2928 South State Street, SLC, UT 84115 Phone:801-487-4647. Just received a nice glossy brochure from Joe Timmons, the owner. He invites me to join in the 2007 FALL RIDE.. O.K. fine, sounds great until you you read the fine FINE print. "Riders must pay in advance by Sept. 26 with release forms. Only Harley-Davidson, Buell or SuckerPunch Sallys motorcycles are invited, no other makes or models can register! Is this a way to bring bikers together as a solid group? I have bought 3 Harleys from Joe and this irritates me beyond words. I also own a Yamaha. My question is this. Is the way that Joe Timmons, the owner and operater of a LARGE Harley dealership network correct in restricting other riders from participating in any rides? What would happen if I pulled up on my Yammy during Timmons group ride? Just curious. Contact Joe @ www.utahharley.com
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