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Hardware - June 2007

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Add-ons · Desktops · Laptops & Notebooks · Monitors · Other - Hardware · Printers · Scanners

i have a hp pavillion dv9000. my little sister broke my specers.

2007-06-29 02:45:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

It will not recognize the restore disk and proceeds to ask me for a disk again. How can I fix this? I have tried starting in safe mode but always goes back to wanting a disk. Does anyone know what I can do?

2007-06-29 02:35:01 · 4 answers · asked by hooverfam4 1 in Desktops

I cannot remember my password. I don't know how or if I can reset it.

2007-06-29 02:29:57 · 9 answers · asked by uclmr@sbcglobal.net 3 in Laptops & Notebooks

It doesn't matter if its the desktop or if I am surfing the web. It will move by itself side to side every couple of minutes. Its a brand new computer and we have XP installed. I am getting motion sickness from it. Please help.

2007-06-29 02:21:02 · 7 answers · asked by brystonmama 2 in Monitors

is there anyway of checking the health of your monitor, without paying for someone to check it? i keep losing colour

2007-06-29 01:20:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Monitors

I cant move my desktop icons. Every time I try to drag them to another place they move back to where they were. Can you help me change this setting please. Much obliged.

2007-06-29 00:56:20 · 8 answers · asked by **** 7 in Monitors

2007-06-29 00:19:19 · 11 answers · asked by klcdec13 1 in Monitors

Once I shut down my laptop the cable box has a "standby" button. Should I use that button or just unplug the computer? Is there a difference in the amount of electricity used?

2007-06-29 00:02:36 · 2 answers · asked by Elaine P...is for Poetry 7 in Laptops & Notebooks

i wana partion magic for partiotiong my hard drive plz help me thax in advance

2007-06-28 23:58:10 · 3 answers · asked by Bhisham P 1 in Desktops

2007-06-28 23:57:24 · 3 answers · asked by walter v 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

In my computer I have 3 Hard Drives (all internal) My main hard drive has XP on and is partitioned with Ubuntu on it also. On another Hard drive I have in my computer I have vista on it and that is also partitioned with Mac OSX (so my computer is a Quad-boot if you like) And the third Hard Drive is a 500GB just sitting there storing lots of things and is nearly full.

Anyway one morning, turned on my computer was trying to boot into Vista like normal and it cam eup with an error saying it cannot find the vista Start-up drivers. I though Vista must have a problem and be corrupt, putting in the install DVD should work fine. I tried to boot into Mac and that also would'nt boot. So I booted into XP and clicked on My Computer and it only showed 1 hard drive the one I was using. It previously always showed 3. So in the end 2 of my 3 Hard Drives have stopped working. Im not to bothered about the Vista/Mac one but my 500GB I am, they still both spin but just wont be recognized can anyone help?

2007-06-28 23:53:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

i have to press enter and 2 to get my @

2007-06-28 23:25:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

pleae ive a good make and is there SATA DVD R/W Rom,s if yes are they better ....for new system ? ...
please give the HDD SATA || model number and the web site that i can buy it from ...please UK sites ..and please if SATA DVD R/W rom's good give one of tem as well ..?
thanks ?

2007-06-28 23:19:44 · 5 answers · asked by randike2007 1 in Other - Hardware

A friend has rencently given me an Apple Mac G4 belonging to their father who sadly passed away,unfortunately no passwords have been left. I have tried changing the hard drive but it still wont allow me in. Ant suggestions please ?

2007-06-28 22:17:51 · 3 answers · asked by Linux Mint 11 7 in Desktops

using win XP and hvin GIGABYTE 945 board.....not using any graphics card.........

2007-06-28 22:14:39 · 7 answers · asked by anky 1 in Add-ons

The sound is really crackly and dvds jump alot. I still have plenty of RAM Space. I have defragmented but no change. How could i fix it?

2007-06-28 21:55:02 · 10 answers · asked by Ruth C 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

it would be helpful if it had a find fast faccility as well.

