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Religion & Spirituality - 25 November 2007

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Just because i believe one way and you believe another way does that give you the right to call me names and put me down?

2007-11-25 09:16:02 · 24 answers · asked by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7

It's on my left leg, just below my knee.

2007-11-25 09:15:17 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

LONDON (Reuters) - Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, leader of the world's Anglicans, has launched an attack on the United States, saying it has lost the high moral ground since the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Asked in an interview with the Muslim lifestyle magazine Emel, if he thought the United States had lost the high moral ground since the 9/11 attacks, he replied "Yes."

I am not sure I believe why the Archbishop states we have lost our Moral Ground but I know we have lost it and that is why you see the USA in a fierce struggle with the Un-godly
And you?

2007-11-25 09:12:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The God Delusion, biologist Richard Dawkins entertains another possibility of reason for life on earth, inspired by work in astronomy and physics.

Suppose, Dawkins says, the universe contains a billion billion planets (a conservative estimate, he says), then the chances that life will arise on one of them is not really so remarkable.

Furthermore, if, as some physicists say, our universe is just one of many, and each universe contained a billion billion planets, then it's nearly a certainty that life will arise on at least one of them. Life is a chance. God did not help at all for there is no proof there is a God.

2007-11-25 09:10:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-25 09:07:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Question: Do you think religious/delusional people should be made fun of at every opportunity?
I do.
Shame is a powerful tool. Ask any psychologist.
I think, every single chance we get, we should make fun of them mercilessly for being the stupid and ridiculous sheep that they are. I think we should point out every flaw in their stupid stories and books. I think we should never let up on them. They should continuously be told how ridiculous their beliefs are. We should take every opportunity to interject a little reality into their existence. We need to take back our planet. Let's make them the minority.
I look forward to a day when people who profess a belief in an imaginary deity are looked at like the village idiot who runs around town shouting that the world is flat.
I'll say again what I keep repeating here: Ignorance and fear will NOT survive intelligence and truth...

2007-11-25 09:06:05 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this weird or what?
My understanding is that a large number of adults in this country actually believe that !

2007-11-25 09:04:52 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is no longer 1 day in 7 that we worship God (as it was under the law), it's every day. Every day is the day of salvation, every day we should read the Word, every day we should remember the bountiful blessings God has poured out for us in Christ and the good things we enjoy each day. God's mercies are new every morning, not just Saturday. Our entire life is to be a living sacrifice, not just on Sundays. This is the whole problem which people living under the law couldn't understand - not which day of the week you go to church.

2007-11-25 09:04:45 · 5 answers · asked by Gruntled Employee 6

Would it be "Does God exist?" or do you consider that a wasted question since you know the answer already?

2007-11-25 09:00:28 · 22 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

ATTENTION: Please read my other question before answering this one:


So how would the relationship between science and religion today be if the early church did not ostracize its members who first thought of the universe? Do you think that the current concept of God would be different? For example, not to think of God as a person, but as a state or a term to describe the collective acceptance to what the universe is and lifes roles in it. I think, there would still be religion, but I can't really say what type of religion there would be. Perhaps everyone would be Wiccan. Perhaps everyone would think of nature as being in control, and not humans being in control of nature. Perhaps if the church of the past didn't shun those early religious scientist there would be only one religion and no atheists.

Please elaborate.

2007-11-25 09:00:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Colossians 1:15-18 KJV. have a few questions for you. Who is your prophet? Did the Jehovah's Witnesses predict that the Battle of Armageddon would be fought in 1914, followed by the end of the world? Did, in 1954, J.W. president Frederick Franz become exposed as a fraud as the most learned Hebrew scholar? Under oath in a court of law, he proved incapable of handling even the most basic Hebrew. Is Jesus God? Did Jesus' death accomplish everything needed to save us? Why is the NWT not recognized by Greek and Hebrew scholars? Is salvation received by faith? (Titus 3:5), Eph. 2:8-9. ) Is Christ God? (John 5:18, and John 20:28) Is the Holy Spirit God? (Acts 5:3) Do you recognize the KJV or the 1901 American Standard Bible?

2007-11-25 08:59:40 · 8 answers · asked by Brad 1

It's usually quiet and boring.

