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Maintenance & Repairs - August 2006

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The sound is a rotational sound, as the wheels turn. I don't hear it as soon as I go over idle. Any suggestions on what it could be? It's a 98 Malibu. Thanks

2006-08-10 07:52:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-10 07:38:31 · 3 answers · asked by mike r 1

2006-08-10 07:26:15 · 3 answers · asked by Ryan D 1

i have a 91 honda accord and i burnt the clutch. and im assuming a need a new one. the garage said its 700 dollars for it. am i paying to much?

2006-08-10 07:25:04 · 10 answers · asked by AyoShun 1

I was told my shift solenoid pack is leaking in my 2000 Chrysler Sebring Convertible. How much does that cost to get fixed? Thanks!

2006-08-10 07:22:58 · 4 answers · asked by Sarah 4

the shop foreman said this was the third one he had seen in the last three months this seems to me this could be an issue for a recall

2006-08-10 07:18:59 · 1 answers · asked by big coach 1

2006-08-10 07:04:55 · 5 answers · asked by buba69chef 1

It's a Grand Cherokee 1998 4x4 , 8 cyl, 5.2 lt california and us emitions.
It has a strange failure, only when is hot, (after 20 to 30 minutes working) start to shake and have several explosions.but engine keep on working only in idle mode, I change the cap of distributor and the coil. It is not inyectors because it only happens when is hot, also alternator amps are below 13.6, My mechanic said is the engine computer because the alternator regulator also is placed there, we change alternator and battery and every thing was the same. thats why we are going to the computer, could be any other thing?

2006-08-10 07:04:04 · 5 answers · asked by javiercinni 4

the mechanics say that it is an odd-ball problem that they never seen before, and the problem is that they are ford certified mechanics that work at the dealership. i really dont know what to do, the mechanic says that they have to tear the whole engiine apart to see whats wrong because the computer diagnostic check only told them that there is low compression on cylinder #4. they also said that the prblem could be the block, the head, the rings, or the piston. it sounds like its a pretty big problem that is going to cost alot of money to fix, so if you have any ideas on what i should do, please tell me.

2006-08-10 06:51:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

98 Mustang
Check engine light; fuel injection component part major; compressor leakage; emissions needed repair;
2nd time check engine light, other compnent now needs replacing only 2 weeks later because it was "masked" by the other problems

2006-08-10 06:44:30 · 7 answers · asked by kmf91604 1

I can feel it in the wheel. Ican also feel it in the brake pedal. It has done this for some time,but increased it the last week.

2006-08-10 06:38:11 · 6 answers · asked by dancemom 2

The car had been struggling before, i would have to press the gas pedal really hard to get the car up to speed. There is also black smoke coming from the tail pipe.

2006-08-10 06:20:28 · 10 answers · asked by chica_bonita0315 1

Often times I see cars that are as new as 1 year old and they have cracks or deep nasty wringles in their leather seats. How do you prevent this from happening? At least for 5 years anyways.

2006-08-10 06:19:56 · 14 answers · asked by CutieBlondieGirl 1

I'm trying to fix a friends car and thier is no spark at all comeing to the spark plugs so we have put new plugs and wires on and thier is no spark comeing from the Ignition Coil so i had it tested at 2 autoparts stores and they side it tested good what could make it not have no spark?? it has the 6 Cyl 3.8L motor please help!!

2006-08-10 06:16:25 · 7 answers · asked by davedebo198305 4

I have a 98 neon and the air conditioner doesn't work. When I drive it, it blows hot and then cold air, followed again by hot air. It has the right amount of freon in it. When you turn the air on you can hear a clicking noise, what is the clicking noise, what is causing it and how do I fix it? Thanks..

2006-08-10 06:11:56 · 14 answers · asked by Grace K 1

I need something more powerful than household cleaners.

2006-08-10 05:58:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-10 05:50:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

for about 2 months i,ve been having trouble with the theft system---a display that says---starting disabled---remove key---wait 3 minutes----then car will start------this morning the same thing happened---but!!!---there was no wait 3 minutes display---it just read---starting disabled---remove key----the car will not start------any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!----i can,t get to work----help!!!

2006-08-10 05:45:47 · 4 answers · asked by Bobby 4

print out says NO level is too high: 858.6 when the limit is 731.
I also have a conforti engine mgmt chip for the engine, which creates more horsepower/higher rev limiits and removes the speed limiter.
Can this chip cause this failure?

2006-08-10 05:41:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live within 5 minutes of a pep boys and my car won't start...they do towing to their location. But i'm kind of iffy about mechanics in general because i've heard bad things about mechanics/garages and a few about Pep Boys. I'm afraid they might rip me off or do sloppy work and damage the car moreso but I have no choice. I have no one to help and no other way and I have to have the car fixed whether I want it or not by tomorrow. Any suggestions?

2006-08-10 05:02:54 · 22 answers · asked by Name Unknown 2

2006-08-10 04:57:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 3000 gt had a leak in the a/c hose and i need to charge it .r12 is so over priced,can any a/c techs tell me for shure if i can convert from r12 to 134a w/o any major changes,with the exception of e-vac(cleaning out a/c system)..i read and hear so many differant stories,don't know if i should try this change over..thanks mike

2006-08-10 04:32:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can hear the compressor go on and the light is on, but I get no air flow out of the vents.

2006-08-10 04:17:29 · 6 answers · asked by fstkat1 1

I have a 5 speed Ford Ranger it is mid 90's everytime I push the clutch in and just about to shift the rpms go really high. does anyone no why this may be.
I take my foot off the gas.
It just started this. Could my tranny be going?

2006-08-10 03:39:23 · 4 answers · asked by Sandra 4

It is a 5 speed and everytime I put the clutch in and just about to ship the rpms reave up really high does anyone now why it might be doing that?

2006-08-10 03:19:55 · 3 answers · asked by Sandra 4

does anyone know what may be going on with my vehicle?

2006-08-10 03:13:28 · 6 answers · asked by tdhodge40 1

I have an 01 Audi S4, it's doing this f unky thing with the oil temp gauge, it will be at 150 then all the sudden go up to the red line then drop back down, also the gas gauge is not reading the gas level right, it said I had no gas when I really had half a tank. Anyway, sometimes it does this, then sometimes its fine. We checked the instrument cluster and there are no DTCs, anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

2006-08-10 03:10:21 · 2 answers · asked by Molly323 5

I have an Expedition Truck I have been told to turn my Overdrive off. Why turn it off, what is it for no one can tell me? Is it best on or off when i drive in the city or Hwy??

2006-08-10 02:26:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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