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Hardware - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Computers & Internet Hardware

Add-ons · Desktops · Laptops & Notebooks · Monitors · Other - Hardware · Printers · Scanners

I'm trying to print color images and everytime the images come out b+w with yellow and red lines can someone help me fix this?. I have a HP C4150 printer if that helps.. It doesn't seem to have many preferences where I can change anything like that.. help me please

2007-09-08 16:44:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Printers

I have EPSONSTYLUS CX3200, Lost the loading CD, how can I down load from the internet and have the printer runinig.

2007-09-08 16:08:32 · 3 answers · asked by SHAWN K 1 in Printers

ok my parents computer already has a router? what happens if i also have a router? i dont know much about router but what happens? will i need to register for DSL so i have to pay?
i really have no idea
pls help
tanks for the ans

2007-09-08 16:03:41 · 6 answers · asked by baldoxxx6000 1 in Add-ons

i guess got a new computer with a geforce 6150 in it driver out of date is what a game says but driver an't out of date the video card is making the audio screw up in the game i no for fact it is not audio card i never had this problem with my ati

2007-09-08 15:58:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Add-ons

My computer was acting up so I tried to do a system restore, but when it was restarting, it never fully started up. It just went to a black screen. So I started my comptuer in safe mode and used Mcafee Virusscan and it removed 9 viruses so I tried to restart my computer and it wouldn't get past the Windows XP screen with the green bars running through, and I've tried system restore a bunch of times and starting it in safe mode, normally, and all the other choices they give when I press f8, but it still won't go past a black screen or the windows XP loading page. Help! I don't know what I did and how to fix it.

2007-09-08 15:54:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

its got mircrosoft xp, and its like about 3 years old. does anybody know where to get a file for this so my friend can listen to stuff.

2007-09-08 15:44:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

instructions on how to properly over clock a amd athlon 64 x2 4000?

2007-09-08 15:35:59 · 4 answers · asked by Fullmetal 1 in Other - Hardware

What things should I know about it other than the basic specifications? Is it really good? I am getting it REALLY soon.

2007-09-08 15:12:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

I have a gateway Mt 6542 Laptop. It came with two 512 mb ram cards. it has no additional slots and i was wondering if i could put one gigs in the slots, it has no additional slots. If you know where i could find out or if you know please answer

2007-09-08 14:29:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

Can you sli a 7900 Gsko with a regular 7900Gs? They're both EVGA and the only difference is that one is overclocked.

"The stock speeds of the 7900 GS are 450MHz on the core and 1320MHz on the memory, but eVGA's KO version utilizes speeds of 500MHz and 1380MHz respectively".

The Gsko is installed and a friend is offering a Gs cheap. So i wonder.

Thanks in advance

2007-09-08 14:22:12 · 2 answers · asked by acon 1 in Add-ons

Would this computer work fast?? and would it be easy?? How long do you think it will last? Forever??

AMD Athlon 64x2 Processor (4400+)

1GB DDR2 memory RAM

320 SATA Hard Disk

DVD + RW Drive

9 in 1 Card Drive

Windows Vista Home Premium

2007-09-08 14:21:44 · 10 answers · asked by jawn 2 in Desktops

2007-09-08 14:16:28 · 3 answers · asked by joe j 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

2007-09-08 14:08:26 · 11 answers · asked by joe j 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

My bro just bought a sweet gateway laptop with a nice screen. He left it open one day and it fell breaking the screen. The computer is still good and brand new, but he bought a new one is giving me that one to fix. Where can I take it to get fixed/replaced. I need a good repairman cause I plan on using it for graphic design work. Not sure if he was on a warranty with gateway.

2007-09-08 14:06:57 · 9 answers · asked by dubstyleenation 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

does anybody know anything about the HP PAVILION DV9565ea??..is it a good computer??? im planning on buying it....here is the link to it (jus in case):

2007-09-08 13:55:50 · 7 answers · asked by Heaven 3 in Laptops & Notebooks

hi, im making my own computer and i ordered a procesosr from newegg and recieved it and now i relized it doesnt ocme with a heatinsk cpu fan lol

so i need help finding a good cpu fan for a good price

what is the average price of a fan also

thank you very much

easy 10 pts!

