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Cars & Transportation - 27 November 2006

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Put 99 F-Taurus into the shop 4 a new battery and alternator ($107 & $259 + labor = $480). Told them I wouldn't have the money for 3 weeks or more. Because dealer I bought from always sends cars there, they said would do it for $400. I repeat time frame. They got dealor to add $400 to end of loan, allowing me to get car back. I picked the car up and drove it home, about 1 mile.

Next morning I drove 20 miles before hose to radiator fluid tank blows off from pressure. I believe it was reattached, but it was NOT clamped down. In about a minute, engine overheats, head gaskets crack, and car does not start again.

Have to move by end of the month, 3 days from now! Have been without car for 12 days. Should I expect:

1. Not pay labor from 1st job
2. Not pay for parts, labor or tow for 2nd job
3. 2 wks of car payments ($150)
4. Will lose $1000 if not out of house 12/1
6. Money for moving truck?
5. Time missed from work? ($100)

This is less than half the story.....

2006-11-27 08:12:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I can't get my '97 Saturn to turn over. It's got plenty of gas, the lights and radio are working (not the baterie), and it's almost turning over, but not quite making it. Also, for the last week, the RPM's have started reving everytime I first start the car, but then once I get going, it runs fine.

2006-11-27 08:03:30 · 12 answers · asked by franewing2002 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

pinkish whitish clear almost like water. no smell, drives fine, sits here and there has 63,000 miles. im not sure what it is but after drive when the truck is off leaks a pretty big puddle. just noticed the other day after it set for a couple of week. any help before i take it to a mechanic?! is it safe to drive? what could it be?!

2006-11-27 07:58:22 · 10 answers · asked by offcenter78 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Im on the verge of buying my first car. We have found one we like it is a 1996 pontiac grand prix its dark green on the outside and very nice on the inside as well. it is for 2,000 and has 135,000 miles. people say they are shitty cars so i just need peopls opnions. or past experiences with them?

2006-11-27 07:58:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

I started my truck this morning to go to class, started normally for a second and stalled rather violently. The lights and everything worked, but wouldn't start at all, would only make clicking noises when trying. So my dad told me that a few battery cells might be bad so have it tested, and sure enough yes. So I replaced the battery and now the truck is closer to starting, and it's turning, but not catching. Any ideas? My dad thinks it perhaps could be flooded or something, how long would I have to let it sit?

2006-11-27 07:56:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

why is it when anyone is reversing they almost allways and without knowing turn off the radio?
check it out its a fact...

2006-11-27 07:56:22 · 11 answers · asked by mickladd 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

My 53 Corsa (38k) gear stick was refusing to move when I selected 2nd gear a couple of times yesterday. Today it fails 9 times out of 10 and 1st gear is the same. Its fine in 3 to 5 and the clutch pedal is totally normal, no give. Can anyone help? Is it my gearbox? And if so I'm a month away from end of 3 year Vauxhall warrantee, will I be covered? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2006-11-27 07:55:44 · 7 answers · asked by glasgowgal_14 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I had a blowout and my steel radial tire caused my fiber glass ground effect kit to be damaged and the rear part of it ripped off completely it also put a hole in the rear side of my truck

2006-11-27 07:54:52 · 4 answers · asked by alphayesme 1 in Chevrolet

How do users of the tomtom find it? I use it even when I know the root but it sends me a longer way! I took a turning today ,not where the tomtom told me and it made the journey 4 miles less! and I was only travelling 11 miles! Anyone fine this a prob?

2006-11-27 07:53:30 · 2 answers · asked by Kevin-------------UK 2 in Commuting

i have an 89 toyota pickup with the 4 cylinder n/t and my buddy just gave me his 89 pontiac firebird formula but the tranny is blown so i was thinking of putting the 350 in the truck. anybody that can help me i'd appreciate it. i just wanna get all the details before i start a project of this size. any help is appreciated. thanks

2006-11-27 07:51:02 · 1 answers · asked by jeffrey d 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

The highest speed limit is 70mph and my dad never exceeds that. So why does it go that high?