2007-11-25 08:52:54 · 8 answers · asked by Dirk Johnson 5

When one reads the new testament it was stated even by the one they refer to a Jesus Christ either your one of his followers or not, there wasn't any middle choices, which one have you chosen? Thanks for your answers and have a fine day!

2007-11-25 08:35:14 · 26 answers · asked by S.O.S. 5

I quit going because I'm tired of Christians at church letting me down.

2007-11-25 08:32:08 · 22 answers · asked by Dirk Johnson 5

I just find it laughable when posters, like Scourge and friends, come over to spout a bunch of mindless, neurotic drivel with those big $3 words in such a dissenting tone in order to fulfill that need to say what they know to be false but so badly want to be true so they can continue living among the many followers in this world plagued with moral relativism. Any takers?

2007-11-25 08:26:42 · 52 answers · asked by playdeaux 3

Anything that divides people can cause hostility and is religion one such cause?

2007-11-25 08:26:21 · 12 answers · asked by emafaruk 1

I Cant find my Vision Card abd I really ,really need it!!!!! I have been searching for a week and half. Can anybody tell me where it is? PLEASE!!!

2007-11-25 08:24:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do we believe the words of men only when it's what we want to hear? I see people use web links in the answers that they give like that's the real truth, somebody wrote it! People argue about what's written in the Bible because it was written by man, and for you Christians yes it was written by man even if inspired by God.

I believe everyone has a right to their own beliefs.

I am not a Christian and have no religious affilates. I do believe in God, His Holy Word and His Son Jesus Christ, because my beliefs are based upon what man has written that I choose to accept as true. Not because man wrote it and I believe what was written, but because my soul (the thing inside of me that makes me different from anybody else) tells me that the Word of God is the truth. I don't care what others believe and no amount of man written words will change what I believe. Each of us must choose what to believe for ourselves. Make your choice based on what you believe. I am a believer, are you?

2007-11-25 08:23:46 · 8 answers · asked by Getsaved 4

In my school, one of the teachers teahes a unit on what Islam is becuase he thinks it will help us realize Muslims aren't crazy evil terrorists. I started thinking about all the religions people don't know about or understand, like Wicca, Satanism, Hinduism, etc. Do you think briefly explaining TRUTHFULLY what these religions are in school could help, even a little? Note that I don't mean teaching and trying to convert, just explaining them.

2007-11-25 08:22:25 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why did he believe everyone he met was a pilgrim?

2007-11-25 08:20:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

As per a HADITH of PROPHET MUHAMMAD(P.B.U.H) narrated by one of HIS (P.B.U.H) companions, "After creating PROPHET ADAM(P.B.U.H), ALLAH stroked HIS(P.B.U.H) back. So all the souls that were due to be born in HIS(P.B.U.H) progeny until the DAY OF JUDGEMENT, came out of HIS (P.B.U.H) back. PROPHET ADAM(P.B.U.H) asked: 'O LORD! who are they?' ALLAH replied: 'Your Progeny.' PROPHET ADAM(P.B.U.H) found in them poor as well as wealthy, some looked healthy while some looked sick, some looked happy while some looked sad. HE(P.B.U.H) was seeing them in the conditions they would be living under on their life on earth. PROPHET ADAM(P.B.U.H) then said 'OH ALLAH! If you could have made them alike and similar?" To this ALLAH replied 'I LIKED TO BE THANKED'.

2007-11-25 08:18:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-25 08:17:45 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean specifically in Lutheran, Catholic, and/or Anglican churches. Meaning no disrespect to others, this is a question of considerable importance to me at the moment, and so I need to focus on answers based on a sacramental understanding of Holy Communion and belief in the Real Presence.

I'm especially looking for online info, since I'd like to be able to pull some research together quickly; but book recommendations are welcome as well.

As always, I do not welcome answers that are merely using my question as a platform for anti-sacramental or anti-Catholic statements.

2007-11-25 08:14:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous Lutheran 6

Think about is, Nature is the reason for the Universe and everything around us, if you're an Atheist, and God is if you're a Theist, so why can't God=Nature. Is their a belief system based of this elementary theory that Nature, which is everything and everyone, is the same as God?

2007-11-25 08:13:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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