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It's about a carat and a half, not too gaudy but I get comments on it all the time because it's very shiny because it's perfectly cut. I'd like to bring it with me instead of just the band but I'm not sure if I'm going to attract negative attention that way. I don't doubt Indian women wear diamond rings....I'm just not sure what to do.

2007-10-12 03:20:19 · 9 answers · asked by Tessa M 1 in Travel India Other - India

9 answers

It is absolutely safe.

2007-10-13 00:29:34 · answer #1 · answered by vakayil k 7 · 0 0

hey tessa, first of all i wana clear ur doubts about India. Some of the people who have answered a negative answer for ur question have not done good research or they just dont wana accept the truth.
nywayz evry1 have their own thinking and views.
juz for example i wana clear ur doubts about the answer someone gave u regarding a shirt costing 100 bucks but da storeperson will tell u 1500 bucks......dis is pure nonsense dear...
der is a universal fact that street hawkers are free to do business as they want and sell at the rate they want.. but if u buy anything from stores or malls or shopping centres dan u will not experience it,,der r fixed prices and a low percentage of bargain sometimes.
so we need to think on the right way to get the right thing.
as far as ur wearin the ring is concerned,,,lemme tell u that it is safe to wear it. thieves are present in all da parts of the world..even in india ...but that dosent mean that indian thieves are more dangerous than from any other country.
the fact says that most costliest gold and diamond jewelry is wored by indians in india. Surat is the city which is called the manufacturing base of the world for diamonds.
to be short in answer....don worry and wear wadeva u wan to wear....ppl in india knows life and dey live life kingsize..
if u go to a bar u will get drunkards and if u go to a casino u will get gamblers...same way if u go to some less mobile or a place wer public movement is not present than u will find thieves also....
so move in a public place at public hours and dats it....u will neva forget ur visit to india.....
ma best wishes for ur trip....
if u hav ny more questions dan feel free to mail me at bhavikguy@gmail.com

2007-10-12 17:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is very safe to wear jewelleries in India. You will be surprised to find women in India wear lots of glittering jewelleries especially in South India.

However, there are certain parts of the India, which are dangerous. It is good to be careful and avoid travelling alone.

"Occasionally tourists (especially those travelling solo) are drugged and robbed during train or bus journeys. Unwary travellers are befriended, offered a spiked drink (to send them to sleep) and their valuables are then stolen. It's wise to politely decline drinks or food offered by relative strangers (use your instincts), particularly if you're alone. "

2007-10-16 00:07:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sure whichever country you belong to ,surely there are corners in some place where it would be unsafe even to carry your purse...So also in India there are pockets where it would be unsafe. Metro towns are very safe unless you are a single woman moving out on the street in the night !!

2007-10-12 03:29:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It relies upon on your history and way of existence. not one of the adult adult males in distinctive generations of my kin have had a marriage ring and extremely few of the married adult adult males i've got met positioned on one the two So in my view i locate it unusual to work out a guy wearing a marriage ring yet some women human beings do have an inclination to "prey" on married adult adult males. once you're married then you actual would be considered as a extra secure wager for an prolonged term courting than a unmarried guy and additionally there is extra of a undertaking in prevailing him over for some it particularly is hypocritical particularly as he'd could divorce his modern-day spouse so the place's the loyalty in that? nonetheless a woman will experience extra secure around a married guy as he could behave himself in theory. yet as quickly as you initiate getting particularly friendly with one yet another it could deliver approximately different issues so i assume some married adult adult males will possibly no longer % to probability attracting a woman's interest in any respect so do no longer positioned on a hoop

2017-01-03 12:43:43 · answer #5 · answered by tray 3 · 0 0

im a student over here.. and was worried.. even got a 50$ mobile.. but indians are too busy for such things.. and during all my stay here i feel perfectly safe and happy.. all u have to do is wear it all the tym..

1 more thing... a piece of shirt can cost 100rs but u'll be told 1500rs.. and this is the only way they steal..

have fun..
u can email me for any questions..

2007-10-12 03:35:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

will the organisers of the INCREDIBLE @ 60 INDIA at NY take notice and cover their faces in shame. My advice would be donot come alone if you can.

2007-10-12 05:06:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

don't bring it. it could easily get damaged. and it will attract the attention of beggars who will know that you are rich. just wear the band.

2007-10-12 07:15:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no,, its not safe,, a cow might steal it from you

2007-10-12 06:33:31 · answer #9 · answered by Feisling 3 · 1 1

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