Put 99 F-Taurus into the shop 4 a new battery and alternator ($107 & $259 + labor = $480). Told them I wouldn't have the money for 3 weeks or more. Because dealer I bought from always sends cars there, they said would do it for $400. I repeat time frame. They got dealor to add $400 to end of loan, allowing me to get car back. I picked the car up and drove it home, about 1 mile.
Next morning I drove 20 miles before hose to radiator fluid tank blows off from pressure. I believe it was reattached, but it was NOT clamped down. In about a minute, engine overheats, head gaskets crack, and car does not start again.
Have to move by end of the month, 3 days from now! Have been without car for 12 days. Should I expect:
1. Not pay labor from 1st job
2. Not pay for parts, labor or tow for 2nd job
3. 2 wks of car payments ($150)
4. Will lose $1000 if not out of house 12/1
6. Money for moving truck?
5. Time missed from work? ($100)
This is less than half the story.....
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Maintenance & Repairs