Kevin Nash once said in an interveiw that Monday Night Raw (or just Raw) should be called Monday Night Contrived, because it is so easy to tell it's scripted and you can tell that all of the wrestlers were told what to say and what to do more than they did during the Monday Night Wars. One of the reasons is becaus Vince McMahon and Eric Bishoff were so determined to one up each other that they gave alot of the wrestlers (such as The Rock, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Steve Austin, Triple H, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and others) independence to really say what they want to say and do the script in their own way, and that what made Raw and Nitro so exciting and enjoyable to watch. Nowadays it's bland and is more like watching a movie than anything else. I really hope that at some point both the WWE and TNA realize that is what the fans want and there are wrestlers in both organizations (not including ones already listed) that can have that independece and sell there act
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asked by
Thomas C