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Careers & Employment - August 2006

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I can also be a TUTOR to a child. If I have a slim chance, please advise for an option. Thanks.

2006-08-25 19:23:30 · 7 answers · asked by nimlyn 1

Today I was "let go" from my job. I was given no previous notice of my termination, nor was i fire of any specific reason, I worked there for a little over a year and a half. I was employed in the state of North Dakota, I'm just wondering if anyone knows the employement laws of ND and if I deserve compensation for my my lack of notification

2006-08-25 19:15:36 · 15 answers · asked by dusty_becker 2

I need a job that pays because I need to buy stuff at movies, hang w/friends, ect. But everytime sun1 ibvites me I don't have the money. this can't cut into school. please b serious working 4 family doesn't help either! Help! Also how would I gt started?

2006-08-25 19:15:24 · 10 answers · asked by hottie123 1

I am working at a restaurant for about 1 month and half.
My salary was $5.50 and my tip was 20% at first.
Now my tip goes up to 70% and get 20$ or so by cash (it is tips), but my salary went down to $4.00.

My manager said I am still at trainning, so my salary is low.

I never worked anywhere that after i work , my salary goes down.

Is this normal sysytem for a restaurant for a server??

Please give me your comment about this..

2006-08-25 18:58:49 · 12 answers · asked by TabbyCat 2

when looking for a new job, what would you look for, considering the slow down or soft landing of the economy. In case of a recession, what are the things to look for?

2006-08-25 18:58:41 · 2 answers · asked by avatar 2

Me and my wife just touched down in Oklahoma City becuase my friend said housing and jobs were better in Oklahoma City and he could assist us in getting housing. Now I find out we can only stay two weeks before a criminl background will keep me from being on his lease.

I was wondering if anybody either in Oklahoma City or knowing about Oklahoma city knew any jobs in the city that don't worry about past felonies and/ or don't do background checks; and any apartment complexes that do not do background checks in this area. If there is a way around any of these problems in the state of Oklahoma that would be greatly appreciated as well.

2006-08-25 18:47:13 · 1 answers · asked by Crossroads Keeper 5

it was for armed robbery and i am 21 also wondering i heard if you join the army the government erases your record any help would be appreciated

2006-08-25 18:32:47 · 7 answers · asked by rick 1

I have asked my boss for vacation pay since he is retiring. I have 8 days left. I get paid on the 1st and 15th and it is salary,always the same. Is it legal that he breaks up my remaining days by 30 days. I do not work 30 days a month. I work 22 days. For example I get paid 1600.00 a month, he divided that by 30 and then multiplied that by the 8 remaining days. It came out to 426.33. that is less than I would usually make. I would make more by taking my vacation.please help.

2006-08-25 18:23:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was told I was fired for "insubordination" for not following the chain of command. I had made many attempts to meet with my immediate supervisor concerning problems, no luck. I then went to his supervisor about my complaints, and that I was concerned being setup and would be fired. Was told by him that it was ok to come to him, that my supervisor had no right to be mad, that my job was secure and that we would meet (all 3 of us) to resolve the issues. We did, but my supervisor walked out after his supervisor told him we were staying together until everything was talked about and resolved. I did not contact his supervisor any more. Was called by my supervisor to meet with him and then he fired me. When I questioned being insubordinate about what, he stated because of emails I had sent to my supervisor's supervisor and did not follow chain. I asked to see emails stated he did not have or know anything about them.he was told by management to terminate, I did not send any emails.

2006-08-25 18:22:44 · 10 answers · asked by pepsi_pam 1

seriously. im a slacker. and i wouldnt mind getting into some kind of profession that doesnt require a whole lot of doing. me and my friend were talking about how cool it would be to have a job as a slacker...someone would ask you what you do and you'd answer "yeah, I'm a slacker". Nice! but yeah. a serious job that pays good and you dont have to be that smart (yeah thats me) or have to do very much and did i mention pays good? oh, and i dont want to be hearing no "president of the united states" stuff, got it?

2006-08-25 17:52:18 · 14 answers · asked by schnoozer 2

Hi all,

Here's the scenario: a salaried teacher needs to find a substitute. They have to pay the substitute out of their own pocket. Is this illegal or only unethical?

Imho, I think it is both, as the the substitute's wages would be untaxed, and the teacher would be paying with post-tax dollars.

2006-08-25 17:52:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi all,

Is it a federal law or state law that all workers are entitled to 1 week of paid vacation after one year, or am I just remembering the wrong thing?

thnx in advance

2006-08-25 17:37:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a baby, and my husband and I are currently both working. My parents have been babysitting, but since my mom became manager at work she's there all the time...and my dad may be going back to work due to financial needs. This puts me in a predicament, as we cannot all schedule our hours around each other to make sure that someone is there with my baby at all times. Therefore, I am going to need to quit my job to be a stay-at-home mom. I still need to work, however, or we'll be in a tough spot. Does anybody have any ideas or know of a legitimate business that has openings where a person can work from home? I see all the time ads and such for stay-at-home moms who start their own business and everything, but I don't even have the funds for that. I'm looking for a company job which would allow me to work from home on the computer or answering phones (I could get a cell phone to use as a business phone) or anything like that. I am in desperate need of advice. Can anyone help?

