I have an Emachines PC which seemed to be working fine, though was getting a bit slow. It's about 4 years old and has had light to moderate use. My roommate said one day it would not turn on, so I went over and checked all cables and tried it. It came on instantly. A few days later, it became stubborn again. I phoned a tech guy who said it was the power supply, no doubt. He charged $70 for a new one and $50 for his 10 min. of labor. The moment he left it shut down again. I got my $ back and reinstalled the old supply. It turned on, but then it seemed like the hard drive was running constantly, and I could not shut it off - I would have to log off, shut down, then unplug it to keep it from starting up again. After a few days of this, it dropped dead. What does this sound like to you? I want it fixed, not taken out behind the barn and shot. Was I too hasty? Is it the power supply? Or am I looking at something more complex? Help is most appreciated.
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