Consider this scenario-
Vehicles approaching a crossroads from a particular direction encounter traffic lights that r either red or green.Each vehicle then either goes left,right or straight on.The timing cycle 4 the lights is 1min on red alternating with 45secs on green.A person watching vehicles approaches the junction 4 a few mins&counts 6 that turn left,3 that turn right and 11 that go straight on.
a) use this timing information for the lights to calculate the theoratical probabilities of finding them at red or green
b)use the vehicle count data to calculate estimated probabilities 4a vehicle going left, right or straight on at the junction
c)4 the next vehicle approaching the junction draw a tree diagram showing all the possible combined outcomes with their respective probabilities, use ur diagram2answer d to f
What is the probability that the next vehicle will-
d, find the light on green&go straight on
e,not go straight on
f,find the lights on red & not turn right ???
6 answers
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