2007-06-28 21:50:04 · 4 answers · asked by robert r 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

I accidentally dropped some drops of water near my keyboard and I think some of it may have spilled on the keyboard. It seems to be working fine, but is there any chance that the water could have seeped into the internal components? Is there a chance that it will short out my computer if it did? I'm using a new usb keyboard, if that helps.

2007-06-28 21:49:08 · 5 answers · asked by Gamer 1 in Add-ons

My hard drive (C:) is only about 80 GB but I've used it to store mp3.Many programs are installed in this drive also.Therefore, I do not have enough room for using with video editing.
Will getting external hard drive solve this problem for me?

2007-06-28 21:45:20 · 6 answers · asked by RackmanagerPro 3 in Add-ons

Can I run 64 on my 32 ?

2007-06-28 20:58:44 · 9 answers · asked by James F H 1 in Add-ons

is it available in market,in a cd/dvd or something else....
1.Does it include inbuilt softwares?
2.Is internet speed good on mac?
3.any threat to use geniune mac?

plz tell me...i will be glad

2007-06-28 20:30:36 · 4 answers · asked by *** n 1 in Desktops

Is there anything in the CPU that might want to be replaced?
while migrating my mom got shipped by sea and they but it on the wharf when they were unloading, and there was a heavy rain, and there was no place in the storeroom to put it and they left the CPU box outside in the rain, now my CPU won't beep or turn on or a light comes on then it sounds as if its starting but then now beep. is there anyway which i can get a CPU which has gotten wet to work?
my data was saved, but i can't afford to buy new pc...
is there anything in the CPU that might want to be replaced?

they refuse to pay for leaving my pc in the rain...all they gave was a sorry...

i brought it to the IT department but they said they are not sure that it could either be the motherboard or the processor...

2007-06-28 20:25:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

Once i installed a game with a game DVD ,but suddenly something went wrong with the installation process.So i canceled the installation process & then again tried to install it by going to my computer,but i find the DVD drive icon missing & also the drive is not ejecting the disc!!what should i do?please help me!!!

2007-06-28 20:16:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Add-ons

There is so much out there regarding inkjet refills, bulk ink, re-manufactured cartridges etc. but are there any printers that just have much bigger cartridges that don't require frequent refills or new cartridges?

2007-06-28 20:03:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Printers

I have a WHITE iBook G4. Well, it WAS a white Mac anyway. It's gotten a bit on the dirty side in the last few years, and I would like to know if there were some easy ways to clean it without resorting to go to Fry's Electronics to buy some super-uber, fantastic computer cleaning product that costs a bundle. I've tried water and tissue but the dirt is resisting my attempts! Other than that, if there is no other alternative, Fry's here I come!

2007-06-28 19:38:07 · 8 answers · asked by bananniepie 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

I wanted to install this cool thing, (if u want to install 2 go ahead)
I want to install this cause its hard to install beryl,
this seems pretty easy.
But there is only one problem, it says u need a vide Accelerator Geforce 3 or up.
I dont know what kind of video accelerator I have?
How to I check?
And if i dont have it , where can I download it and how can I install it?
plz. help.

2007-06-28 19:28:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Add-ons

above is the question i am referring to

like your comments & how do you feel about it
the best snswer, as well as the asker

your thoughts please

2007-06-28 18:56:01 · 1 answers · asked by sεαη 7 in Other - Hardware

I'm shopping around for a notebook computer and am constantly seeing the nVIDIA logo followed by a series of numbers, and an description declaring that it is the latest and greatest in 3D rendering. About an hour ago, I even saw the nVIDIA quadro... no numbers following it all!

I am not an intense gamer, but I do love to play my share. I especially am thinking of something like WoW or really any MMO, and possibly some FPS games. Can someone explain to me the number system behind nVIDIA and give me some direction as to which are good, better, and best?

2007-06-28 18:47:10 · 4 answers · asked by Ovalanswers 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

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