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All categories - 24 August 2007

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It seems like every time Bush gets backed into a corner, he tells us that we are all going to die unless he gets more power.

The point of terrorism is to make people afraid, so that they will do something they would not already do. Why is Bush telling us that we are all going to die? Is he trying to make us do things we would not normally do? Why is he helping Bin Ladin make us afraid? Shouldn't a real leader tell us to be strong, not infants?

2007-08-24 15:15:02 · 14 answers · asked by Matt M 1 in Politics

I was on my laptop just sitting here listening to music and then i got this message.

C:\users\Landon\desktop is not accessible

The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

the only option i had was to press OK. so when i did it deleted all the icons on my desktop and everything i had saved to my desktop. I use Windows Vista and i have a Dell XPS M1710. The laptop works fine like i can do anything that i used to do. but i cannot save anything to the desktop or put any icons on my desktop. Help if you can...I was just goin to reformat...but that is a bit drastic if there is another solution.

2007-08-24 15:14:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Laptops & Notebooks

I am just getting ready to teach a lesson in Relief Society, and I realize I have lost my paper that tells me which conference talk this week's lesson is from. Can you tell me which one? Thanks so much for any help you can provide - God Bless.

2007-08-24 15:14:52 · 2 answers · asked by LeeLee 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Would you mind stating your age? Wonder how many answers I'll get.

2007-08-24 15:14:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I think it's odd since all the traffic signs are in English... :-/

2007-08-24 15:14:26 · 8 answers · asked by Clovie 4 in Languages

I have about 14 acres of land with nothing on it, there's only about 1/2 an acre that is cleared and flat, the rest is mountainside and would take some grading to get flat. I want to have a simple retreat to use for myself on weekends as a "getaway" or to rent to people for similar purposes (i.e. nothing too fancy, this land is out in the sticks of western NC mountains) but I don't have the money right now to build anything- estimates for even a small cabin are around $65,000 and my budget is more like under $15,000 right now. Does anyone have any good ideas for something simple I can put on it or a way to get something built more cheaply than a company would do? I don't want to put anything on it that would decrease the land value. Thnx for any ideas!

2007-08-24 15:14:21 · 4 answers · asked by quince 3 in Renting & Real Estate

Does Bush think he's 'The Decider' in this 1400 year old battle??

I just can't believe the cajones on this guy!

2007-08-24 15:14:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

is it good or bad or dumb or smart? whats your opinion?

2007-08-24 15:14:13 · 26 answers · asked by granggo 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Will the humans treat the angel with great hospitality; praise the angel. Or will they use the angel as a specimen? What do you think?

2007-08-24 15:13:57 · 11 answers · asked by Soa's Fate~ 5 in Philosophy

I was at the mall the other day with my younger sisters and we took a rest at this fountain in the middle of it. We sat there a while throwing pennies and making wishes, when suddenly this group of people stand next to us. They were about my age, which is 16. This one guy suddenly says, "She's bad luck, She's bad luck!" I look over and he's pointing at this girls shirt that says "bad luck" on it, but he's talking to me. I just laughed and smiled and moved on. Later though, we passed in the food court and the same guy said something to me but I didn't really understand him. It sounded kind of like, "I like your face." But that's kind of weird... Anyway, I want to know what this guy means by these actions and why did he do them?

2007-08-24 15:13:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What diseases did they catch from whipping themselves, how did it lead to their ultimate death?

2007-08-24 15:13:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History


how many people out there have passed out at the doctors office after they got shots because the doctor said it is commmon but it doesn't seem like it is

2007-08-24 15:13:25 · 19 answers · asked by *live love laugh* 3 in Other - Health

let's say, I have a GIF file. I want to erase those folders to make it more nice. Now, the problem is, when I try to save it, the final product goes only with 1 frame. Is there a program that edits it? or can I edit it in Adobe Photoshop 7 without any damage to the GIF?

