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All categories - 3 June 2007

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Ive just dipped into the society & culture section to have a look & got the shock of my life. There seems to be a lot of racism going on there. Then I started to wonder if some of these racist people were also religious/spiritual/had some beliefs of some sort.
I may be living in cloud cuckoo land, but I have a lot of respect for people who are religious or follow a particular belief system. In my experience, they tend to be 'good people.' Do you think I can assume they wont be racist, or does it just not follow?

2007-06-03 13:29:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Okay, a while ago we took my computer to get a dvd burner/player on it. Before it wouldn't do nothing with em. Anywho, I can play DVDs and have to play them in Power DVD. But I want to burn some DVDs of like video's i've made. How do I do that? I've tried looking around the Power DVD, but couldn't find anything. I've also tried with Window's Media Player and that didn't work either. Does Power DVD even have the ability to burn, if so how? If not what can I download that will let me?

2007-06-03 13:29:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

Generation Y (15-25 yr olds) seems to have more than its fair share of 'retarts.' What's the main cause?:

--Convenience (cell phones, internet)

--Extreme liberalism and/or leniency (Lack of discipline by parents, teachers)

--A specific style/era of poor teaching/education (cite dates and change in teaching methodology, if possible)

--Side effects of 'political correctness' (lack of frank discussion, lack of firm opinion, unsupported and generic liberal ideology, striving to be 'guilt-free' )


2007-06-03 13:29:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

9.) A cube has a volume of 27 inches(cubed) what is the length of the sides

2007-06-03 13:29:08 · 10 answers · asked by Kenny P 1 in Mathematics

I have a 17 year old daughter. She does not want to visit her father in CT on weekends anymore. She does care for her father but she has so much going on at her home in Mass now that it's difficult to miss work when she mostly works on the weekends.

2007-06-03 13:29:03 · 20 answers · asked by Sharon C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I dont understand why it would be catastrophic to the church if Jesus were married. I think what would be more catastrophic is to remind people that he was Jewish and he never renounced his religion. Besides Jewish men are not supposed to wear beards till they are married and every rendering (pictures) of Jesus we have show him with a beard.?? Thank you in advance for your opinions.

2007-06-03 13:29:00 · 10 answers · asked by Jason & Robin M 2 in Media & Journalism

2007-06-03 13:28:58 · 6 answers · asked by Ladyluck 2 in Biology

White or Black?

2007-06-03 13:28:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

Is it bad to feed my fish flys that I swat around the house? I would think it would be good for them.

2007-06-03 13:28:40 · 6 answers · asked by JUSTIN M 2 in Fish

I am considering contacting a local agency. I have no credit card debt...its mainly old utility and medical bills holding me back. What is your experience or opinion on these companies?

Thank you in advance.

2007-06-03 13:28:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

Shelton State is located in Tuscaloosa Alabama.

2007-06-03 13:28:16 · 1 answers · asked by Candace B 1 in Other - Education

that simply doesn't apply?

2007-06-03 13:28:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

i say liz marilyn was a terrible actress all her roles were the same and for some dumb reason she had to turn them all in to a musical and to make matters worst she could not sing!

2007-06-03 13:28:03 · 13 answers · asked by ice 2 in Celebrities

Look at this site Angel showed in one of her answers...


I wish we could all just get along and have real peace.

2007-06-03 13:27:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Israel

What do u think can a teen know and understand what love is? I mean real love.

2007-06-03 13:27:44 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

People complain about society not valueing each other enough. I think we value each other too much.

Who is to say humans have any inherent worth? Some sky daddy? Personal preference?

How can that mean anything? Sky daddy is a stupid fantasy and everyone has different preferences which means there is no universal standard of worth. For example, you probably love your kids, I probably would love to see them drown in a lake of motor oil.

From the way I see it, humans (any and all humans) are good for three things: hunting, tormenting, and exploiting. Might as well because I'm here to do it. Here I am.

Do you agree? If not, what are your reasons? Please do not mention sky daddy...I mean God. I will laugh the paint off my face.

