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All categories - 6 September 2007

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2007-09-06 05:06:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Today, many Christians have been attracted by emotional music and services of Pentecostal/Charismatic churches. Also, in these churches there are people who speak in tongues, cry emotionally or have demons cast out from them.
Does the Bible sanction this behaviour? What does the Bible have to say about all this and how can Christians today avoid falling into the error of trusting their experiences and feelings?

2007-09-06 05:06:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My son will be six years old in November, and is in kindergarten. He has nebulizer treatments when his asthma is acting up (surrounding changes in weather, which are starting up for the autumn), and I was wondering at what age kids start using inhalers instead of nebulizers?

I'd much rather him have it in his backpack and be able to use it without cutting into the schoolday than to have him have to go to the nurse's office and do the nebulizer treatment.

2007-09-06 05:06:43 · 10 answers · asked by CrazyChick 7 in Grade-Schooler

I am looking to begin online course in January and I need to purchase a laptop...which ones are best for the job?

2007-09-06 05:06:39 · 3 answers · asked by Lindsay 2 in Laptops & Notebooks

a.context b.spelling c.order d.placement

2007-09-06 05:06:28 · 9 answers · asked by Roberto M 1 in Words & Wordplay

The scrathch is deep to were you can see the black bumper. It's about two inches long and less than an inch wide. Will touch up paint actually work?

2007-09-06 05:06:26 · 3 answers · asked by memybaby11804 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Does a wife get to choke her husband if he brings their kids to the girfriend's housewhile he and his wife are still married and living together? The kids have even started referring to the girl as their sister.

2007-09-06 05:06:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A *yes* or *no* will be sufficient, but should you wish to elaborate on the meaning of this event to you, that would be appreciated.

2007-09-06 05:06:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-06 05:05:57 · 32 answers · asked by kieren p 1 in Cancer

2007-09-06 05:05:54 · 13 answers · asked by Smoochy Poochy 6 in Psychology

I know it is not followed but I want to know why it was a rule in the first place. and where did it come from? Why that color?

2007-09-06 05:05:50 · 7 answers · asked by Going Crazy 5 in Etiquette

as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live your life as if there if there isn't and die to find out there is?

2007-09-06 05:05:19 · 5 answers · asked by cat 3 in Philosophy

Everyone who watched FOX last night knows that they reported that Ron Paul won their Presidential debate with 33% of the votes. So why can't I find this information today?

Polls | AP Polls | Gallup Poll | Opinion Polls - FOXNews.com

The same thing happened back in May when Ron Paul won that Presidential debate with 27% of the votes. But people noticed then that FOX was hiding that fact.

News Hounds: FOX hides their own poll results

2007-09-06 05:05:14 · 10 answers · asked by GeauxJoe 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Ok, the queen is rich, but not filthy rich, so why are people making it out as if she is sooo extraordinarily rich when in reality she is not. She isn't even the richest woman in britain and doesn't even make it in the top ten richest royals in the world.
Most of the assets she has don't belong to her. Buckingham palace, the crown jewels and some of the various castles aren't even hers, they belong to the state. If you take a look at the world billionaires or the worlds richest people, she is waaay down the list. She may be royal, but its not the same as being filthy rich so why do people make it out as if she is so rich.

2007-09-06 05:05:12 · 8 answers · asked by Judge 3 in Royalty

2007-09-06 05:05:11 · 16 answers · asked by Mags 2 in Cooking & Recipes

Can Anyone Go In This Site:>
And Tell Me How Good Is It?

2007-09-06 05:05:05 · 3 answers · asked by Mysterious Guy 2 in Other - Internet

Never have I witnessed so much snobbery! I did not get my dog from a sub-quality breeder because she came intact. She will be tested by our vet for genetic disorders! It seems many of you people don't want the dog species to continue, or you think that the only lines that should be continued are AKC champions (by the way, the AKC doesn't recognize my dog. Their loss.) Shame on you for labeling dogs "only pet quality". A dog should be bred if she is free of genetic defects, temper vices, and conformation flaws. The shelters are overrun with grown up dogs that people buy on a whim and abandon when they get too tough to deal with. We should refrain from assuming things about people on this forum, and we should refrain from forcing others to agree with us. Name calling is never okay. Here's the deal. With store bought pet food, dogs are living only 13 years. If we all spay, what happens in 13 years? Some of us, the ones who care to do it right, must breed. And yes, my dog is "good enough"

2007-09-06 05:05:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

How would i go about cleaning / sterilising one of those jacuzzi baths. I have heard that unless you clean them with some sort of detergent / antibacterial stuff they can harbor germs in the pipes. Dont know if this is true or not, but have ive just bought a house with one instaled, so would like to thourughly clean it before use. I saw "How clean is your house" on TV once where they did this, but I cant remember the stuff they used.

2007-09-06 05:04:55 · 11 answers · asked by nik_name 2 in Cleaning & Laundry

Whenever I tell my 6 year old not to do something my mother overrides me. She makes me really beg her if I need a babysitter so I try not to ask unless absolutely necessary. My Son isn't eating in school and she has told him to throw his food away and pretend he's eating. When she does babysit she feeds him on crisps and sweets and nothing else. I have told my Son that he is not allowed outside to play unless he eats some of his lunch in school and she says that I am wrong to do this. Has she crossed the line this time?

2007-09-06 05:04:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

You know the kind, they will be your friend in as much as you connect them to other people or groups that they want to be part of who then act snobby once they've made their connections. People who name drop, brag about a new purchase, talk about people...that sort of stuff.

What do you do to deal with this type of person?

2007-09-06 05:04:46 · 9 answers · asked by Michele 3 in Etiquette

2007-09-06 05:04:41 · 11 answers · asked by A 1 in Baby Names

I'm 23 and I've lost two pregnancies both at 5 weeks.
Have anyone gone through the exact same thing and had a kid later on? What did the doctor tell you??? Was your man the problem???

I have been told two times that everything is excellent. So why is it happening.

Stories please:
I wanted to know that if you conceive with a guy and then married another guy, did you finally carry full term???

2007-09-06 05:04:36 · 8 answers · asked by Mom2aGirlandaBoy 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i always think about terry,why she was kept so long when this was sure that she was brain dead and was not sure to recover and in few days she was given a death by us,we were quite means we were also invovled in her death, this means she faced injustice in this v cultured society,no ngo came in front of and in her favor,why?

2007-09-06 05:04:26 · 5 answers · asked by shashi s 3 in Psychology

I was baptised a Christian weeks ago. I believe in God, the atonement for sins by the Crucifixion, that God is restoring all things, that we should be shining lights in a dark world, etc.
However, I also believe that we should seek Enlightenment and self-awareness of our God-given potential as human beings. God has given each person individual talents, abilities and gifts that need to be realised.
I believe that a person's goal in life is to seek harmony and love with God and other people.
I believe that faith and reason go well together and that we should question everything, even what our teachers or religious authorities might say.
I believe that we should not force Christianity on people of other religions, but engage them in open dialogue and share with them the reasons why we live and believe the way we do.

The question is, what kind of beliefs do u classify me as having? Is there a name to summarise it - like Christian rationalist or something?

2007-09-06 05:04:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-06 05:03:56 · 11 answers · asked by David Shamsuee 1 in Religion & Spirituality

ok rite now i have one wall with a window and one with a closet. i have no idea how to make this room work. What color should i pain my room and what decor should i have?

2007-09-06 05:03:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

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