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Careers & Employment - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Administrative and Office Support · Financial Services · Food Service · Government & Non-Profit · Health Care · Law & Legal · Marketing & Sales · Other - Careers & Employment · Technology

I live in Illinois, where can I find the funding to finance my venture? I have two semesters until I finish my bachlors in sociology but I am thinking of sitting out and starting my business. I have three children,single parent and good child care is always an issue for me to work traditional hours. I am always told I am good with children and my ultimate college and career goals is to work with women and children. Where can I find help to start a business and is this a good idea?

2006-10-19 03:13:20 · 5 answers · asked by nene 3

I have been on weekly pay since i started my job, and i was told today that from next week i shall be on monthly pay....therefore i will have to go a whole month without being paid. Is this legal?

2006-10-19 03:12:23 · 12 answers · asked by sharon t 1

I worked there for roughly 8-9 months part time, but when i finished university I left without giving notice,i just rang up and said I wont be in again. Now I would like to purchase stuff from the shop, I know I acted in the wrong way about leaving and theyre probably not too happy about it, will they refuse to serve me??

2006-10-19 03:07:00 · 12 answers · asked by P 4

I graduated from college in 1999 and have 5 years experience with a small company and helped develop it. I want to post my resume and I need help with the Objective or Summary section. Does this sound ok:

"Experienced Professional seeks an Administrative position in the Health Care Industry fully utilizing strong customer service attitude, exceptional organizational ability and communication skills."

It sounds generic to me. I used the term "professional" b/c I have 5 years experience after college (some operations and supervisory/management experience, but not enough to go for a management position) Most of my experience was in customer service/customer relations management and small project management.

Also, what does the term "administrative" constitute? Does it include customer service? I do not want to work in a call center position.

2006-10-19 03:06:43 · 3 answers · asked by Nels 7

I've been searching for a job for over a year now and have occasionally run across a job i have applied for previously and been unsuccesful at (either at the interview stage or just with my CV). What i want to know is what are my chances of getting that job if i go for it again?

I have inadvertently done it once. I wasn't aware who the job was with until i got an interview date because it was all done through an agency. I'd applied the first time through post and didn't get an interview. The second time (through the agency), my interview lasted only 15 minutes.

Would anyone's opinions of someone be different if they saw them applying for the same job a year later? Has anyone been through a similar experience?

Thanks :)

2006-10-19 02:56:01 · 15 answers · asked by bobinson 1

OMG I am here at work, looking at boats in the computer and all of a sudden some nosey a** mothaf**er tells me. "oh so you're planning on buying a boat. i look at him like NIGUHHH why the F**k do you care. So i had to re-arange my desk so that my computer wouldnt be seen by people walking around!! GOSH PEOPLE IN MIAMI THESE DAYS!!

2006-10-19 02:53:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-19 02:26:55 · 19 answers · asked by nashvillekat 6

Is there a Employee ? act that should have made her tell me the reason?

2006-10-19 02:25:26 · 20 answers · asked by bones 1

i have applied for a few jobs in clothes shops, but what is the right thing to say when asked what you would do if you actually saw someone steal something, how you would handle it etc??

2006-10-19 02:16:33 · 22 answers · asked by sillyfatelephant 2

2006-10-19 02:06:56 · 8 answers · asked by sassy 2

i have software to read answers back to me, so please don't be put off replying just because i can't see

2006-10-19 01:52:51 · 15 answers · asked by mysterious_gal1984 3

Hey, I am working on becoming A+ Certified, which is supposed to be the basis of an IT career. Once I become certified, I was wondering where must I start off to find a job, such as Best Buy, Circuit City or another business. Will they hire a College bound High school student? Finding a job is important for my Resume and to me! I need money fast, and Tech jobs pay well! I also possess enough knowledge for computers, I know Java Visual Basic and many others!
I am living in the Washington DC area.

Bad answers will get a thumbs down!


2006-10-19 01:50:18 · 3 answers · asked by Raushan P 2

Hi guys,

Need your advice. I had a really high profile interview with a government client today and my agent had lied on my cv and stated that I had finished work in June this year rather than September last year which is a massive gap. I did not feel confident going in there and basically lying to the client about this especially as I have not been to an interview for a year and also they would of expected me to be a lot more on the ball than I am. I cancelled the interview for this reason and told the agent he shoud not of lied, was I right or wrong ?