2007-06-03 13:27:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Everybody says they are a gay band and their listeners are gay but the only thing that makes people beleive that is that they claim the music is lifting and upbeat when most of it really isn't, just really sad songs. Do you like coldplay and do you think they are gay

2007-06-03 13:27:29 · 11 answers · asked by The Chairman Of Jazzy Films 3 in Polls & Surveys

For some reason when I meet people they tend to not like me for what ever reason I don't really give a damn :) but I am quiet vexed I am not rude, I brush my teeth, smell good, I wear the latest stuff....I know I am not ugly I am beautiful and Intelligent it's nothing at all that I would change about myself....my mother once told me that when people look at me or talk to me I have the tendencey to unknowingly make them feel inadequate she said that my nose is so far in the air that if it rains i will drown..but I don't feel like I should have to dumb myself down to be liked...what should I do to not make people feel less pretty or smarter than me...I am tired of being percived as a Mean Girl..

2007-06-03 13:26:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

What else can you offer to convince me to abandon evolution, and accept biblical explanations as a means for understanding the natural world. Before I toss out this hundred year old accepted theory, I want to be absolutely sure science is as confused you claim it is. Lets do a quick exam...

Engineering & Mathematics
well bridges stand, boats float, planes fly, satellites stay in orbit. I guess science has it's act together here.

It's cured diseases, prevented plagues, increased lifespans, reduced infant mortality, improved crop yields. I guess science gets the nod.

We have electricity, heat, running water, mass transportation - not too shabby!

Cell phones, computers, MRI machines, space shuttles - gotta give it to science again!

Hmmm, soap, toothpaste, cough syrup, food preservatives, perfume, lysol - can't damn science for making the world smell better.

A totally screwed up, useless, evil theory.

So, lets abandon science, shall we?

2007-06-03 13:26:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I had sex with my friend on April 20th. I got my period during the first week of April and I haven't gotten it since then. And it is now June. My period usually comes around the last/first week of every month and is hardly ever late. I missed it last month and haven't gotten it yet this month.

When we had sex we used a condom and he pulled out. Is there still a chance that I could've gotten pregnant...maybe after he took the condom off or something? I know it's probably a slim chance but is it still possible? how likely is it that i got pregnant from it?

if i haven't gotten my period in the next two weeks i plan on taking a home test. Should I tell my friend? He still doesn't know anything about this. should i tell him now or wait until i am ready to take the test or after or not at all?

we are both 17 right now and turning 18 this year. we will also both be seniors in high school this fall.

him and i are really good friends and get along great but we are not in a relatio

2007-06-03 13:26:43 · 13 answers · asked by Mhmm. 2 in Pregnancy

If not, what clubs do allow underagers?

2007-06-03 13:26:37 · 4 answers · asked by DevilDog 2 in San Francisco

2007-06-03 13:26:25 · 6 answers · asked by jbethrossiter@sbcglobal.net 1 in Cats

I'm going to play electric myself cause it's harder to play electric than wimpy bass or drums.

2007-06-03 13:26:17 · 13 answers · asked by angusrocker1 3 in Singles & Dating

If you want 10 points, then be experienced at this subject, Cutting and pasting site I can do myself by searching. I am hoping to find some good simple basic books or info on general propogation to skip the failures as much as possible. I know tons on flowers and if you want the most excellent book on starting flowers from seed, it is "From Seed to Bloom" by Eileen Powell, mine is 1995 and it is very very very good because she tells which are hard and which are easy etc. So how about a trade for some info on a book like this IF YOU HAVE USED IT AND KNOW FOR SURE. THANKS

2007-06-03 13:26:13 · 1 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5 in Garden & Landscape

I am about $5,000 in debt (NONE OF WHICH IS FROM A CREDIT CARD...I'VE NEVER HAD ONE) and my credit score is a lot lower than I would like it to be. Most of my balance is either medical or utility.

If I pay a $100 balance with a doctors office how much will it raise my score? Or in general if I pay anything off on my credit report how much does it raise the score?

2007-06-03 13:26:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

Is atheism growing among teenagers? Or are they just coming out of the closet?
Or are they growingly bein gbrainwashed in churches and evangevical mega churches?

2007-06-03 13:26:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-03 13:25:58 · 19 answers · asked by James 4 in Trivia

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