Our professor informed us that if we complete our third exam with a B average, we are excused from the Final. I finished with a B average, but he has informed that I have to take the Final anyway because of too many absences. Firstly, I had several absences due to medical procedures, which I gave him proof of and which he made photocopies of for his records. With those squared away as excused absences, I would not be exceeding absences. Secondly, he has made out as if he is only adhering to the department's policy, but nowhere in the department's policy does it say anything that would lead him to have to force me to take the Final. Third, he tells me that the policy doesn't distinguish between excused and unexcused absences... so why did he insist on proof of my medical procedures so that they would be excused if they really aren't? I don't get it and I worked very hard to maintain a B average in this class. I feel that I'm being dealt with unfairly. Am I right or wrong?
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