I have a 1994 Saturn SL1. I gave in and went to one of those "chain" oil change stores for the mere convience of it. I had gone over my 3000 mile oil change date and had barely any oil left. Then, the guy that was under my car said i was leaking a lot of oil...that explains the oil stains in my boyfrinds beautiful driveway! I saw it myself and it is defiently leaking, they werent trying to scam me!
So he said i need a new gasket/oilpan and the part is less than $10 (i looked it up) but I know that the labor is expensive. He said i should find a friend that knows cars to do it so it isnt so expensive.
My question is...do i need to do it? At least not for a few months (after the holiday season?) My brother says that i dont have to, i should just check the oil more frequently. Is this true?
I KNOW that the best idea is to do it, but is it TOTALLY mandatory?
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Maintenance & Repairs