I dislike Bush and his policies as much as the next person but really, the damage has been done. Impeaching him now would achieve nothing and would only further polarize people. If people really wanted Bush impeached they should have started working on it back in about 2004-2005.
Please, conservatives, don't leave obnoxious comments about how I am a "Liberal communist" I am a moderate, moderate is far enough away from right-wing propaganda to tell that Bush may be the worst president in history, there are even some conservatives who agree.
Please, liberals, no comments degrading conservatives, Bush is a bad president but it's not entirely their fault. Everyone who is answering, just try to get along.
Politics doesn't happen when two groups of people take extreme views and scream at each other, that sort of thing causes civil wars. What we all need to do is sit and talk and take each other seriously.
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