Yeah, drugs are bad, and he does deserve it, but atleast he still wrestles today, and he is cutting away from the drugs. Atleast he is trying to make a clean comeback unlike other superstars.
What about Sabu and Rob Van Dam? Remember when they got caught with weed together? Why doesn't anyone say they suck? Why doesn't anyone call them druggies? You all just like to single out wrestlers who are getting a push, and say they suck.
If Shelton Benjamin gets a push that I think he is going to get, I bet you all that if he gets the ECW title, a week or 2 after you will complain that he shoulden't have it. You've all done it before when Cena was champ and you wanted Randy Orton to be champion.
So don't hate on someone just because there getting a oush which some of you wanted um to get in the first place.
18 answers
asked by
"The Dream Killer"