It looks like Hamas, Iran, Palestine, etc. will never stop unless they will destroy Israel. Currently they associate Israel with West, rightfully so, I am assuming. What should be done? I am by no means qualified to suggest anything, but here are some choices:
A. Invade Iran, Syria and Palestine?
B. Disown Israel?
C. Stop supporting without disowning Israel?
D. Nuke entire Middle East and give Israelis equivalent amount of land in Florida? Call it “Promised Wonderland”?
E. Overthrow Hamass and put west friendly Fatahass back in Gasa?
F. Baptize all Muslims into Christianity? Or convert into Judaism or Buddhism?
G. Do nothing and let UN “resolve” situation?
H. Force peaceful resolution until next nut case in ski mask will smoke some hash and dig out his AK 47 from the hole in dessert?
I. You opinion?
12 answers
asked by
Mr. Beef Stroganoff