2007-08-24 15:13:24 · 9 answers · asked by Question&AnswerPortion 1 in Software

I have my surround sound system, cable box, HDTV and new upscaling DVD player hooked up to an old, high quality analog amplifier with no HDMI hookups.

2007-08-24 15:13:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Electronics

Just because he is the president of USA so Christianity has nothing to do w his action as a leader?

Being arrogant, I thought is what Jesus against strongly and those people will lose and sure go to hell. And this is bad for the people of America as many of them follow his idea.

One of his arrogance manifestation is invading Iraq.
Scared of terorrist??
Come on, USA is much stronger than Osama bn Laden.

BTW, Osama is not in Iraq anyway.
Is it not a big2 laugh to chase Osama in Iraq ???

Well, fellow Christian, what did Christ said you have to do against arrogance,
and what it says about chosing your leader.
Does it say anything ?? If not ....Why???

I put it here, because Mr. GWBush talked too much abt him & the family being a good Christian.
Why a good Christian lead to invade a country with false argument, see the result !!! It's pathetic.

2007-08-24 15:13:23 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was on an appraisal today in an area in Chicago that is highly populated with east indians. I must have seen the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I sure would like to date one of those pretty girls( I know that's shallow, but hey)

what I enjoyed most was that the culture is still in place. The woman looked stunning in their cultural wears....WOW!

2007-08-24 15:13:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm six months pregnant and my husband is now disinterested in sex. I've only gained 13 lbs. could he view me as unattractive now? Have any of you ladies experienced this, i'm feeling kind of low now.

2007-08-24 15:13:20 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-08-24 15:13:20 · 39 answers · asked by BooBell=) 6 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-24 15:13:19 · 65 answers · asked by Gone i 60. 2 in Polls & Surveys

Where in the world did you get this power?

2007-08-24 15:13:08 · 10 answers · asked by My Name Doesn't Fit Here 4 in Psychology

I am a farmer.

2007-08-24 15:12:49 · 6 answers · asked by smiley 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-08-24 15:12:45 · 12 answers · asked by aggie_in_pa 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-08-24 15:12:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-24 15:12:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

If we transferred all of our electrical production to wind, solar, and coal and away from oil. Then moved our heating away from home heating oil to electric, natural gas, and geothermal. Then we increased the mileage on our vehicles to over 45 mpg. The price of oil would go through the floor, since we use most of the world’s oil. Then the billions that flow each year into the Middle East would dry up. Their leaders would go from living in luxury to worrying about how to feed their people, since they import a large part of there food. They would no longer be able to spread terrorism because they would be looking for food, and the US has the largest potential to produce food for export. We could sell them food discounted rate so they become dependent on us. Then they can not attack us for fear of starving.
Do you think it would work?

2007-08-24 15:11:58 · 16 answers · asked by Chris 5 in Politics

just cuz im young and all that it doesnt mean im uneducated on him, i read things i know everything he has done and i read books and all the stupid shitt and how evl he is, he cant even talk right, and dont even think about critisizing me because i use some slang on the internet, im talkin about how Bush like cant TALK. go to www.dubyaspeak.com, its unbelieveable at wut a DUMBASS he is! like ive been in shock for 7 yrs that he's been our president, he's like a demented child..it would be bad enough if he was even famous AT ALL (like ya know how ppl like paris hilton etc. are fmaous for NO REASON? like just bein stupid and gettin in trouble?) but for him to be THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?!??!?!!?? Come on!!!! please no haters cuz ive watched so many documentaries wit my mom, read so mych REAL stuff on the web, read books (like famous true ones), so i know wut im talkin about..i could type on for hours but i realllly dont feel like it, so i just wanna know

2007-08-24 15:11:56 · 21 answers · asked by INTROUBLE 4 in Polls & Surveys

My Grandma's madem name was Cortez and it was passed on that we were the descendants of Hernando Cortez and an Aztec slave girl! I don't know if this is true or not but that's what has been passed down through the centuries in our family..

What about you? Are you realted to anybody famous or have famous ancestors?

2007-08-24 15:11:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

2007-08-24 15:11:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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