2006-08-25 16:45:14 · 0 answers · asked by EarthAngel 4

When some is referred to as a workaholic it indicates than he/she has an obsession... to WHAT?

2006-08-25 16:22:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking into schooling for paralegals. When I received the information, it was for legal secretary. I thought it was the same thing, until I saw a reference to being an assistant to a paralegal as a job option. What is the difference and is it worth it to go for legal secretary as a career option, as opposed to a paralegal? Thanks!

2006-08-25 16:19:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got a job offer for 60K/yr as a logistics analyst in south NJ for Sony. I had been laid off 6 mos. back, but after looking for work for a while I kinda gave up and got myself admitted into the Masters in Accounting program at UT Austin. Now after 1 month into my new program one of the companies I had interviewed 40 days back finally offerre me 60K for a job. I really like Austin and and doing OK in the accounting program. I feel that if I was in a finance/ accounting to begin with I wouldnt have to wait for so long to get another job. SO what do you all think...should I continue in the accounting masters or take up the job? I have substantial scholarships for the MAcc program plus its Austin, so thats a big draw. On the other hand the salary is 60K. WHich would be better in the long run?

P.S. I was terminated from my last consulting job working for a tiny company after just 2 mos.

2006-08-25 16:15:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a period of three months co workers and jr supervisors that I have never spoken to except work related questions , 3 have asked me if I wear long skirts because of religion at seperate times on seperate days, no i dont i just wear long skirts and i'm short, 1 has told me i sound ghetto, no I'm not black.. one told me i'm short a jr supervisor out of the blue, never spoke to me before..walked by and said "hey you are really short"..is this harassment all put together ;would a lawyer take a case like this

2006-08-25 15:22:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm currently 15 and I want a REAL job. I've tried that personal house cleaning, babysitting, even volunteer work (for resume's) and I am ready for a real job. I was thinking about filing and shredding papers at my mom's work and my mom even suggested working at baskin robins but I would be tempted ALL day long and probably be known as the one who dropped the kids icecream cone and made him cry... any OTHER ideas... ( not a lifeguard, please)

2006-08-25 15:09:48 · 9 answers · asked by elemenopee. 4

hey chief when you got hired did they tell you your scheduled the same day you went for the interview?

2006-08-25 15:04:26 · 2 answers · asked by libraloves47 1

Jus wondering how many ppl actually enjoy there job....

2006-08-25 14:42:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-25 14:24:36 · 2 answers · asked by Candi Bear 1

2006-08-25 14:20:33 · 12 answers · asked by The Apostle 2

2006-08-25 14:12:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a good person. Go beyond the call of duty. But still seem to get the butt end of deals at work. Why is this? I am a christian and never say those four letter words, lie, steal, cheat, or even gossip. I am not snobbish. I do all that is asked of me very flexable and never ask why. I just do it. I smile at everyone. Do I need to be more hateful or what? Help me. :(

2006-08-25 13:47:10 · 14 answers · asked by babygirl 4

Me and this other woman have been working at the same company for approximately the same amount of time. We work in different departments but are both entry level and make the same amount of money. She is often gone for various reasons, and I have to do her job for her while she is out. When I am out, which is rarely as it is, she does not do my job. Also, even when she is at work, I have to go and help her complete her work so it will be done on time. I am essentially trained to do both jobs now and do the work of two people but we still make the same amount. Is this a good basis to ask for a raise?

2006-08-25 13:45:28 · 11 answers · asked by UseAnotherNickname 1

This summer I worked at a Starbucks licensed store. I really loved it, so I decided to apply at the new SB's that's getting ready to open. They gave me an interview and then a 2nd interview, but then they didn't call me. I thought it went well. My 1st cousin works at Starbucks + she talked to the district manager + she said she would hire me. Does anyone have any ideas why she didn't call me?

2006-08-25 13:44:03 · 4 answers · asked by spongenick88 1

Adding to a previous question. I lost my job and need to cash out my 401K (We have no money in the bank) but since I dont work there I cant just withdraw what I need , I have to witdraw the whole amount and that will cost me half my money. I have $68K and I will lose $30K to taxes .
This is my question , can i then do this then , Transfer the 401K to a Traditional IRA then withdraw just what I need maybe $15 to 20K paying about half to taxes leaving $48K in my IRA. Will I lose anything when I transfer from 401 K to IRA and then Can I imediatly withdraw the money i need say 20K from the IRA i just set up.

2006-08-25 13:31:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why does a person have to attend interview after interview after interview to find a job but continue to get turned down? My qualifications are good enough to get the interview, what am I doing wrong? Management persons encouraged to answer... thanks!

2006-08-25 13:26:31 · 8 answers · asked by Aime E 1

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