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Cars & Transportation - 27 November 2006

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I have a current motorcycle license from Massachusetts. I moved to CA, Do I need to retake the written and driving tests in CA?

2006-11-27 04:56:45 · 5 answers · asked by manderso750 2 in Insurance & Registration

i have a nissan almera tino, 2.2 diesel, 51 reg. the past few days when i start it first time it started off ok, then there was a lack of power when i put my foot on gas and it shook quite a bit and lots of white smoke started coming out of tailpipe and it was like something was blocked and then it would go normal and be ok all day then when i am driving around its ok when accelerating but when i take my foot off gas it judders quite a lot and the engine seems to jolt.

2006-11-27 04:54:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

It is a slow leak. Noticed that it only is leaking when it is cold outside. What could the cause be???

2006-11-27 04:53:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

This little boy was walking down the street, a man said get in the car and I will give you some sweets, the little boy said No, the man said get in the car and I will give you sweets and money, the boy said No, the man said get in the car and I will give you sweets a hundred pounds and buy you a bike, the little boy said , Dad if you bought me all I ever wanted I will not get in your Volvo

2006-11-27 04:51:23 · 11 answers · asked by john r 4 in Volvo

On a 1985 ford F-150 straight 6 cyl. when i decelerate it backfires bad.
What could cause this?

2006-11-27 04:45:16 · 9 answers · asked by walkec16901 1 in Ford

What is the best way to remove gasket remains from a cylnder head? People keep saying a wire brush...but wouldn't that scratch aluminum? Please help.

2006-11-27 04:43:46 · 8 answers · asked by Jamie J 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am selling a car for $24,000. This is the offer I received. What do you think?

" I have forwarded your vehicle information to my client and after evaluation and due to time constraint on the fact that we are running short of time. I'm delighted to tell you that my client has recommended your vehicle, with full interest and he has instructed me to carry on with his transaction,he hopes the engine is serviced and oil changed too .He cant wait to see the car parked in his garage.
However,My client made out a certified cashiers check of($33,000) before he travelled to germany for death of his daughter ,for a previous car and its shipment charges etc,but it was unfortunately sold.The amount on the check he deposited for the car is bigger than what should be paid to you now, so the check is now meant for the total expenses which includes the purchase of your car,the pick up of the car from its present location and the shipping charges/other necessary shipping arrangements. However he has instructed us to carry on with this transaction. So you're required to deduct the cost of your car ($24,000)and send the balance of($9,000) to the Agent ( our shipper ) for him to be able to offset shipping & tax charges, and other cosmetic repair costs.After payment has reached you and balance sent to shipper, the shipper's agent will come for inspection, pick up (of vehicle & signing of title papers), make some cosmetic touches and drive to a prepaid shipper to be shipped to my customer.and also conclude other necessary shipping arrangements.so you dont have to bother yourself about the pick up and shipping arrangements.
Please Confirm this and provide name,address and phone number for check payment to be delivered to you via fedex courier .
Thanks and God bless.

2006-11-27 04:41:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

2006-11-27 04:39:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

Is there a reasonn for this or is it a preference?

2006-11-27 04:39:19 · 5 answers · asked by Charly B 2 in Safety

2006-11-27 04:34:39 · 15 answers · asked by Indian 2 in Aircraft

Hi, I have an old 1995 Vauxhall Corsa. Today, this warning light came on. Unfortunetely I dont have the manual. It is a yellow light, with the symbol of an engine with a lightning symbol in the middle of it. What does this mean???

2006-11-27 04:32:47 · 14 answers · asked by boyinlove2k 2 in Vauxhall Opel

My car makes a irritating noice when first started until warmed up. the cars parked in the street.
I think its the fan belt either its old or has water vapour on it causing it to make the whinning noice, all i want to know is. is it the fan belt and how much does it cost to replace? advice

2006-11-27 04:28:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-27 04:25:54 · 17 answers · asked by Jen-Jen 6 in Other - Cars & Transportation

recondition head, new spark plugs and pistons and rebore it

2006-11-27 04:20:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

Recently I was leaving my sister's house after dark and as I backed out of the driveway, I hit a black car parked on the other side of the street.

I went back in and told my sister, who was quite angry because her development has a home owners assoc. rule that no one is allowed to park on the street. This is because the builder intentionally built the streets very narrow and the driveways very shallow to get as many homes on the land as possible. The driveways zig-zag down the street, so anywhere you park on the street, you are parked behind a driveway, and there are no street lights. My sister said people who break this rule are just tempting fate. The developer put in two guest parking lots, so there is plenty room for visitors or three car families.

Still, we contacted the owner and a police report was filed, me being at fault. Obviously, the police can't enforce Home Owner Association bylaws. Can my insurance use the bylaws to deny the claim of the owner of the car?

2006-11-27 04:19:54 · 5 answers · asked by schlumpylu 1 in Insurance & Registration

Needs to be M1, close to Peter Street / Midland Hotel / GMEX

2006-11-27 04:17:31 · 7 answers · asked by steven b 2 in Commuting

2006-11-27 04:15:41 · 5 answers · asked by vince 2 in Boats & Boating

2006-11-27 04:15:00 · 2 answers · asked by vince 2 in Boats & Boating

When someone opens their car door into mine and causes a dent, I would like to have them pay for it. Should I just take their insurance info or license # down? Will their insurance even pay for the damages if the cars are not moving and do I need to call police to get a report filed? I just bought a nice car and, judging from previous experience, it is not a matter of if this will happen but when this happens again.

2006-11-27 04:11:51 · 5 answers · asked by dls_770 2 in Insurance & Registration

My freinds car has a leaky radiator, not from rust but because it has plastic end, and anit freeze leaks out of it when warming up.
Is there any way to stop it?
I believe he has tryed Bars Stop Leak.

2006-11-27 04:11:15 · 5 answers · asked by tim 6 in Maintenance & Repairs

my car is a honda passport 98. I change the bulbs already and the brake light still does not work.

2006-11-27 04:08:38 · 9 answers · asked by Myself 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-11-27 04:00:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Rail

I have a 1994 Ford Tempo. It has been kept in excellent condition. I'm kind of an idiot when it comes to cars, but I looked under teh hood and saw that it was smoking a bit and had a smell to it. I think its a combination of two things, I'm out of coolant and low on oil. When I put the oil in where do I put it and what is coolant? isn't that just water or is that something I have to buy from the store? my mecahnic is out of town, I usually let him deal with everything.

2006-11-27 03:54:41 · 8 answers · asked by chocolate_sista_4_life 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2003 Chev Malibu. The car starts up but the engine shake. The car drives but it shakes and it's not smooth like before. Do anyone know what this is? Plaese help?

2006-11-27 03:54:34 · 13 answers · asked by jayfrezzy 2 in Chevrolet

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