2006-11-27 07:40:45 · 15 answers · asked by v w 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

??? just wondering how much and what it was and stuff

2006-11-27 07:39:30 · 14 answers · asked by Chris Webb 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have reciently passed my test i am 17 and thought it would be cheaper to go onto my dads insurance, he has not been driving for a few years so does he have any NCB? Where is the best place for me to get cheap car insurence (comprehensive)

2006-11-27 07:39:13 · 10 answers · asked by ANTHONY G 1 in Insurance & Registration

1992 Ford Explorer. Recently changed cable connectors and like-new converter. I jumped it after changing the connectors and it worked fine for a week. I parked it for a week and when I tried to start it the engine wouldn't even turn over. I get a clicking noise when it is hooked up to another car but after 10 minutes of charging there is no change. PLEASE HELP.

2006-11-27 07:38:34 · 11 answers · asked by M C 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I want a Honda VTX 1300 motorcycle and I want to get hardshell bags put on. Where can I buy them?

2006-11-27 07:38:20 · 8 answers · asked by neyoneyon 2 in Motorcycles

The other day I was driving my 1996 VW Jetta (Manual), and it became very hard to get the car into gear. If I was moving, it seemed okay, but when I had to stop it wouldn't go into first. I tried putting it into every other gear, and it still wouldn't budge. I pumped the clutch twice, and finally after pushing extremly hard I was able to get it into first gear. The same thing happened almost everytime I stopped my car. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Will this be possible to fix myself? Is my car safe to drive to school tomorrow?

2006-11-27 07:38:19 · 7 answers · asked by xwearingthinx 2 in Volkswagen

The other day I was driving my 1996 VW Jetta (Manual), and it became very hard to get the car into gear. If I was moving, it seemed okay, but when I had to stop it wouldn't go into first. I tried putting it into every other gear, and it still wouldn't budge. I pumped the clutch twice, and finally after pushing extremly hard I was able to get it into first gear. The same thing happened almost everytime I stopped my car. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Will this be possible to fix myself? Is my car safe to drive to school tomorrow?

2006-11-27 07:37:56 · 6 answers · asked by xwearingthinx 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-27 07:36:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Volvo

2006-11-27 07:33:15 · 8 answers · asked by Eric S 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Which gas provides the most mileage, performance and improvement in a car ?

2006-11-27 07:31:46 · 5 answers · asked by []D [] []V[] []D 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

When I start the car it will cut off then I can try again and as long as I keep my foot on the gas pedal and keep it idle it will stay on. At stop lights it never goes completely off but the RPM's are low and it acts as if it is going to stall Please Help!!!

2006-11-27 07:27:54 · 15 answers · asked by grits_fla 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-27 07:24:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

why do you think people pull past the white stop bar when they stop at a red light or stop sign.

2006-11-27 07:24:21 · 6 answers · asked by situatednut 1 in Commuting

Someone I 'know' lost their keys to a Suziki Vitara, not flash, I know, but it's parked and going nowhere. any ideas pls

2006-11-27 07:22:42 · 8 answers · asked by dick g 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I took my car to a mechanic that's very popular. He did great engine work and rotated my tires. This was about a month ago.

My front tire was flat this morning and I am riding on a doughnut (why do they even MAKE these puny things rather than a full size?) anyway, I took it to Goodyear and they told me that whomever rotated my tires in the front, they "crosstreaded" the bolts so they will have to be replaced along with the flat tire.

Can I sue the mechanic that did the rotation? I have the receipts for the work done, but I am afraid he will say I can't do anything about it.

Any suggestions? I am P.O.'ed.

2006-11-27 07:18:28 · 15 answers · asked by just me 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I'm looking for monthly or annual delivery info for planes such as the C-130 or F-16 (and modifications). Boeing posts this info online for the V-22, for example, but neither Northrop-Grumman or Lockheed-Martin does so (at least to my knowledge). I thought this was public information.

2006-11-27 07:17:45 · 4 answers · asked by mrkurz2004 1 in Aircraft

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