This is a Philosophical question only. So please no "Haters" from either side.
Can we learn anything regarding our Government and Americans in General from studying past Great Civilizations?
The "Dawn of Western Civilization" can be traced to the Greeks and then the Romans. Where Rome in Particular flourished. Much of what we see is "Hollywood". Thier culture and Medicine, Political Structure, Literacy, Art ect.Where advanced beyond anything seen truly until the early 1900's.
Though the Western Roman Empire fell around the year500, the Eastern Empire flourished for almost 1000 years after in modern day Turkey, when the Ottoman Empire took over.
What caused the fall of the West? Who were the people that moved to the Eastern Empire, knowing the West was Decaying?
Can we draw any from any of this and apply it to today?
It is said it was caused from "Internal Strife". If true, what if any conclusions, if any, apply to present day America?
And, should we learn from them?
10 answers
asked by
Ken C
Other - Politics & Government