I'm after concrete answers here- facts, names, dates. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John etc won't do for me I'm afraid- I want provable fact.
I'm trying to work out why so many Christians have such absolute faith that the book they subscribe to is to be trusted (I mean, I can write a book and say 'you just have to believe this', but it's not going to be the word of god).
Other than being TOLD by believers that this book is the genuine article, what makes people think they can trust that this book is the genuine article? The teachings within it are not enough to justify the validity of the text- we need to know where it's from.
And as a sub question, if the bible IS the word of God, then who's word is in other religions' texts like the Koran? Is that God, too? Who's got the facts right and why are there different versions?
33 answers
asked by
Phil K