Global warming will lead to a warmer climate in the uk with milder winters and hotters summers... Our agricultural producitivity will be enhanced and we will have a climate more similiar to the south of France.. Sea levels will rise but only a few areas of UK will be affected ( parts of london and East Anglia).. Why should we bother trying to cut down on carbon emmisions when the USA and china are actually becoming worse polluters.... the UK will be ok... China will have a lack of water .... Africa e.t.c...
but why should we care!! China and the USA do not care so let them wallow in their own mess in 20 years to come,, whilst the uk sit back with a better climate and adequate water resources.. until the big polluters take heed,, what is the point in the EU trying to make an effort!!! Global warming is going to have its effects on the world.. but i am lucky enough to live in a country where global warming is actually in broad terms going to benefit my country....
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