just cuz im young and all that it doesnt mean im uneducated on him, i read things i know everything he has done and i read books and all the stupid shitt and how evl he is, he cant even talk right, and dont even think about critisizing me because i use some slang on the internet, im talkin about how Bush like cant TALK. go to www.dubyaspeak.com, its unbelieveable at wut a DUMBASS he is! like ive been in shock for 7 yrs that he's been our president, he's like a demented child..it would be bad enough if he was even famous AT ALL (like ya know how ppl like paris hilton etc. are fmaous for NO REASON? like just bein stupid and gettin in trouble?) but for him to be THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?!??!?!!?? Come on!!!! please no haters cuz ive watched so many documentaries wit my mom, read so mych REAL stuff on the web, read books (like famous true ones), so i know wut im talkin about..i could type on for hours but i realllly dont feel like it, so i just wanna know
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