I had some problems a few years ago and no job so my credit was really messed up and now I am making pretty good money so I want a new car. My fico score is 560 with about 4 collections from about 2 years ago but my dad has a 700 score and makes about 200k and agreed to cosign. I also have a 2003 Mustang that I only owe 3500 on and the dealership will probably give me 10500 for it The car I want is 30k sticker, Please, Help me out people what are my chances? Thanks
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The dealship called today and he got my information and said he would call back. He called back but he didn't say I got approved, he just said for me and my dad to come up there. I ask him did It go through and he said he didn't try but earlier he said he would try? So, do you think he is lying and knows I didn't get approved or what? Why didn't he just tell me one way or another? I didn't mention, I make 3000 a month before taxes. Thanks for any help
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