There's this girl in my 6th period class (we used to be REALLY good friends). She's basically known as a ho at our school cuz of the way she dresses and talks these days. Well she's always flirting with our 6th period teacher (touching his arm and his knees, grabbing him by the sleeve, and winking at him).
At first the teacher did not like it and he kept telling her to sit down every time she got up to come to his desk. But that lasted only about a week. Now it's the 2nd week of school and he's not stopping her anymore. Maybe he's used to it or he likes her back? I saw them hug each other goodbye after the bell rang for school to end. Is this wrong? I don't want to tell because we're not that close anymore, but I still care for her cuz we used to be great friends. One time my friend caught her drinking from a water bottle and he asked her for a sip and she said yes! That's gross! Should I say anything to her or at all? I'm worried and scared. Our teacher is like 35; she's almost 17.
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Other - Family & Relationships