I have watched alot of baseball in my time, on tv and real life. I can swear i have seen a good four seamer jump from belt high to chest high. Is this just the amount of force and top spin that is put on the ball that can move it upward? almost like throwing an underhand upward curve? opposite the overhand traditional curve? or maybe its taking the reverse action of a splittler or sinking fastball? OR, is this a case of the ball is being released maybe 7 feet off the ground and ultimatly ends up 2 feet or 3 feet off the ground so it sinks the entire 60 feet, and a ball that apears to rise is simply thrown so hard with such forceful top spin that it does not sink quite as much? with a splitter, the reason it wants to run downward at the plate is basically because the sides of the ball want to spin harder than the middle? so does applying enough force to the middle make it actually rise? thanks
6 answers
asked by
matt m