I came across this website - www.notcanada.com - which states that many immigrants come to Canada and are disappointed since they cannot work in thier chosen profession primarily due to lack of Canadian experience and qualifications. Many also say they have been cheated to believe that many white collar jobs exist and end up driving taxis and sweeping floors. I was considering moving to Canada, but so many people have come back from there and all cannot find their chosen jobs despite being born and educated in Canada with degree level qualifications. Is this really the reality of the situation? Some have even said the taxes in Canada are insane and even with a relatively decent job, it is impossible to save money, is this all true? It is quite a stark contrast to the USA where money literally grows on trees and there are excellent jobs for everyone, and now I'm seriously thinking it wouldn't be worthwhile going to Canada, and perhaps I should try going straight to the USA.
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Other - Canada