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Religion & Spirituality - 21 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I saw this documentary on the bible and its interpretations by different churches. It showed different churches in the united states. Some of them i would not even call churches. They are more like large rooms with some guy singing in the microphone and giving some BIZARRE interpretations of the bible, while the people who attend these places are totally into this stuff and almost fall into a trans. This to me does not seem like christianity. it can be compared, in my view, to african tribal beliefs in some cases. I come from Serbia, so my english might not be so good, because i am not a native speaker. I am not that religious eather, but i do attend church from time to time, for traditional reasons, but also to pray. Our church has been the same since it was founded in 1219, and does not offer interpretations of the bible. our priests read sections of the bible word to word, with NO INTERPRETATION. and the rest of the time is spent in prayer. THIS SEEMS LIKE CHRISTIANITY TO ME

2007-11-21 23:53:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Suppose you are in a mission setting, on outreach, so stuck there, and the leadership appears to be more manipulative than you thought. The leadership style becomes more like the Sheparding Movement, and just talks about covering and being accountible to them. The atmosphere is without trust.

2007-11-21 23:26:59 · 8 answers · asked by Di V 1

According to the book of Exodus the REAL 2nd Commandment is "Thou shalt not make unto me any graven images or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, in the earth beneath and is in the water under the earth." It also adds "Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them, For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God".

So does splitting the 2nd commandment and replacing it with a lie an act of blasphemy??!?!

2007-11-21 23:23:53 · 7 answers · asked by quantity8008^2 2

2007-11-21 23:15:44 · 25 answers · asked by Belzetot 5

All of the so-called proof as of now can be explained through other means. I would say the main source of evidence would be the Bible but this is outdated and it has been rewritten many times so it can't be entirely trusted. I mean, I could write a fictional book on how we came to be, and in 6000 years once the real information was lost, it could be taken as fact. So my questions are; Why is it so hard for God to show some sign of actually being the creator? Why is it left up to faith alone. If he wants what's best for everyone wouldn't it make sense to prove he was real? This way everyone would praise him and wouldn't be sent to hell. I am an Atheist, but if I knew that God was my creator then of course I would change. Would God not want me to? I want actual answers, not just "God doesn't exist."

2007-11-21 23:13:59 · 16 answers · asked by TBaT 4

Living in England,our National Anthem is God Save the Queen. As christians seem to think as an atheist my lack of belief prevents me from singing along,do I need to petition for a change in wording to "Imaginations Save our Queen"?

2007-11-21 23:02:04 · 17 answers · asked by Cotton Wool Ninja 6

Right, so i'm trying to move forward in life, and to do so I feel like I need to tell *someone* the more serious things i've done wrong in the past. Since I don't have anyone in the 'real world' who I want to talk to about such things, i'm posting them here.

I hope no-one asks for this Q to be deleted, and that readers can understand thst i'm just trying to clear my concience and get some Christian guidance as to where to go next.

So, without further ado, my confessions:
- Stole about £2000 worth of drugs
- Pulled a knife on a guy who jumped my friend
- Put a knife to a guys throat 'cause he wouldn't stop bugging me to have sex with him
- Made out with him anyway for free drugs
- Made out with another guy to get hold of his Gold creditcard
- Kicked a guys shins in with steel toe-capped boots and then pushed him into a road because he tried to knife my friend
- Committed about £5,000 worth of fraud between the ages of 12 and 18, and an additional £3000 in fraudulent mobile

2007-11-21 22:59:44 · 11 answers · asked by Pebbles 5


2007-11-21 22:59:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

their women cover head to toe and men bend five times to ask forgivness from the Eva's apple sin. They wear white hats when they go to the god magnet mosque.. they are not normal.

2007-11-21 22:58:49 · 21 answers · asked by Thomas 1

does that mean Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz?

2007-11-21 22:53:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

and what has it confirmed?

2007-11-21 22:50:05 · 9 answers · asked by Miche 2

You're speeding along with no idea how you got there and you think momentarily "Gosh, I don't even want to be here." But there you are, on a roller coaster, speeding along the track.

In the distance you see that the track splits off in a couple thousand directions (let's say for argument's sake 2500), with each new stretch of track headed with a sign that says "DO NOT TAKE THE OTHER TRACKS!!!"

In a confused panic, you realize that only one can be the correct track and all others must be traps (if any at all are correct).

You examine the different tracks the best you can as you race toward the point of no return. There's really not much difference. You see only minor, superficial differences. You try to pick the one that looks the sturdiest according to your inherently finite perspective and you choose.

