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All categories - 11 October 2007

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If so, why?

2007-10-11 08:35:13 · 14 answers · asked by Julie6962 5 in Cats

What was the reason for the change? thanks all

2007-10-11 08:34:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I want to learn sewing and am looking for a starter sewing machine. Any suggestion?

2007-10-11 08:34:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Do It Yourself (DIY)

I am 15 years old and I have a brother with severe mental retardation. My whole life I have been attatched to this label... having to be a caretaker, and often taking the second seat in order to help my parents deal with my brother. When I was younger, I had very low self confidence and was very embarrased of my brother because often (and still) my peers and community are unaccepting of him. On the other hand, my brother has given me a lot of positive experiences. But my parents do not realize what an impact he has on my life. I come home many days after school and either have to watch my brother or have to help out a paid caretaker that is sometimes rude and unhelpful to my brother. I have seen many children and even adults make fun or stare at him, and my own self confidence has suffered at times because of this. Now my mom wants my to help out at the Special Olympics. I feel awful for not wanting to do it. My whole life I have been attatched to this label, and I would rather

2007-10-11 08:34:28 · 10 answers · asked by hottie:-) 1 in Mental Health

we are considering doing the garden out so a tortoise can roam freely

will a tortoise get attacked by cats

do they sleep in a hutch at night

i know you have to allow them to hibernate i live in England

how long do they live for

any other vital information

thank you for your help as this will be considered very carefully before we decide wether to or not

can i or should i consider medical insurance for a tortoise

thank you for your help

xxx vici

2007-10-11 08:34:25 · 13 answers · asked by vici 4 in Other - Pets

2007-10-11 08:33:44 · 6 answers · asked by catresendez 1 in Homework Help

Will you think your tattoos are cute at age age 50 or 60. I know you think it's cute now while you're under 40.

2007-10-11 08:33:35 · 24 answers · asked by BLACK GUY! ♣ 1 in Other - Society & Culture

can you make a coconut pie

2007-10-11 08:33:35 · 51 answers · asked by David 6 in Polls & Surveys

ok i am recently studying Christianity and one thing is really bothering me...
if Jesus was mistakenly thought to be the son of god (which he is of course not; rather a messenger of god) why couldn't he have just said to his disciples/followers that I am NOT the son of god/man and stop being fooled. Wouldn't that have prevented all the chaos that we have today and almost over a billion people being falsely mislead? And also that would have served the message of the God in a better way as well cuz instead of committing blasphemy and worshiping a messenger/prophet, Christians would actually understand the message of Jesus and actually follow his teachings?

2007-10-11 08:33:34 · 36 answers · asked by Sultan Cartman 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Thoughtful words to "mortal enemies" are encouraged. Opportunistic sniping is not.

2007-10-11 08:33:33 · 25 answers · asked by metanoia 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I've been an atheist for quite a while, but recently I've been thinking of switching over to Christianity. The only problem is that I'm afraid I may use my mind too much to be a Christian. I understand that being Christian involves the sacrifice of your reason to the Bible, and I'm thinking I may not have the lack of knowledge that it takes. I believe in the big bang and that homosexuality is a natural occurance, which are concepts of reason and scientific backing that I would have to give up upon conversion. Anyone know what I should do?

2007-10-11 08:33:21 · 25 answers · asked by ehloh.eldohngs 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-11 08:33:14 · 54 answers · asked by Buddie 7 in Polls & Surveys

for you which among the 6 hues represent STRENGTH?

2007-10-11 08:33:14 · 43 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy

An article on CNN explicitly mentions that the 14 year old shooter at a Cleveland high school yesterday was an "atheist". The religion of the dozens of school shooters before him, mostly Christian, has never been discussed in the news. And to make matters worse, this particular article, although it states that the shooter was an atheist, it fails to mention that what triggered the rampage. This kid was had been beaten up by Christians just a few days earlier for not believing in god, an imaginary being. What a world we live in.

2007-10-11 08:33:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Seventh-day Adventist Christian leaders advocate that the Second coming of Christ will be Visible and not Secret at all. There are many Christian scholars who postulate a "SECRET RAPTURE" view point. This particular view at its core advocates that Christ will secretly take Christians from the earth while the wicked ones will be left behind.

The Holy Bible clealy states in Acts 1:9-11 that Christ will return and that his return the second time will be a literal and visible event. Revelation 1:7 states that every eye shall see him at his appearance. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 declares that at Christ coming the Lord shall descend with a "SHOUT", The Archangel will be heard along with the trump of God. Nothing secret about his coming. It will be spectacular.

The Bible also states that the dead in Christ will come forth from the grave. They will rise and those who are living will be taken up to meet the Lord in the air.

Will you be ready when Jesus comes again?

2007-10-11 08:33:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

does anyone know how to convert VECTORS from oe for to another??[ say from cartesian to polar or spherical] it wud be helpful if u take a numerical example!!!!

2007-10-11 08:32:53 · 1 answers · asked by adarsh2503 2 in Engineering

On my last question, many of you said that prayer is not about asking for things. Are you going to tell me that if your child was in critical condition in a hospital bed you are not going to pray for that child to recover?

2007-10-11 08:32:52 · 10 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4 in Religion & Spirituality

The parent actually bought weapons for her emotionally deranged teen:


2007-10-11 08:32:49 · 9 answers · asked by Yahoo Answer Angel 6 in Law & Ethics

I wondered how long it would be before Gerry would be suing ...again. He and his PR spin machine are a laughing stock
Clarence Mitchell says,
He said that the couple planned to sue 24 Horas over the allegations about Madeleine's paternity as soon as their official suspect status was lifted.

"We have up to a year to sue and we will do. Gerry and Kate want to concentrate on the case involving Madeleine and don't want to do anything that may compromise that while they are official suspects," he said.

"But they plan to sue 24 hours and any other media outlets that print these claims as soon as the official suspect status is lifted."

That's if they are not otherwise engaged.Clarrie.
My question is...When are they going to hold their hands up,think of Maddy and tell the truth instead of spinning around chasing their tails ? Pro McCanns don't need to answer.

2007-10-11 08:32:36 · 28 answers · asked by little weed 6 in Current Events

2007-10-11 08:32:28 · 26 answers · asked by ƒtƒt54 5 in Polls & Surveys

Q: What is the difference between a blonde and "The Titanic"?
A: They know how many men went down on "The Titanic".

Q: Why are dumb blonde jokes so short?
A: So brunettes can remember them.

Q: Why did God create blondes?
A: Cos sheep can't bring beer from the fridge.

Q. Why don't blondes eat pickles?
A. Because they can't get their head in the jar.

Q. What's the mating call of the blonde?
A. "I'm *sooo* drunk!"

Q: Why can't you tell blondes knock-knock jokes?
A: Because they go answer the door.

Q: Why does a blonde only change her baby's diapers every month?
A: Because it says on the box: "good for up to 20 pounds."

2007-10-11 08:32:19 · 22 answers · asked by Jim Jnr M 6 in Jokes & Riddles

''what might have been''?

2007-10-11 08:32:17 · 38 answers · asked by johnny trash 5 in Polls & Surveys

I'm 17 years old and a female in Lafayette, LA
I wanna know how much car insurance would cost for me????
and whick company is the best to go with?

2007-10-11 08:32:10 · 6 answers · asked by lisa 2 in Insurance & Registration

Morning mates!!!

2007-10-11 08:32:01 · 9 answers · asked by Joe 6 in Polls & Surveys

I asked a question about who should pay for the first date and many indicated that whoever suggests/asks for a date should pay. Do you feel that way about anybody who suggests doing anything (including girlfriends asking to go clubbin', eating, shopping, movies) or is this exclusive to men in a dating situation? And why?

Also, does this mean if the person likes to spend time to get to know you but doesn't have money, he needs to wait until he has enough to sponsor your company? So, basically your time costs money? And do you feel that it's OK for him to equally expect payment in other forms, since his time and money are valuable to him also?

Please break it down to me, as I have no understanding of the logic behind this argument.

2007-10-11 08:31:36 · 15 answers · asked by Lioness 6 in Gender Studies

I've been in the Navy for 3 or 4 months and I want out because there is a lot of family problems going on back at home. I just turned 19 and left for boot camp two months after graduation. I know it's my own fault, but is it too late to get out? Please answer this seriously with no sarcasm. God Bless.

2007-10-11 08:31:31 · 8 answers · asked by fluteplayer_vhs 1 in Military

In Potsdam this week 15 Noble Laureates and nearly 100 other scientists gathered to draw attention to global climate change issues. These are some of the most respected people in their fields and included Mario Molina -- the first scientist to prove that chlorofluorocarbons were putting holes in the ozone.

So what does it take for the disbelievers of climate change and those flat out denying its existence to face reality?

Can those saying climate change is false, assembly such a prestigious group?

Are they saying this many Nobel Laureates are wrong?

The New York Times' article: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/11/world/europe/11potsdam.html?_r=1&ref=world&oref=slogin

2007-10-11 08:30:48 · 12 answers · asked by Andy 5 in Global Warming

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