When Rand herself is taken to her logical extremes, she is not proven wrong, but only proven to be someone that particular people to do not like. She has been described as "cold," and as "black-and-white," but not proven epistemologically wrong. When she proves other thinkers to be epistemologically incorrect by drawing their ideas out to the extreme that it leads to, she is villified. Her own extremes led to the book "Atlas Shrugged." Every reader of this book sees her point and does not disagree that it is the extreme. They only say, "Oh it will never get that bad," yet year after year we grow ever closer to the extremes she proved would become our destruction. I believe she upsets people because they do not want to see her extreme become reality, yet refuse to accept that it is already happening. My own literature teachers told me I would "grow out of" Rand's ideas. Arrogance knows no bounds.
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