1) “Christians” with false assurance: Christians (tares) that are 100% sure that they are going to heaven, yet are deceived. They are not known by God, and are on their way to hell.
2) Christians with no assurance – Christians (wheat) who often feel condemned in their sinfulness, fearful that they will go to hell, with absolutely no assurance.
There are Catholics and Protestants that fall in both of these categories, of course, but it is certainly evident (given the theological differences) that Protestant are more likely to fall into the first trap…and Catholics into the second.
Before Protestants answer with their infallible certitude: I would remind you of Matthew 7:21-23, which speaks about people who were “sure”, yet were not known by God and went to hell. So, how do you answer the possibility of Matthew 7:21-23 for yourself?
Before Catholics bash “assurance” altogether: I would remind you that while your church does not teach “infallible certitude”, it absolutely teaches that you may have assurance that only barely falls short of 100%:
So, how do you answer this?
Shouldn’t we warn the first to repent and to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) and make their calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10), and educate the second about the truths proclaimed most powerfully in 1 John (specifically 1 John 5:13) and by Paul (Philippians 1:21)?
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