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Cameras - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Consumer Electronics Cameras

I have Nikon D40. feel somewhat lost or I just didn't read enough. how can i know the actuations?

2007-05-31 23:20:11 · 3 answers · asked by Josh 2

I have a Kodak Easyshare CD40.

2007-05-31 12:39:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

She wants a blue, pink, any girly color really... and I would like to know which brand gives you the most for your money....


2007-05-31 12:30:34 · 5 answers · asked by tortugaturtle33 2

I'm shooting for an interview to put pictures on a website. I want to make sure they are crisp and clean. Should I shoot with a flash or no flash so it's not blinding when they interview is taking place?

2007-05-31 10:48:54 · 3 answers · asked by nole2378 4

i have a fujifilm finepix E550 and i was fed up of switching batteries all the time, so i pluged it in through a mains, although i put 9v through it and it can only take 3v and it blew, there was a small pop and it went, and it wont work, if i tell my mum she will kill me, it was refurbished so the guantee was only 3months from christmas, and it was my main christmas pressent, she will go mental if she finds out, and she will start to wonder why i aint using it, so i need to fix it and fast, someone please help me ???


2007-05-31 09:40:29 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1

I have a Sandisk Extreme iii compct flash memory and was wondering if they worked on a Nikon D80 camera?? The slot on the camera looks a little small on the pic, so I was wondering.

2007-05-31 05:26:43 · 4 answers · asked by maria 2

2007-05-30 16:58:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to be one of those people that carry around a camra and capture "the moment". but all i have is my camra phone. i want to know what will be a good camra that will take good pictures and that wont be that expensive or just tell me what you know about cameras

2007-05-30 14:23:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

did nikon quit making them

2007-05-30 08:15:31 · 3 answers · asked by hud 3

i am trying to find a battery for it the model# is SB-L100R
I bought this for my son for a graduation present and i can't find a charger or battery pack..some sites say that it takes AA batteries but that is not true..please help me...

2007-05-30 05:18:46 · 2 answers · asked by brandy_k74 1

I can't find a review on this camera I am thinking of purchasing. I'm putting in the description it gives, but it doesn't give the model # or any reviews on it. I'm not a professional photographer, but I'm still really attracted by 6 megapixels at an affordable price. If you have heard anything about this camera at all, or this brand, please let me know!

Here is the site description:
Digital camera and multi media player/recorder from Minox upholds a reputation for absolute precision and top-class design. Pocket-sized video camera, web cam, 6.0 megapixel (interpolated) camera, MP3 player, video player and voice recorder all-in-one continues the Minox tradition of excellence.
128 MB internal memory
SD/MMC card reader (32MB-1G)
Still camera has 4x digital zoom and self-timer
Lens rotates from front to back with the turn of a knob
LED light
Crystal-clear LCD screen
Ear phones
AC/DC power adapter
A/V cables
USB cord
Comes with Li-ion rechargeable battery and padded case
Size (HxWxD): 4x2-½x7/8”
Weight: 4 oz

2007-05-29 16:56:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The following is quoted from a description of a picture taken with a digital camera. Can someone tell me what it means, please.

" Auto mode, 1/320th, f3.5, 58.7mm"

2007-05-29 11:33:57 · 3 answers · asked by Leo 4

1. Canon
2. Nikon
3. Olympus
4. Sony
5. Casio
6. Kodak
7. Panasonic
8. Polaroid

2007-05-29 06:16:52 · 9 answers · asked by qtpie16707 3

I'm traveling this summer and I can edit videos pretty good, and I love artistic shots. I have a lot of Sundance winning ideas. What and how to make money.

2007-05-28 17:08:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Parents got a Digital Camera from a cigarette company called Pall-Mall. But hen I tried to upload a few Photos it said I needed a Driver and I looked EVERYWHERE! The Camera gives NO Serial code except for a Pass Code that it works. The brochure it came with said works on PC's and all I can find is MAC and Linux drivers. Anyone know where I can find a Driver for this camera??

2007-05-28 15:28:46 · 2 answers · asked by Keith C 1

How do I load the film into a 35mm MV1 Pentax camera?

2007-05-28 15:27:30 · 1 answers · asked by Haloe 2

Are there any digital cameras out there that have good image quality and good low-light picture taking ability that are under $300 dollars. I have been looking at the Canon powershot A710 IS and A640, but it seems they all have poor low-light quality pictures and some unclear image quality. I have been looking at these models because I like the my colors options and the manual controls.

Is there another camera I should look at or another brand besides canon that can give me better quality and still have the manual controls?

Shutter lag is also a huge factor and I need a fast camera that has fast flash recovery.

At looked at reviews and it seems all cameras have the ISO problem. Is that true....

2007-05-28 10:53:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking of buying a new compact digital camera. I have around £200 to spend and want something thats give good picture quality. I was thinking of the Panasonic Lumix DMC TZ3??? Any advice would be appreciated

2007-05-28 05:26:10 · 8 answers · asked by John m 2

It's a term used by Lomographers and I'm confused what it is. Help please. :)


2007-05-28 01:45:44 · 3 answers · asked by enabanana 1

and put the pictures on the computer? I need to set up for ebay thanks Terri/florida

2007-05-27 16:54:55 · 2 answers · asked by Terri L 2

Canon was better because of the ISO. What the hell does that mean? I thought pixels were the most important thing. I have 14 to return this and get the other one. It is a Canon power shot SD750. The viewer is bigger than the Olmypus, but I am concerned about the pixels. that is the one thing I hate about digital cameras is that the pictures are too grainy. What should I do? Keep this one or take it back and wait for the 10 mp Olmypus to come in? HELP.

2007-05-27 08:05:48 · 3 answers · asked by tonks_op 7

I am not sold on digital. I like to get clear details and good color. So far I have not seen one that I like. I have to get one because they are cheaper to use than buying all the film and getting it developed and the time factor too. I can pay up to $400.00 What is the best and why?

2007-05-27 07:39:00 · 4 answers · asked by tonks_op 7

2007-05-27 06:59:44 · 5 answers · asked by Bob 3

I just want something to take snapshots and download them to the PC. Can I get something for under $100?

2007-05-27 03:53:13 · 1 answers · asked by Bill Spry 4

I need some guidance on this camera. I've looked at reviews but can't decide by myself. I know this isn't the latest model and there's more updatedones.
I'm going on holiday and the one I have had for a while is a vivitar vimcam 3713. It's took some ok pics but batteries kept running out,sometimes took ages before i could take another pic therefore missed some good shots.This canon seems like a good deal as I will be getting a 512mb sd as well as a 64mbsd, so that will save on expense for more memory. I know I will be buying charger and rechargeable batteries.I'd like it to be simple to use, but easy to learn extras etc.Just need to be swayed one way or another. Any guidance and help will be much appreciated.

2007-05-26 13:50:40 · 3 answers · asked by helen jt 2

anyone know how many mega-pixels regular film would equate to?

2007-05-26 10:55:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope someone can help me.

Every time I turn my camera on it flashes green once then once again, then starts flashing red six times.. then turns off.

I have replaced the batteries twice, and still nothing. I misplaced the guide, so I am at a total loss.

Can anyone help explain why this is happening??

Thanks so much!!!

2007-05-26 08:11:13 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous