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2007-12-31 06:22:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Considering the little girl singing this:


"Look how beautiful our Gaza is. We crowned it with a laurel wreath.
We have proven that with our will, we can defeat the colonialist army.
We have regained our freedom through bloodshed and the wrath of fire.
We came out on the day of liberations to celebrate our pride – hurrah!"

"Oh Gaza, the first stone [of the Intifada], where we celebrated our victory -
raise your sail for the sailors, and let your lighthouse illuminate the sea of blood.
If we receive good tidings, we will meet our death with no hesitation.
We are the swords of Allah, we are the victorious armies.
We are the swords of Allah, we are the victorious armies."

What do you think? Does 'land for peace' really bring about peace? Or does it simply empower the militants, convincing them that terrorism pays?

2007-12-30 13:18:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

EU blasts Palestinian bid to pass banned chemical off as food aid


People say that the Palestinians aren't smuggling things, aren't trying to kill people, so the Israeli security measures aren't justified.

I have a question: if you were in Israel's place, when faced with things like the above story and the general 12 or so suicide bombings a week foiled by the checkpoints and security fence, what would you do to secure your country?

Now I have another question. Why does the BBC, considered a "notable and trustworthy unbiased news source" by many, takes no notice of this story?


2007-12-30 12:46:04 · 11 answers · asked by LadySuri 7

Germans had to deal with a "shared" city (Berlin). '"Why can not Israelis and Palestinans do the same with Jesrusalem?

2007-12-30 07:00:25 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it possible for a non Jewish family to adopt a Jewish child from an orphanage in Israel?

Does anybody know how this is handled in the USA or other countries?

Thanks in advance.

2007-12-30 02:57:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-12-29 16:21:02 · 15 answers · asked by Desert Sienna 2 1

I saw this fascinating show on American Public Television's "Frontline" a while back. You may watch the entire 1 hour show (in parts) on the link. Just click on each picture in order. It was very interesting. You can read a summary on the link too. I know it's alot to ask you to watch a one hour show, so you could just comment on the summary. I'm not implying that these views are the norm in Israel. I am very curious about what our Israeli YA users think of the film, its accuracy, and conclusions. Thanks!


2007-12-29 10:52:47 · 18 answers · asked by MBC 4

I have a question for Jews who are no Israeli Nationals.
Would you like/live or visit Arabs countries? Like the UAE or Oman?
Would it maybe cross your mind to work in these countries for a certain time? Taxfree salary, with housing, transportation, furniture allowance etc. provided?

This question is maybe mostly going out to Jews living aboard.
Would you like to live in an Islamic country and to be accepted.

If yes: why?
If no : why?

Please no nasty answers!

2007-12-28 08:47:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not, which airlines connect both without going through Europe or South Africa?

2007-12-28 06:32:07 · 13 answers · asked by nonna 1

Just a little fun to lighten things up after my last question. I've always wondered.

As for me, well, I started out in R&S and I wanted to people to understand that my Muslim perspective was based on my CHOICE to become a Muslim. As for my avatar, well, it was the closest thing I could find to the way I actually look, atleast in public that is.

2007-12-27 10:52:10 · 33 answers · asked by MBC 4

Because I'm a Jew, I'm eligible for birthright (an organization that sends Jews to Israel for free) and becuse my older sister is an Israeli fanatic who wants me to be in touch with my Jewish roots. Also my mom was born in Israel.

I really don't want to go but i had trouble disagreeing with the argument "but it's free" so at everyone's nagging I applied for the trip, I wanted to sabatogue my application but my heart wasn't in it, but out of respect to my family who felt it was really important, i answered the questions in a way that made it sound like i actually wanted to go.

Now the trip's a couple weeks away, and what can i say, it doesn't interest me. I'd like to see places of the world i've already been and i've been to Israel before twice (when I was 6 and 8) and I feel guilty because i'll bet there were jews who actually wanted to go on the trip. I think even though it's free, i lose a deposit if i don't go.

2007-12-26 14:43:35 · 17 answers · asked by sophomrecritic 2

Or, what are the underlying causes of anti-semitism?

2007-12-26 12:25:17 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

- that this is getting really silly now? I mean, it's one thing to have an honest and civilised debate about how things could move forward in the middle east, but that's not what we're doing.

Instead, in this forum there are people who are literally scouring the web for ANYTHING remotely negative about Israel! And when they can't find something, they resort to such desperate ploys as trying to prove that Einstein wasn't a zionist!

As if that's somehow relevant!

I think that if these people are going to be that silly, then those of us who came here for a decent and open debate, should just ignore their posts and answer only the intelligent and relevant ones.

What say you? And do try and keep it civilised. If you are only answering just to insult me, save your energy. I'll just block you and this then reduces the chance of any further dialogue.

2007-12-26 03:55:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The Jewish State idea is not according to my heart. It is connected with narrow-minded and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it." - Albert Einstein


2007-12-25 20:17:38 · 6 answers · asked by X 2

I hear the way the black Jews from Ethiopia and the white Jews from Russia are treated in Israel is different.. I want to hear from those of you in Israel to share your honest opinion on this...

2007-12-25 19:08:14 · 13 answers · asked by Wubishet 5

If there isnt any are there any where Sefardies make up a large part of the city?

2007-12-25 15:46:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did and the movie I saw was "I am Legend" What movie did you see if you did?

2007-12-25 14:45:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

See: http://www.nypost.com/seven/12252007/news/worldnews/israel_wins_nuke_war_446018.htm

2007-12-25 14:39:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have often wondered this: I think most Muslims know what we mean when we use the yiddish phrase 'oy vey'.

My query: is there an Arabic equivalent? A phrase that you guys use to express... angst, but that can also convey humour as well?

2007-12-25 11:36:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

not the only one who has read 'THE CHOSEN' by Chaim Potok, since MIKEINRI recommends it also. I love that book - any other fans of this author out there?

2007-12-25 09:14:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few days ago I mentioned to a friend that in Israel, Palestinians had attacked a bus full of children. My friend, non Jewish, remarked:

'Ah, but you read about it in an Israeli paper, so it's biased.'

Now this person is NOT racist/anti semitic/anti Israel or any of that. This person is a genuinely fair and intelligent guy.

But that makes it more worrying; let's extend his 'logic':

No report from any Israeli media is reliable, simply BECAUSE it's Israeli. The basic assumption is of course that Israelis can't provide accurate facts.

Have you ever heard this charge of bias directed at ANY other country? Should I now not believe anything I hear about France, if I watch it on a French TV show? Are English newspapers to be regarded with equal suspicion?

I would argue that an Israeli paper is a more reliable news source for the same reason that my friend disagreed: BECAUSE the attack happened in Israel!!

2007-12-25 09:03:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can god promise a people land when god is not a rasist is he? He can not show favoritism can he? If so he is not so good a god then in my eyes.

2007-12-24 15:10:28 · 13 answers · asked by Faraj - King Of Ramadan Section 2

Could you ever love both. If both existed on a map today and the Palestinian had EJERUS as the capital.

2007-12-24 14:55:38 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Diaspora Jews-- is Aliyah something you seriously consider, or is it not right for you? Do you find that you 'fit in' more in Israel, or in your home country? Would you ever spend an extended period of time in Israel?


2007-12-24 13:23:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a non-Israeli Jew, I am deeply confused, I need understanding.. a lot & a lot of understanding .. this is so complicated.. what is going on here?

Now Israel & the Israelis claim that this land belongs to them and that Greater Israel (from the Nile to the Furat) is supposed to be created and that this Land actually Belongs to Israel first!

OK, that I heard. Then, how about how about this.. ??

I just heard that the Torah, the Jewish Holy Book.. forbids a Jewish State. Now, tell me how can religion and origin work both ways: when we want, and we don't want.

See for yourself:
The recent Annapolis 2007:


doesn't make sense at all,

i'm clearly not trying to be rude, im asking for a good explanation so that i can understand wats going on?

thanks in advance,
awaiting your answers

2007-12-24 11:15:04 · 26 answers · asked by Fanano 4


israel's use of cluster bombs in the Lebanon war has been branded a war crime.

Blanket Immunity from War Crimes
When Criticism of Cluster Bombs is "Anti-Semitic"
The U.N. humanitarian chief Jan Egeland revealed this week that of the estimated 100,000 unexploded cluster bombs lying in Lebanon almost all of them were fired in the last few days of the fighting when the terms of the ceasefire had already been set.

"What's shocking--and I would say to me completely immoral is that ninety per cent of the cluster bomb strikes occurred in the last 72 hours of the conflict, when we knew there would be a resolution," he said.

2007-12-24 10:19:05 · 11 answers · asked by Sherman D 1

- the flag of the Druze Arabs? It's lovely!

- Thanks to Gamla Joe for giving this link in an earlier post:

I think it's really great, the way the Druze have created this fab colourful flag, which acknowledges that they live in Israel, yet still gives them a separate identity.

What do you guys think? Perhaps the Druze are setting a great example which all should follow?

2007-12-24 08:37:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

See how well he does after a political debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U5UexDY4kw&feature=related

Can you top that kind of professionalism?

2007-12-24 00:57:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-23 16:17:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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