2007-09-08 13:15:16 · 4 answers · asked by ..... 1 in Desktops

Last night when using my laptop and the screen went black, but I knew the laptop was still running because I could hear my music. I thought it was a fluke and manually shut it off. Today I can't use my laptop for more than 5 minutes without the screen going blank (and sometimes it the screen goes off before I can even log in). I finally got the laptop to properly send the error message and it told me I have a problem with my ATI Graphics Driver. I have ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. I tried reading what the website told me to do, but it was all so technical I just can't understand. I tried running it in safe mode, but that did not work. Does anyone know how to fix this problem in plain English?

2007-09-08 13:14:22 · 3 answers · asked by petlover948 3 in Laptops & Notebooks

Hey, please help! My laptop just broke and I don't have the money to buy a new one, or repair it. I turn it on, and it goes to this black screen that asks if I want to restart it in safe mode, safe composition or normally. I press normally and the screen looks like it's starting up. Then, it goes to a blue screen for two seconds and then back to the black screen with the options. I've tried everything! Please help, thanks! If you help me, I'll put your questions as starred, and give you best answer! Thanks in advance.

2007-09-08 13:12:11 · 4 answers · asked by BullyBoo 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

I recently got my laptop (3 months ago) and I noticed that there is a problem with the screen's backlight. Whenever I turn on my computer the screen's brightness level goes all the way down. This also happens after I unplug my computer from it's charger. I tried a windows restore and it didn't help. I've also looked in the control panel for a way to fix this minor problem, but I couldn't find a solution. When I originally bought this laptop, it didn't have this problem. It started about 1 month after purchasing it. What can I do to adjust the setting???

2007-09-08 13:07:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

Hello i need help obviously i have a windows 95 laptop and im trying to install windows xp edition but whenever i input the disk (xp disc) i get nothing nada help!!!

2007-09-08 12:51:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

So i just re-formatted and installed windows xp. Now my sound doesn't work. I downloaded the driver from my computer manufacturers website. It installs then says something about going to the control panel to configure? what do i do?

2007-09-08 12:33:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

I have comcast cable and i just need to know the best card i can use that has a cable jack.

2007-09-08 12:10:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Hardware

When l turn on my laptop i have only 3 hours until my laptop shut down then i have to wait like another hour while shut down so it work for another 3 hours. I want to know whats the problem and how can i fix it?

2007-09-08 12:05:11 · 4 answers · asked by Abdulhadi J 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

I chose not to have a big party for my 15th (personal reasons) so my parents said i can have a laptop and a bunch of other stuff. I need some help choosing the RIGHT laptop for me. The brand needs to be really good like Dell or HP and a price around $500-800. Thanks to any helpful answers :]

2007-09-08 12:01:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

WindowsXP home
92% available space
pentium 4 @ 3.6 Ghz
256mb of RAM

Okay here goes, I have completely erased my hard drive, re-installed the OS, acquired all of the necessary updates for the OS. Installed updates for the drivers i need, have AVG 7.5 anti virus protection running. I run scan disk on it and keep temporary internet files deleted, cookies dumped, and analyze my hard drive once a week for a defrag and do it if needed.

My system runs sooooo slow even though i do all of these things.

I did a free registry scan and it shows almost 300 invalid registry items. Is there a way to remove these items without purchasing a new program?

OR.... is this not my problem? Please help.

2007-09-08 11:51:56 · 12 answers · asked by Gone2Pieces 1 in Other - Hardware

my pc computer got dropped when we moved and my sound card plus the place you plug the internet into the computer the ent hole it broke too so i was wondering if i could use my lap top parts for it

2007-09-08 11:48:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

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