2007-11-21 22:41:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

They both promise to deliver something of which there is absolutely no proof to back up.

If the person taking the snake oil truly believed in its healing properties and effectiveness, I see no difference in the two.

Please enlighten me as to how I've erred in this conclusion.

2007-11-21 22:32:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Simply because I don't believe in Christianity?

Wouldn't you find it disturbing if I thought that you deserved to choke for an eternity for not being an atheist?

2007-11-21 22:26:39 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-21 22:26:05 · 7 answers · asked by Maddyfp 1

I am very rich I own a 70k Jaguar and I drove over her old horse crap. I got out and flipped her the bird. Will I go to hell for that. I feel bad but she did it on purpose. I watched her on video, I saw her sneaking up to my house and placed the horse crap in my driveway. Why would she do that will she go to hell too?

2007-11-21 22:24:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

would we all die of gas poising
or would some one light a match and oblorate us all
funniest answer gets 10 points

2007-11-21 22:19:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard someone say that it was not actually Where were you but more like Don't you remember and would like to confirm if the originals support this. Also who came first, or which was written first- the five books of Moses (traditionally) or Job?

2007-11-21 22:16:33 · 3 answers · asked by samnifise 1

does our simple Swede dislike opposing views?

It must suck living in a very secular yet prosperous and wonderful country. How's that church doing, Carl, still slowly bleeding to death?

2007-11-21 22:14:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-21 21:56:50 · 25 answers · asked by sweetie29 6

Just a question. Please don't damn me to hell for this. I've been there twice and I don't want to go back.

2007-11-21 21:56:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

President Bush has told us "God" has told him to do things, like start wars etc... and other "godly" things he does... does President Bush talk to him on the telephone?

2007-11-21 21:53:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

pagan temples throughout Europe? These images do not just resemble the catholic pictures but are exactly the same. Why does the Roman Catholic Church use these pictures still if they are obviously pagan?

2007-11-21 21:53:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-21 21:52:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous



What about the Bible? Who actually wrote it?

What was the original language of the Bible? (Hebrew? Aramaic? Koine Greek?)
NOTE: - The Bible was never in English during the time of any prophet (not even Muhammad) - because English did not exist until after 1066 AD!

Does the Bible exist in the original form anywhere on earth? (No)

Why does the Catholic Bible has seven (7) more books than the Protestant Bible?

Why do these two Bibles have different versions of the same books?

Why are there so many mistakes and errors are from the very first verse right up to the very last verse?

Why do 'Born Again Christians' teach concepts that are not from the Bible?

There is no word "Trinity" in the Bible in any version of any language

The oldest forms of Christianity do not support the 'born again' beliefs

Jesus of the English Bible complains about the 'crucifixion'
("Eli! Eli! Lama sabachthani? - My God! My God! Why have You forsaken me?") [Mk 15:34]

How can Jesus be the "Only Begotten Son" of John 3:16? When in Psalms 2:7 David is God's "Begotten Son?"

Would a 'Just' God, a 'Fair' God, a 'Loving' God -- punish Jesus for the sins of the people that he called to follow him?

What happens to people who died before Jesus came?

What happens to those who never hear this message?

What about innocent children who die although their parents are not Christian?

Didn't God create Adam from dirt? -- So, why does he need Mary to make Jesus?

And what about God?
How can God create Himself?
How can God be a man?
How can a man be a God?
How can God have a son?
The Bible says "Seth (is) the son of Adam" and that"Adam is the son of God." [Lk 3:36]
Can't God just forgive us and not have to kill Jesus?
And what about Jesus?
Jesus did not even carry the cross -- Simon Cyre'ne, a passerby did! [Mk 15:21]
Jesus of the Bible was NOT on the cross for longer than six (6) hours -- NOT three days -- (from the 3rd to the 9th hour) [Mk 15:25 & 15:33]
Jesus of the Bible did not spend three days and nights in the tomb -- Friday night - until Sunday before dawn -- is not 3 days and nights!
Jesus DID NOT claim to be God - or even equal to God!

2007-11-21 21:51:41 · 20 answers · asked by lolo p 1

Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (AMERICA)

* Every two and a half minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted.

* One in six American women , and one in 33 men.

* 1 out of every 8 college women will be raped

* In 2004-2005, there were an average annual 200,780 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.

* About 44% of rape victims are under age 18, and 80% are under age 30.

* Since 1993, rape/sexual assault has fallen by over 69%



2007-11-21 21:49:32 · 11 answers · asked by Dai 2

If I get in to heaven will I get to sing hymns for eternity with all the yahoo Christians?

2007-11-21 21:46:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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