals in Georgia wanna chat tonight, IM me at heymrdj1 I'm down here in Southeast GA and wanted to make a few new friends......thank you to all in advance!!

2006-09-14 17:19:54 · 4 answers · asked by heymrdj1 2 in Friends

have not seen my ex for over a year until he came around like 7 month ago and started playing the game of being in love with me while he was chasing another chick that was just leading him on but never really wanted a seriouse relationship with him, but now i found out that she is not the only "other" wooman, there is a lot and it seems like he is in a search for the right lady but mean while he is using me and lying to me telling me how much he needs me in his life, he is full of s....t and i want to get back at him big time.

2006-09-14 17:19:51 · 7 answers · asked by mich l 1 in Singles & Dating

Alright, i was kidding but it was for a good reason, my parents think my girlfriend is cheating on me(which she isnt, and yes i am sure) and its making her feel really low. how do i help her deal with the situation and restore my parents faith that they used to have in her.

2006-09-14 17:19:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

seems like it to me. Are there any teenage virgins out there anymore. i doubt it, becase every single person i know who is a teenager is no longer a virgin.

2006-09-14 17:19:12 · 15 answers · asked by Lorrane 2 in Singles & Dating

Has anyone ever seen one of his shows before? My girfriend and I are always on the lookout for fun stuff to do for dates, and we saw that this guy is coming to a comedy club near where we live. She definatly wants to volunteer to be hypnotized, as am I, but we are both worried about the matierial. His website says his stuff is PG-13, but...the comedy club is billing it as an "erotic hypnotist" so..I'm just wondering if anyone out there has seen one of these shows and knows how it is. I really don't want her to get embarassed or humiliated...so yeah. Thanks for the help.

2006-09-14 17:19:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

felony robbery from when they were 18 for stealing a coat

2006-09-14 17:17:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

In the last 3 months, I seem to have lost all my so called closest friends and dont know why they are not talking to me.

What should I do?

2006-09-14 17:17:36 · 16 answers · asked by Kym 2 in Friends

My wife has almost no sex drive. I have tried all kinds of things like dimin the lights or lighting some candles.i tried some foreplay and still nothing. It hurts her really bad when i try to go in. What am i doin wrong?? Any help would be great. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE

2006-09-14 17:16:23 · 36 answers · asked by fastacc0rd 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My parents have been supporting their son--giving him money (apt, car, school, camera equipment, etc) all his life. He has defaulted on paying most things. He is a sweet guy besides that. He is a freelance photographer and keeps hoping for his big break. That's why they keep supporting him. Meanwhile, none of the girls get this much support. I can barely pay to put myself through school--I get no help and I don't dare ask! My mother even asked me (the youngest kid) to give him money to bail him out of a couple financial emergencies. I'm 13 yrs younger than him! He's my oldest brother--shouldn't I be asking him for help? I'm so sick of this! But I can't make her stop! My mother is a widow now. She keeps saying--"If your father were alive your brother would have been out of the house". Even if he leaves the creditors will keep calling! What to do? Thanks for reading.

2006-09-14 17:16:22 · 13 answers · asked by sugar1973 2 in Family

Does anyone know of any websites that I could
post my child abuse story? I have only found one
which I am on now. I feel it's a story that needs to
be told.

2006-09-14 17:15:34 · 7 answers · asked by CODY 2 in Family

do guys like skinny girls or more curvaceous? i don't mean specifically, but in general what is the preference?
and how come?

2006-09-14 17:14:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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