2006-10-19 01:45:15 · 9 answers · asked by rehad 2

I work in the legal field (I am not an attorney) I had several jobs in 3 law offices. My first job I resigned in 9 months of my employment. My second job I resigned in 8-9 months and I have 7 months at my current job . My resume speaks for itself, I have good experience but shows that I am not stable at one job. I really want to find a good firm to work for and make it a career starting off as an entry level paralegal. I am a hardworker and a quick learner. I am going to school to get certified as a paralegal. I am not happy at my current job because I over qualify for the position I took which is a receptionist. Its fustrating for me because I feel I can do more. I dont know if by looking now I am just wasting my time, plus this job doesnt have good benefits and there is favoritism at the office but not with me. I really need some advice I know employers would toss my resume if I were to start job hunting, I was thinking on waiting till January of 2007. What can I do to fix my resume?

2006-10-19 01:41:17 · 8 answers · asked by ourfuturein123 2

i work a shift pattern, 8 hour days. The early shift is 6am-2pm, and the late shift 2pm til 10pm. My boss says that i am only entitled to one 30min break on the late shift for an evening meal, but am entitled to NO break (other than quick toilet breaks) on the early shift.
Is there anything in employment law that states how many breaks, and for how long, employees are entitled to??

2006-10-19 01:11:17 · 11 answers · asked by theboyneil 2

is my paycheck on my primesouth debit card?

2006-10-19 00:48:32 · 5 answers · asked by courtney m 1

ok this company saw my cv and they arranged an interview with me but when I asked my friends, they told me that the salary is not that good and also the work itself is not that strong as they heard..so what do u think should I listen to them or just go and see for myself>??

2006-10-19 00:20:50 · 11 answers · asked by what goes around comes around 3

Do you feel intimidated by the fact that you have none. Does it make you feel insecure. And do you think it is time for your to get those qualifications, would they improve your career prospects?.

2006-10-19 00:13:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would be the TOP (MOST) 5 Things
to CHANGE in your PAST (life) if you could?

2006-10-18 23:51:42 · 7 answers · asked by YOU 1

She uses the F word and keeps saying how everything gets on her t*ts!

2006-10-18 23:26:38 · 36 answers · asked by The way I are 1

2006-10-18 23:16:24 · 8 answers · asked by lynn m 1

problem but i had sick certs to cover my sick. I suffer from IBS. total of 9 days sick in 12months and 90% covered by sick certs. There are 3 people in this office who had 4 weeks sick and more covered by a sick note in the last 12 months and they got 2k bonus, reckon i should complain cos in this company its not what you know and how hard you work its who you know. the boss doesnt like me because i dont suck up to her and make it kinda obvious im not going to chase ronud after her when im already involved in something else. I dont want to complain but feel unfairly treated. I wont get a bonus i appreciate that but im leaving in 2 weeks and this is the main reason i am as i dont fit in because i dont believe in treating people differently because they expect people to bow everytime they come in a room! thank god im going! what do you think, nothing sarky or abusive please. i want opinions not rudeness!

2006-10-18 22:49:26 · 18 answers · asked by caroline17nov 3

Both my bosses just came in to town and I left a box of chocolates each in their rooms with my numbers. My local colleagues fired me and initally my bosses wanted to talk to me about it. When I saw them yesterday, they were too tired from 20 hrs of flight. They asked for my numbers and said they'll call the next day or after. Were they being polite of will they really call???

2006-10-18 22:39:26 · 5 answers · asked by Nemrac666 2

If you were to get your degree in criminal justice..what are the job opportunities you have?

2006-10-18 22:12:43 · 2 answers · asked by bubuma 3

2006-10-18 22:06:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need some financial help to get myself through college. where do i go?? any web sites that aren't fake?

2006-10-18 21:58:36 · 5 answers · asked by bubuma 3

I recently placed an add in the paper asking for any work i could do in my spare time (evenings and weekends) as i work full time during the day (I was hoping for somthing like leaflet delivering or some work over the internet) but someone has just phoned and ask if i would be interested in lingerie modeling he will pay £80 an hour, he said he is an amatur photogropher and the photos will just go in his portfolio, Do you think I should give it a go I could really use the extra money and it would also be in my own home, Im not sure what my husband would think either, what do you think

2006-10-18 21:48:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I applied for a job , I was asked the question above . However , I did not know how to answer it . The interview turnned out to be a disaster and they did not offer me the job ,of course.Anyone give me some advice?

2006-10-18 21:44:30 · 3 answers · asked by ΄ Т size= 1

2006-10-18 20:57:59 · 25 answers · asked by muttyuk 1

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