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All categories - 12 October 2007

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Was it good? Should I watch it?

2007-10-12 03:23:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Me and This girl have been dating for a while now and i think that i m ready to have sex and she told me that she is too, what aree some romatic ways to make love?

2007-10-12 03:23:26 · 9 answers · asked by Tim 1 in Singles & Dating

The Broncos are scheduled to play a Monday Night game at home on Monday, October 29th.

If the Rockies get to the World Series and the series gets to a Game 5, then that game will be in Denver on the same night (according to the schedule on MLB.com)

How do you think the NFL will resolve this potential issue?

There is no Sunday Night game on NBC that week because of the World Series, but the game couldn't be played then anyway because Game 4 is in Denver. They could move the game to an early Sunday afternoon game and swap one of the early Sunday games to Monday Night, however this would mean the game would startat 11am in Denver. I don't live in Denver, so I don't know how close the Broncos and Rockies stadiums are to each other. If the stadiums are close by, then moving the game to 4:00 on Sunday could cause traffic problems with people leaving the Broncos game and people trying to get to the Rockies game.

It should be interesting to see what happens.

2007-10-12 03:23:25 · 7 answers · asked by marcscz 2 in Football (American)

I am craving a grilled cheese for lunch. What restaurants besides Friendly's serve grilled cheese?

2007-10-12 03:23:19 · 14 answers · asked by Shari 2 in Other - US Dining Out

about each of these, how they work, the differences in them, the absorption rate and possible side effects.

Also, if you have information to cite proving your stance, that would be great!

2007-10-12 03:23:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Medicine

I always wondered why American schools don't have a uniform policy. Compared to European countries as well as those in Asia and Australia. Personally, I think school uniforms are a good idea, even though most students hate them. Because in a way, it makes everyone at the school "equal", so those with less money, and therefore less "stylish" clothes won't feel left out as a result. But why don't American schools have this policy?

2007-10-12 03:22:56 · 18 answers · asked by seashells 1 in Other - Education

i was falsely arrested on my lunch break a few days ago,on my way to my house as i passed by a neighborhood tire shop to say hi to a friend i was snatched up by the police and the took my down to the precinct for booking my court date was on Tuesday and one of the charges was dropped,one charge is still pending ,meanwhile i have been out on a list concerning my job of persons arrested and i cannot work until i get the disposition letter saying all charges dropped ,so i called unemployment to claim my benefits and they said they will have to do some investigating concerning the case keep in mind i do qualify since i have worked all year its just this stupid charge in the way can they withhold my unemployment checks i mean these are just misdemeanor charges

2007-10-12 03:22:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


can u play as the arberiter in campaign (single player)? i beat halo 3 on easy and almost on normal if that helps. can you also names some achievments for me and how to do them.

2007-10-12 03:22:37 · 6 answers · asked by Yancy D 1 in Video & Online Games

Whether you agree or not, it's a big deal for any American to win this prize. Where's the pride of unity?

2007-10-12 03:22:34 · 14 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5 in Politics

i've had experiences with spirits.. demons or i don't know exactly what they 've been ..in the past.. and i want to know why... they've followed me or done odd things....
so should i? ...to kind of find out...? what or who ...it was or were ..or is?.....

2007-10-12 03:22:11 · 18 answers · asked by Lizzeth 3 in Mythology & Folklore

Wouldn't something from Mothercare ( or that days equivelent )have been better ?

2007-10-12 03:22:01 · 14 answers · asked by Axiom 5 in Religion & Spirituality

just been to see one and she really did know some stuff that was impossible for her to know but still theres a side of me still sceptical.

2007-10-12 03:21:57 · 42 answers · asked by tracyw 4 in Religion & Spirituality

It appears that those who are liberal in their political views would want to change almost everything in government. Our country has been greater, more peaceful, and more bountiful in the past. Does it not make sense that we should try to conserve much of what this country was founded on/for? A conservative government should be one that allows peace and safety to reign in our country and let everyone liberally do as they please. Too often liberals want government to get involved in things like healthcare and retirement only to find out that even more of their own freedom is being taken away. I will conclude that though I don't agree with much of what liberals stand for in government, I do not see this country divided as our media likes it to appear. We can and must co-exist to show others what freedom is. Freedom is not allowing the government to get involved in too many aspects of its' peoples lives. Respect one another--even idiotic conservatives--it will become contagious!.

