*"It is a sin"
Adultry, divorce, lying, cussing, wanting something that somebody else has, looking lustfully at somebody who isn't your spouse, insulting others, and the inability to forgive are all sins too! Have you given your last dime to charity?....Because you're supposed to. Do you turn the other cheek?...Because you're supposed to. Plus, only the sinless can judge....
Haven't you heard of seperation of church and state?...Or Freedom of Religion?
*"Can't procreate"
-Alot of straight coulpes can't, or won't, procreate. There are alot of children out there whom needs a loving family too!
*"Gay couples will make their kids gay"
-How the heck did straight couples come up with gay kids? Don't try to claim that they all had atleast one parent in the closet, because that would be absurd! ;)
*"Not the def. of marriage"
-Who came up with the Def.? Did some higher being come directly to you?
12 answers
asked by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender