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And not one reply would have thumbs up or down, do you think that would be possible? Ya ya I know.........just thought I'd ask. Cheers!

2007-12-23 13:49:58 · 12 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6

Jewish history, culture, and Zionist ideology?

2007-12-23 12:32:42 · 11 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6

I'm guessing it would.

2007-12-23 09:14:23 · 9 answers · asked by finch 1

My question which included a video showing how Pallywood works and is caught staging a fake funeral - you can see it here on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKmbIphpQgA - was taken down as a rules violation - why?

Why is it that people can make blantant anti-Semitic statements and their questions stay up while I use factual evidence and they take mine down? I don't use anything pornogaphic or verbally offensive. Is it just because there are more Muslims in the world that Yahoo is doing this? What gives?

2007-12-23 03:45:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

More countering falsehoods to follow.

In response to the questions posed by certain people.


2007-12-23 03:18:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


ever hear about the 261 settlements that Arabs have built in the west bank since 1967? Why do we only hear about the Israeli ones - of which there have been far less.

Why don't we ever hear about the 400.000 + Arabs who have entered the West Bank or Gaza since the Oslo Accords. They have c ome from Jordan, and Egypt. If Israel is so terrible, why did so many Arabs go there?

And who is a 'native' Palestinian anyway? A travel guide to Palestine and Syria, published in 1906 by Karl Baedecker, reported that even when the Islamic Ottoman Empire ruled the region, the Muslim population in Jerusalem was minimal.
Number of Muslims = 7,000
Number of Jews = 40,000

Did you know that when the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) was set up to help the Arab refugees after five Arab armies attacked Israel in 1948, the very word 'refugee' had to be REDEFINED to assist those Arabs?

2007-12-23 01:04:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-22 12:10:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


So just to clarify, so far tonight we have been told that we apparently:

- 'control the North American media'

- 'control the internet'

- 'have all the wealth'

All I can say is: don't you wish it was all true? If it was, we wouldn't have to keep reading this racist rubbish!!!

Whoops - sorry! According to 'Nomini' we aren't allowed to point out when someone is saying racist things about us because then we are just making a fuss, etc...

What WAS I thinking of?!

2007-12-22 09:55:30 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

that would have saved all the lives of the Hungarian Jews?

What was the response from the Zionist leaders to this offer?

2007-12-22 09:10:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems the increase of anti-Semitism helps with the immigration of Jews to the Zionist state. In times of increased anti-Semitism, an inflow of Jewish immigrants go to settle in Israel.

Also is it not true that within a decade the Jewish population in Israel will become the minority?

So in order to maintain a Jewish majority Zionist leaders promote anti-Semitism to speed up and encourage Jews to leave their homelands and seek refuge in Israel.

And please no need to abuse or accuse, i see a trend here if you ask a question you are immediately accused of
antisemitism. Thanks

One more thing, did the Zionist leader, Ariel Sharon, say that the best way to escape anti-Semitism is to move and settle in Israel?

2007-12-22 09:00:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does saying that the Jews control the media in North America make me anti-semite with all my continious support and respect to the religion Judaism?

If I simiply become an anti-semite for saying one thing that I don't even see offensive makes me an anti-semite then I just now knew that your claim that everybody is anti-semite is false.
You guys love to see people hate you.
You like to call everybody anti-semite and you use the word randomly at anybody without thinking of what the word means.

I have been using this section for about 5 months and I have never never never insulted Judaism as a relgion. I always said it is a great religion. I read about it more than I read about my own religion. And now simiply because I said that it is a common belief that the Jews control the media in north america, I am being called anti-semite.
Thank you so much for being so nice with me. Thank you for showing me how open minded and loving you are.

2007-12-22 08:24:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Unfortunately I noticed that some people define peace as surrender.

So how do YOU define peace. I don't want the definition from the dictionary. I want what you really think and would you please relate this to the Issue in the middle east?

Thank you


2007-12-22 06:06:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've just read about a similar topic on one other forum post.
It's about the Israel visa stamp on the passport.
Does any one knows if a visitor that enters the land of Israel, will have any issues, if he/she tries to visit, say Egypt or Turkey, in the future?
Thank you.

2007-12-22 01:30:16 · 7 answers · asked by John E 6

Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are very different. Which city is your favorite, and why? If you like Tel Aviv but know it cannot compare to Jerusalem in terms of holiness, etc, you can instead tell me why you feel more comfortable living in Tel Aviv.

2007-12-20 19:10:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

You may add a comment here but a simple yes or no will do. I'm only trying to see how many recognize Hamas. All I ever hear is that Hamas does not recognize Israel and I think it takes two to recognize each other in order to sit down and talk and hopefully make peace. I hope you can all understand where I'm coming from. Thank you.

2007-12-20 09:21:59 · 20 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6

Can a German speaker understand Yiddish or a Hebrew speaker?

2007-12-20 08:55:12 · 14 answers · asked by M. 2

If there ever should be a two state solution, will Palestine then be able to have an army? Will this army be allowed to be supported?

If there ever should be a peace agreement and if Palestine ever should recognize Israel, will they then have the same rights than other countries regarding army and weapons?

Or would a two states resolution mean that Palestine has to be a puppet on a string and strings will be pulled by Americans like they try to do in in Iraq right now?

It just crossed my mind because free elections got not recognized because the result was not satisfying some nations.

Please share your thoughts with me without getting nasty. I am against terror and violence no matter where it is coming from, okay?
edit Ultra: if you would like to answer you are welcome but please do not use your f........language and do not call me any names.

2007-12-20 08:24:54 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-20 04:41:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those that do not know what I am talking about this article might help;

please state what you think of it, but please try to be respectful.

2007-12-19 23:06:51 · 10 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7

BOTH block me BEFORE I'd even answered any of their posts?

Has anyone else found this happening to them?

Guess they are just scared of a real debate!

2007-12-19 22:53:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it really necessary to make “peace agreement” and kiss each other in front of the cameras?
Why Israel rejected “long term ceasefire initiative” with the Palestinians which it was initiated by Shik Ahmad Yasin may God be pleased with him?

2007-12-19 22:18:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is to everyone: Suppose you could draft one final message to everyone on the YA Israel Forum, before leaving forever. Now suppose that you had only 8 words. What would you say?

Limit your answers to 8 words.

2007-12-19 18:13:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would the EU accept Israel? Why or why not?

2007-12-19 09:36:15 · 10 answers · asked by HopelessZ00 6

Significant portion of the Muslim world does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state. Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab states, so far, which have sign peace treaties with Israel. On the other hand, Turkey was the first Muslim-majority nation to formally recognize the State of Israel (March 28, 1949). If these countries can recognize Israel, what prevents the rest of Muslim worlds to do the same? This wikipedia link cannot provide me any satisfactory answers either:


Shalom / Salaam / Peace.

2007-12-19 08:01:36 · 23 answers · asked by Duke of Tudor 6

2007-12-18 23:42:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-18 23:41:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering if anyone can tell me if all Jews are entitled to a Israeli citizenship…..after all Israel is the Jewish homeland/state? (Or is it?)

This will be one of several questions I will be asking about Israel and Judaism tonight, I apologies if any of my question come across as offensive as this is not my intention.

2007-12-18 10:04:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I found this website of a "Palestinians for peace now movement"

I am not sure if it is new or old and I haven't actually heard of it before..
For those who know about it, would you please explain it to me?
No rude answers please, I am looking for information not insults.
Thank you


2007-12-18 08:26:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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