2007-10-12 03:21:53 · 16 answers · asked by Daniel K 3 in Government

2Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

This has been an interesting week of Daily Words. I have been cussed
out, cursed by prophetesses, sent to Hell, prophesied on with doom and
destruction, told off, and put on spiritual punishment by so many folks
this week that it is not funny! Well, I take that back, only by a few
folks. We have 10's of thousands that get this daily word and I gladly
report that this week, we sifted out the ones that just want candy and
cake, and are left with you, the people that hunger for true revelation.
Not that I'm anything, but a vessel. It's God's word that is revealed
here and that's all. Not for profit, not for fame, not for recognition,
or accolades, but for the equipping of the saints of God so you can be
wise, and know a devil when you see one! Don't you know that wolves in
sheep clothing want your worship? In order to do that, they have to
keep you dumber than they are. They must keep you, as Juanita Bynum puts
it "dumb sheep" that cannot question, dispute, or say anything against
what they are doing. Bishop Eddie Long even said on national tv that
people like me should come "lay before" him and humble myself so that he
can "cover me", I guess like he covers Usher! That's Ludacris (he covers
him too)! But anyway, these lessons have been given to show the real
remnant of Christ that the true men and women of God are never after
your money, never after your accolades, and will never, ever, try to keep
you in a position to not know the truth for yourselves. You see, by
keeping you beneath them and they remain celebrities, you are less than
they are and you will always "need" them to get to God. Bishop Jakes said
it like this in his Follow The Star sermon: "Sometimes it's just as
important to find your star (speaking of the star that the wise men
followed to Jesus), than it is to find Christ, because your star will lead
you to Christ!" Huh? Is there anything in LIFE more important than
finding Christ? And guess who the star represents? You guessed it, HIM!

2007-10-12 03:21:48 · 25 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

My dog can do all sorts of tricks and listens, They need to make a cat-dog. Then I would like them a lot more.

2007-10-12 03:21:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats


2007-10-12 03:21:29 · 31 answers · asked by crymeariver 5 in Polls & Surveys


Let me guess a bunch of left wing liberals who are trying to destroy America right? Give it a rest the people who give out these prizes are smarter than you and I. But guess what he won't run for president, so we can pick between football players and actors and not Nobel prize winners. Sweet.

2007-10-12 03:21:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What can be done to narrow that gap? Wasn't trickle down economics supposed to prevent this from occuring?

2007-10-12 03:21:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Fill in the blank only with a song, a CD or an artist's name (I'm NOT looking for a definition) ....

____________ is rock 'n' roll.

2007-10-12 03:21:13 · 5 answers · asked by murphs 7 in Other - Music

To all of you Christians, atheists, and other religions, do you think God (or an Allbeing) has given us a special gift to change our surroundings. I understand that in the Bible, it states that when we ask for something in prayer, believing, we shall recieve. Do you think there is more to this? What if I pray for better health at this instant? Am I automatically healed?

What I believe is that God, or someone with higher power, has given us the ability to pray, to change our surroundings through prayer and THEN us. For Instance, if I wanted better health, I would first pray for health, and then do something about it. I would focus on being healthy and I wouldn't ever doubt the power of the mind and God, and I would be healed. It's almost like collaborating the power of God with the power of human mind to make an outcome, like a Chemistry experiment.

I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say here, but in brief, what are your thoughts on this?

2007-10-12 03:20:51 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-12 03:20:49 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Do you let them stay friends with them? Do you let them go to a party where you know these things will be at? Do you trust in their better judgement?

2007-10-12 03:20:36 · 8 answers · asked by Kimberlee Ann 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

Considering you have all the toppings and sauces, which one is worse?

Fat content & Calories.

2007-10-12 03:20:30 · 21 answers · asked by tHEwISE 4 in Fast Food

Well, December 21, 2012 is the day that the Myian calendar ends, and many scientics and religous people have said that this day could be the day that the world ends. What is suppose to happen is the the world is going to be thrown out of it's normal rotation, and tutn the world upside down.

2007-10-12 03:20:20 · 22 answers · asked by The Man Beast 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-12 03:20:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

It's about a carat and a half, not too gaudy but I get comments on it all the time because it's very shiny because it's perfectly cut. I'd like to bring it with me instead of just the band but I'm not sure if I'm going to attract negative attention that way. I don't doubt Indian women wear diamond rings....I'm just not sure what to do.

2007-10-12 03:20:19 · 9 answers · asked by Tessa M 1 in Other - India

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