I know that the FSM is a ficticious deity created by an Atheist to mock theists. I know the basics of its inception--it was a concept introduced by Robert Henderson a few years ago, as a model deity to help protest Intelligent Design being taught in Kansas schools.
But I am curious as to the deeper nature of the 'religion.' Is there any actual doctrine, life-lessons, etc... that have been developed as part of Pastafarianism since its inception? Has anyone delved further into what Pastafarianism truly is?
To ask in simpler terms: you know those 'Star Trek' dorks that can speak fluent Klingon--are there also FSM dorks out there that have actually formalized Pastafarianism? And if so where can I find their Holy Cook-Book? Wiki kinda comes up short.
I'm not looking for inspiration or enlightenment (maybe amusement, though). I'm just curious... again, I know it's a deliberate fake. (Atheists, I point that out to protect myself from my own brethren... no offense meant to y'all
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