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Religion & Spirituality - 25 November 2007

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How can this be done?

I already have written Santa Claus and he's written back. Can I expect the same of God?

2007-11-25 05:20:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

(by the way, chances are you already have and don't know it)

2007-11-25 05:20:23 · 35 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

Hi. So, I'm going to preach, AGAIN, and express my opinions and I would like to know how you feel.
Todays topic is...
Okay, so, to start my preach, I personally, do NOT believe in God. I believe in a higher power, but I do not believe that that higher power created two people who "ate the forbidden fruit"(had sex) and who had a million children who had a million children with eachother. I also don't believe that this higher power currently controls everything that happens in the world. I believe in evolution, and the fact that we are in control of out own lives. Now, this higher power does NOT have the answer to everything. So STOP TALKING TO THE SKY, AND COME BACK TO REALITY!
Next, the whole sin thing. Yeah, that doesn't work for me. What, the seven "deadly" sins are Lust, Greed, Sloth, Envy, blah blah blah... Everyone at some point in their pathetic life is going to feel all of these things at least once. YOU CAN"T CONLTROL IT! So, I'm out of room. I'll check answers!

2007-11-25 05:15:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many questions an our do we get here that amount to "I just can't believe you don't believe!", which are of course expressions of fear.

2007-11-25 05:13:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and one of the questions was, what religion was jesus? i thought it was a trick question as everyone who believes in God and Jesus are christians, so my answer was jesus was a christian only when the answer was reveled jesus was jewish. Is this true? and if so how can anything that a christian believes in and anything that was wrote in the holy bible be creditid in the christian faith rather then the jewish faith and why do jews not follow in jesus if jesus was a jew himself? im just all confused now i always thought jesus was a christian and thats where the christian faith came from

2007-11-25 05:13:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was once a Buddhist because my parents were Buddhist but now I'm an Atheist. My reason was because I saw no good logic behind any religion. The reason is because religion is involved with politics, in order to keep order in our society. Fear is a powerful weapon, we use gods to control each other's actions. Why did the kings, emperors, lords, and tyrants claim that they are the messenger of the gods?

Simple so people would fear them, no one would dare to defy the name of a god back then. How do we know if the gods chose them to rule? We were uneducated back then and believed any higher authority. My explanation, whats your's?

Thanks for reading.

2007-11-25 05:12:09 · 4 answers · asked by Closed 5

I need to find out what at least 3 people answer to the following questions for an assignment. Thanks to everyone who answers!

1. What is sin?
2. Are all people sinners?
3. Do people become sinners because they sin or do they sin because they are sinners?
4. What is God's penalty for sin, if any?
5. Are there penalties that occur on earth for sins in a person's daily life?

2007-11-25 05:11:21 · 5 answers · asked by jtf7793 3

2007-11-25 05:10:49 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6

'God is not real'

2007-11-25 05:10:38 · 29 answers · asked by Nick 4

....and benefited by the discipline in accord with the admonition at:
1 Cor. 5:9-13

--ALSO NOTE THIS observation:

*** w82 4/1 p. 13 Insight on the News
“Doing It Right”
--A recent editorial in the Sun of Gainesville, Florida, contrasted the so-called Moral Majority with Jehovah’s Witnesses in their approach to morality. “[The Witness] publication, The Watchtower, provides the instructions—most of them reassertions of long established principles,” noted the Sun. And “the offender who resists ‘loving concern’ is apt to be ‘disfellowshipped,’ which means dismissal from the congregation. . . . The discipline may offend some Americans, but it is entirely proper for Witnesses to enforce their own fellowship rules. It is a voluntary association, and the exit is easy for anybody who wants out....
..In the opinion of the Sun, this mixing of religion and politics is unconstitutional, and therefore the Moral Majority is “doing it wrong and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing it right"

2007-11-25 05:10:04 · 9 answers · asked by THA 5

i saw this show A HAUNTING on the discovery channel and it looks pretty real they even did a special with a musicians hauntings and it seems true so.................

if exorcisms exist

then it is true that devils and demons do exist which means JEsus and God exists as well


2007-11-25 05:09:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do maure athiests celebrate Christmas?


2007-11-25 05:06:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because the Bible says so? If God doesn't exist, then the Bible can't be the word of God. So your logic is flawed - circular at best.

2007-11-25 05:04:57 · 11 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

I am not a Salvationist and I would like to go to an army meeting even though I do not have a uniform.

2007-11-25 05:04:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-25 05:00:42 · 12 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

2007-11-25 04:59:59 · 7 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

2007-11-25 04:59:28 · 7 answers · asked by realchurchhistorian 4

I wouldn't want to dedicate my whole life for him, to live by his rules, do what he says all the time. Does anyone agree with me?

2007-11-25 04:55:33 · 16 answers · asked by mannzaformulaone 3

how would you feel if they got away with it and were never caught. is it so hard to believe that after this life they will face God and be judged, they wont get away with such things, would you hope this to be true in this situation?

and do you accept that the atheist faith, is faith that God doesn't exist which still renders it a faith of some sort?

im looking for serious answers, i hope you atheists can be maure about this.

2007-11-25 04:53:15 · 44 answers · asked by mg© - anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life 6

I have read this over and over on this site. I am not a catholic anymore and when I left the church I headed to other churches and the catholic church is the only one to be compaired to the antichirst.

2007-11-25 04:53:08 · 14 answers · asked by mairszee 3

2007-11-25 04:52:44 · 14 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

then, when we marry, we can argue about money and child-rearing like a normal couple...

2007-11-25 04:52:43 · 10 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

You know how everyone says that being Gay is a sin? It's an unnatural way to love and that it's caused by the Satan...

Well, I'm Gay and I didn't choose to become it. I find it really prejudice when people hate me because of my lust, I cannot help it and I want people to know that it isn't a choice, it's given to you when you're born.

How about a straight person forced to do it with another of the same gender, would you like that? No. Then stop telling Gays to be straight, it's impossible. I feel saddened when people tell gays that they're "damaging youth" by protesting. How about a straight person being yelled and descriminated at when they talk about loving the opposite gender.

Think about it. It's really unfair to the Homosexuals that we have to be descriminated at for being different, forced that way.

2007-11-25 04:51:57 · 16 answers · asked by J J 1

Whats the best way for a Christian to stay focused on in (fast paced) society. Any verses or passages you use (from the bible) would be of great help.

2007-11-25 04:47:13 · 8 answers · asked by Robin Goodfellow 2

I've seen her screw up so many times on Montel's show...

2007-11-25 04:46:43 · 14 answers · asked by Don Ciesio 2

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