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Business & Finance - 23 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

i have this assignment to set an alternative marketing stratgy for a product.

2006-12-23 10:08:53 · 4 answers · asked by tHe 0Ne 1 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

Hi, looking for a catchy , professional , slick name for my lawn mowing business please help!

2006-12-23 10:07:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

2006-12-23 09:59:39 · 5 answers · asked by PETER K 1 in Renting & Real Estate

im sorry this is long

british gas are trying to charge me £10 a week on my meter.
i dont ever use that much as i live by myself in a 1bedroomed flat and i am not in most of the time.

i usually use 30p-40p electric a day maxium and suddenly the meter is going down by over £1 a day. i rang up and they said it was because my meter hadnt been changed for 3 years so i owe £113.

i explained that i am currently unemployed and i only get £80 a fortnight and that i cant afford to put that much credit on my meter with my other bills to pay. they said it was tough and i have to pay it back anyway. i havent even lived in that flat 3 years.

i want to change my supplier coz of this. if i did that would i still have to pay this money i shouldnt have to owe?

i really dont know what i should do. can you help?

2006-12-23 09:57:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

How much money do woen make annually in construction? I heard they get more work because there isn't a lot of women in construction, so is they're annual salary higher than a males? And if you don't know how much more a women get's paid, can you just tell me how much the annual salary is generally?

2006-12-23 09:49:57 · 6 answers · asked by Lala 2 in Careers & Employment

Well i got 150 dollars from my dad for christmas, and i want to give that money to charity, but i dont know what charity would be good. I actually wanted to buy stuff and put it in bookbags and give it to charity. But i dont know. Please help.

2006-12-23 09:46:20 · 15 answers · asked by x3southernx3 1 in Personal Finance

i have little idea about MLM. what i dont know is what will toplevel get if subtree gets 2 customers and what will the subtree earn from these two customers. say p1 gets p2 and p3. each pay $2 to enter this program. what will be p1 earning for geting p2 and p3.

and if p2 gets 2 more customers underhim who pay $" each again what will p2 earn and will p1 get earn anything or no, i think he earns and keeps on earning as the members grow if i am not wrong.

please answer this for me and could you lease suggest some good sites where MLM profit distriution explain with chart or something


2006-12-23 09:40:34 · 6 answers · asked by essa a 1 in Small Business

Ok, I recently bought a laptop from a guy. However, after using the computer for one week, I discovered that it's basically a piece of crap. Therefore, I was wondering how I'd be able to void the check so that he couldn't cash it.

2006-12-23 09:38:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

does anyone know a site i can go to find out history on my apartment? for ex: fire,deaths and more.

2006-12-23 09:37:02 · 3 answers · asked by mrsp27 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Which would be the super power in IT....India or China??????
Based on the pace of development in IT between these two countries.....Which would emerge as ultimate?????


2006-12-23 09:36:45 · 17 answers · asked by Eric 1 in Investing

I have some programming skils (VB and MS Access) and I want to work at home.

2006-12-23 09:35:10 · 0 answers · asked by Ear 3 in Careers & Employment

??? where do I find out?

2006-12-23 09:35:04 · 10 answers · asked by Dick Richards 3 in Investing

wut do u plan to do i plan to own my own buisness! How bout u??

2006-12-23 09:34:15 · 11 answers · asked by ♥MONEY IS ALL MINE♥ 1 in Small Business

2006-12-23 09:30:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

What would be the stock projections for the 2007????
Would there be increase in sensex?????


2006-12-23 09:30:42 · 3 answers · asked by Eric 1 in Investing

I was wondering if there is a way that i could e-mail the Illinois Department of Eployment. I had filed for unemplyment and was tring to locate the employment office in Alton Illinois. Thank You

2006-12-23 09:29:52 · 2 answers · asked by Not-u-2 1 in Careers & Employment

Like a lot of people, I invested in mutual funds through one form or another in order to supplement my pension. The trouble is I don't have a degree in finance, and nobody really ever explains the intracasies of these things when you're buying them. Admittedly, I am a financial moron. OK, now my question is this. Everyone tells you not to do this, but the inate gambler in me is still sore about losing so much cash in 2001. Therefore, last August with only 8 months before my retirement, I decided to pool all my money into a volitail international/emerging market fund (Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets - MGEMX) and hoped to regain some of my loss. The fund was doing excellent till Thursday when it took a huge drop. Somebody told me the reason this mutual fund dived so low was that it was "ex-dividending." Not knowing the first thing abiout what that means I pulled all my money out and put it in a safe account till I figure what to do next. Can somebody explain to me what happened?

2006-12-23 09:27:02 · 7 answers · asked by Jumpin' Jack Flash 1 in Investing

2006-12-23 09:23:34 · 4 answers · asked by Darrell 4 in Careers & Employment

Thinking of moving to FL, wondering if it is a good state to move to or not regarding affordabiltiy if your a middle class person with family young children?

What cities are safe and good or should i stay where i am?

2006-12-23 09:23:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

My main asset is my income, 75% of which I save every month. My secondary asset is the interest from my savings account. My main liability is my rent. My interest is steadily approaching my rent and will eventually overtake it. So why does everyone recommend that I invest my savings into property, lose my secondary asset and swap my main liability (rent) for an alternative liability (mortgage + interest on mortgage + house maintenance costs). Am I not better off renting and saving? Is this advice all based on the assumption that house prices will continue to rise and the potential returns from property speculation will outpace the increase in the monthly interest I receive from my savings? Or is there something I'm missing which shows that it is fundamentally better to use money to put down a deposit on a mortgage than invest it in a high-interest savings account?

2006-12-23 09:22:08 · 12 answers · asked by Alan L 1 in Investing

2006-12-23 09:13:36 · 3 answers · asked by ooohaynow1 1 in Small Business

I would like to know if its possible to have your name removed from a mortgage. Ive been on it for 11months and its a fixed 5yr mortgage.Also what costs are there involved in doing a name removal (if its possible)from a legal document, We was not married, just living together also,i dont know if that changes anything. thanks for your help.

2006-12-23 09:09:15 · 7 answers · asked by rod t 1 in Renting & Real Estate

However, when I look at most of the Vanguard profiles, there's a 5% load on most of them. The Wellington fund, in particular, states that it's a no-load fund, yet it has the same 5% load or up-front fee. Why is this?

I was under the impression that no-load funds were just that. Like if a person put 100K into a no-load fund, and said fund advertised a 0.5% fee, then a person would pay just 0.5% of 100k every year to own the fund (not including taxes and things like that).

I'm obviously wrong on this.. but that was my understanding.

Any help is appreciated.

2006-12-23 08:58:16 · 10 answers · asked by tlc289 4 in Investing

my friend needs to get her own apartment but does not work at the momet, but does recieve child support can she use this as her income to rent one or does she have to have a job

2006-12-23 08:40:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

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