My poems are usually too long for contests, or too short to have a decent chance (who would ever pick a winner that was a haiku, right? no matter how good), or they contain spacing that make them somewhat concrete and won't translate onto a site... do you have to decide between showing any kind of poem you want and having a shot, or is there a place where you can enter anything?
"One for the squashed."
O pioneer, that entered our sterile Arcadia
in the name of your brave kind, you
dared show yourself, to quietly claim
in your corner you belonged, too. Nothing
would have come of it - no mate, no prey.
Still, too light to trigger nerves, you strode
upon the perceptions of unwelcoming gods.
They stomped you one for good measure.
You both knew it at the start - you were,
intolerably, the stronger.
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