Ok here's the scoops: I own a Jetta that until recently ran fine. In the past 2 mos. it's been in the shop and I've paid over $2500 in repairs. Now it's basically busted again and the engine needs replacing which will cost $4000. I've had it checked out at several repair shops which all tell the same story. Also I still have $11,000 balance on my auto loan. Is there a feasible way to get out of my loan. I'm a college student and just can't pull strings to get another $4000 for more repairs !!!! Other notes:Since I'm in school I probably couldn't get another auto loan unless I quit school, AGAIN, so I have employment history, paychecks, etc.. Also I don't want a co-signer OR trade my piece of junk Jetta for another car. Basically I'm looking for way out of my loan. After this experience with my Jetta, riding public transportation has been an oasis !!
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Maintenance & Repairs